Then, the paragraphs #4 and #5 on page 3 deny rights to enter any country as a refugee to any person if he escaped from Israel. It means
that these paragraphs deny not just my personal right to escape from Israel (in other words, I must live in Israel forever!), but disputes that
right in principle. Formally speaking about me that paragraph's meaning is actually depersonalized. It claims that all immigrants from the
former USSR in Israel were bought by Israeli government as any other property, and now belong to Israel forever. So, can a property
escape? There is no other reasonable explanation of these paragraphs' sense. ("Demanders declared that they flied from Israel to claim a
refugee status in Canada after a series of incidents, which victims they were. But the tribunal denies them the credibility [...] because [...] this
family immigrated to Israel [...] according to the Law of Return" and because Israel paid for their "free transportation, free medical insurance,
and also gave them a certain amount of money, citizenship and other benefits"). Anyway, these two paragraphs have nothing what to do
with our claim! Mrs. Malka also mentions the Law of Return here. That Law of Return is a declaration, which was made when Israel was
founded in 1948. Israelis can call it "the main rule of the country" or whatever they want but it is what it actually is: Just a proclamation.
Since Israel has no constitution the Law of Return and some other laws like it are still there to calm down people who demand the creation
of Constitution. But as in former USSR between constitution and real life there were thousands of executive laws, which could just abolish
what the constitution said. There are customs, official religious code and thousands of other laws between the Law of Return and the real
life in Israel. And Mrs. Malka knows it! The paragraph #5 on page 3 just shows how far away from the real life is the Law of Return, which
was created almost 50 years ago and named here as an "evidence". Mrs. Malka gives an extract from that law, which says that the medical
insurance in Israel is free, but that isn't correct! I can show the receipts for the money that we paid for the medical insurance since our first
day in Israel, because it isn't free any more! The language course is not completely free any more! And not the whole way to Israel is free!(I
can show you the tickets). These are not just mistakes. The whole attitude is wrong (or false, or the first and the second in the same time).
So, how can be reliable a document that contains so many mistakes and falsifications? Let us point also that these two paragraphs are
absolutely illegal from the juridical point of view. Our material situation wasn't mentioned nor in our claim, nor during our hearings. We
described persecutions against us, not our financial situation. May be Mrs. Malka had to compose a report for American Jewish
organizations to show where their money is going. Then this decision is not about our status, and has no juridical power!
The next paragraph looks nice, but somehow avoid quitting. Why? I think, I know, why. I know the document and place in that document the
last paragraph on page 3 refers to... Let me show you what it about. It declares that 80% of Israel population is mobilized to welcome new
immigrants from the former USSR. Isn't it sound strange? It's hard to believe that such a ridiculous sentence can be a part of any juridical
document! Let's admit also that this particular fragment is the beloved fragment of Mr. La Salle, a commissioner who was recently accused
of partiality towards refugee claimants from Israel. He used this paragraph in probably all negative decisions he composed. (He made
practically no positive decisions in refugees from Israel cases). For example, Mr. La Salle used that "evidence" in his responds to Zilber and
Buyanovsky's claims. (Page 6 in a response to G. Buyanovsky and p.3 in a response to family Z. claim) Let's to abstract from its complete
nonsense and suppose it reflects something from Israel's life and reality, and reflects the mentality of Israelis (Mrs. Malka's intention to
choose this particular extract, and not another one, reflects her national identity as Israeli). If Israel is a country like other countries, like
Canada, so how it comes that "80% of Israeli population" can be "mobilized" to "welcome new immigrants"? How people can be "mobilized"
(or, probably, ordered) to "sponsor immigrants" and to help them by "giving money, closes and furniture" (p.3, 5-th line of Mr.La Sall's
response to family Z. claim). May be something is wrong in a country where population can be "mobilized"? May be, our troubles have been
erupted exactly because people in such a country have to be "mobilized" to welcome new immigrants?And then - how those figures, 80% of
Israeli population, can be understood? Were they been called (to a draft board, to Mossad?) to get an order to "welcome new immigrants"
and were counted one by one? And what about the other 20%? We don't know anything about that "mobilization". But we know that the
Israeli population (and the Hebrew media employees in particular) was mobilized to abuse, assault, disgrace and to discriminate new
immigrants from the former USSR. If the Canadian Ministry of Immigration was not on one side it could employ 2-3 translators and send
them in a library to translate Hebrew newspapers for last 6 years. Thousands of racists, xenophobic articles, which encourage aggressive
actions against Russian-speaking people and teach to treat them with malicious anger, could be found. That is the real "mobilization". By
the way, if we began to speak about Mr. La Salle, his personality may be the best illustration of who stands behind the total injustice
towards us. He is a permanent director of the Informative Committee Canada-Israel, an organization that may be considered as a shadow
structure of Israeli government. Allegations that Mr. Salle systematically treats the Russian-speaking refugees from Israel with partiality
were expressed several times. In 1996 Federal Court indirectly recognized that. Despite of that Mrs. Lucienne Robillard - Canadian Minister
of Immigration - gave Mr. La Salle a new commissioner's mandate (for the next term). 52% of refugee claimants from Israel obtained their
refugee status in 1994-95.On hearings with Mr. La Salle it is 0(%). In 1997 Mr. Jacques La Salle was accused in partiality towards refugees
from Israel, and his involvement in their cases was terminated* (see comments). However, his mandate wasn't terminated in general. How
can it happen in a country, which is not a province of Israel, but an independent state?