case as new arrivals we were eligible to pay reduced tax for immovable property, but were given this privilege only in 1994,
short time before we left for Canada. In spite of the law that new immigrants do not pay taxes I was forced to pay taxes
from money I earned playing concerts. Ministry of Taxation and Revenues has also submitted us an application form for
paying taxes as if we had an enterprise and refused to pay taxes. This form was submitted to us not from Tel-Aviv, as
normally was practiced, but from Jerusalem - as if I was a special person. There were other examples of such taxation.
(Examples of such bills were presented to the commissioners).
3. We had to pay fines for things we did not do and for violations we never committed.
Supporting documents are enclosed (see Supplements, Documents #53,54).
C). Draft Board has submitted me orders to appear sometimes every several days. I know that the compulsory military
service for people of my age, who never were in the army in any country before, was not practicing. I do not think that they
had intentions to take me to the army anyway. But they called me to appear there so often that it distorted my whole life
and became an obstacle for work or social activity. I had also to spend a lot of money for bus tickets to appear at draft
board, at Tel-ha-Shomer. They also refused to give me a permission to leave the country during more then 3 years.
Supporting documents are enclosed (see Supplements, Documents #55). They were also presented to the
D). I could not say that the whole issue with my wife's eternal passport ("Tehudat Zehut") - during the refugee hearing
was a well-coordinated with the Israeli side provocation (conspiracy) only because I have no material proof. But there are
a lot of coincidences and indications in favor of such a suggestion. When (first I, and later my wife) we were given
"Tehudat Zehuts", clerks told us that this document is the property of Israeli government and do not has to be shown to
any foreigner or taken abroad. I knew many other Russian-speaking people who were told the same. Even Mrs. Malka, the
immigration officer, has to recognize the existence of this regulation (please, listen to immigration hearings tapes, the last
hearing), but she suggested that (as some of Russian speaking people did) we had to violate the law and to bring
(smuggle!) our "Tehudat Zehuts" to Canada illegally!
When the day of our departure from Israel came, we had completely forgotten about this regulation, and our "Tehudat
Zehuts" among other papers were taken to airport. That happened because for us it was a tremendous moment. (Only a
person with sick imagination could suggest that a family like ours could take a hard decision to fly a country where we
(nominally, but...) were citizens and spent more then 3 years just because of economic reasons or "exaggerations"). Car, in
which I was with my friend Igor Puchinsky (my family went to airport in another car before me) was stopped at the military
post by a solder - a Moroccan origin. He told us to get out from the car and to show our identities. I had only my foreign
passport (my "Tehudat Zehut" was with my wife). He began to shout on me and threaten me by an arrest "because I had
no Israeli ID". He claimed that the foreign passport is considered in Israel as a document for departure only and does not
recognized as an ID. He told that a real ID is only "Tehudat Zehut", which is not permitted to be taken abroad. And he
said that he suspect me in an attempt to smuggle my "Tehudat Zehut" abroad. May be my friend Mr. Puchinski's
respectability, may be the intervention of the officer- an European origin, helped, but I was released. This incident
reminded us that we still have "Tehudat Zehuts" with us. From another hand, even if we had an intention to smuggle
them, we were too much afraid, and we destroyed them in airport.
This I told Mrs. Malka during our last immigration hearing.
(Any one, who had a chance to hold in hands an Israeli "internal passport" ("tehudat zehut") had a chance to notice that
there are not one but two nationality-related marks in it: one is the brutal disclosure of the genetically-related information
about a person, another one mentions his country of origin. Even if Mrs. Malka or her parents do not possess one, she
held Israeli passports of refugee claimants in her hands - and knows that. It is also obvious that Israeli regulations oblige
people to carry "tehudat zehuts" everywhere with them. It was understandable from the context of our immigration claim
and even more clear from the context of the discussions during the hearings that not the first (genetically-related) mark in
"tehudat zehuts" but the second one (the country of origin) actually corresponds to the described by us events. Artificially
replacing the first by the second one Mrs. Malka already used a non-conventional, unacceptable "method". But she
committed even more severe violations in this question by other methods - as I explain in next documents).
I do not know if there were precedents of contacts between IRB and the Israeli embassy when the similar issue was
raised, but I could name dozens of examples when this issue was raised during immigration hearings, and no requests
were sent to the Israeli embassy. Anyway, this is such a rare and exceptional measure that only an exceptional need could