policeman who get a fine because of his refusal to help an Arab as an "evidence" looks like a clowned.
It was clear for the tribunal that it's impossible to avoid comments about the total ignorance of the whole documentation, which we
presented. It was clear that something must be said. This is why the next paragraph was composed to say just anything about that and was
designed to say nothing in particular. The tribunal claims that all our documents were rejected because its members took into consideration
only "absolutely reliable" documents. And it looks like there were no such documents among these we presented... In reality documents like
the letter from the Minister of Culture Mr. Amnon Rubinschtein, which shows that persecutions against me weren't just a chain of
coincidences, Amnesty International's confirmation, Lev Ginsburg's affidavit, receipts of my letters to police and other organizations, other
official papers can not be considered as "reliable" or "not reliable". Another thing is that their existence may be recognized or not
recognized. The tribunal chosen the second way: to ignore them. It's your choice now to decide if that happened as the result of the
tribunal's partiality. But we ask you to read over the paragraph #4 on page 3 of the decision where the tribunal rejects in advance even the
possibility of existence of such a category of refugees as "refugees from Israel". How could you expect then another attitude to any
documents from a tribunal, which refuse to recognize refugees from Israel in principle? On the other hand that tribunal's ability to
distinguish between "reliable" and "non-reliable" documents is reflected in documents they chosen themselves to support their point of
view: one of them is incompetent when it speaks about Israel , another one has "0" credibility because it was presented during the hearing
as an independent source, and in reality is the voice of Israeli government (Mr. Charansky's affidavit), and the 3-rd can proof nothing
because it is a part of the declaration of the state of Israel (the Law of Return), and nothing more.
The suggestion that my wife refused to collaborate with the tribunal is a pure lie what can be heard on the tapes from the hearings.
And the ignorance of the medical documents is the thing from the same category.
Please, believe us that our lives were in a real danger in Israel and that this danger just increased since we came to Canada. We were
threatened from Israel even here, and we presented the proof. Please, save our souls!
Lev Gunin
From Family Gunin, Montreal, November, 1998
Dear Friends!
Please, try to treat this letter as an unusual appeal, not just a desperate cry for help and justice.
In October 1998, the Federal Court of Canada issued a second decision in family GUNIN's appeal. (The 1-st one was positive). That tragic
decision resumed our refugee claim, which took 4 years of our lives.
Let us make a brief description of events, which took place before that sad date.
The head of the family, Lev GUNIN, as all members of the family, was born in Bobruisk, Belarus, ex-USSR. Senseless, ridiculous
coincidences in 1971-72 turned him, a secondary school student, young composer, and advance piano player, into a person, persecuted by
Soviet authorities. They tried to prevent him from entering collegial university studies; however, his persistence and a lucky miracle broke
that wishes circle, and he received first collegial, and then university degrees in music. In spite of that, L. GUNIN could not build a
successful composer's carrier because of persecutions. In the same time, he played a specific role in ex-USSR, Belarus, and other
countries' cultural life. He's the author of novels, stories, poetry, contemporary and electronic music, works in history, essays, musicology,
music history, philosophy, etc. His articles were published in a number of newspapers all over the world.
In 1979-1986, Lev became an object of wide humiliations. He was beaten by somebody, who has links with militia (police) and KGB. The
authorities stood up in defense of the attackers. They persecuted L. GUNIN even more for bringing the attacker to trial. In another incident
he and his brother - they were hunted by two well-coordinated groups: mobsters, and a gang of youngsters. "Hunters" were also leaded by
militia (police). Later brothers GUNIN were interrogated by police /KGB men. Lev's brother Vitaly became a victim of secret medical
L. Gunin has multiple links with the cultural elite, famous personalities and dissidents in Moscow, St. - Peterburg (Leningrad), Vilnius,
Warsaw, and Belarus. He also has connections with the Western journalists in Moscow, and with representatives of the governments of the
Western countries.
1980-s. Because of persecutions L. GUNIN's decided to participate in the dissident movement. There are the main directions of his
dissident activities:
1. Participation in Human Rights movement and links with the most famous human rights activists.
2. Membership in underground literacy circles.