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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 165

медицинские советники сказали) не могло быть 2 недели назад, особенно туберкулезноподобных.

9) Посылая меня в Инфекционное Отделение, меня могли подвергнуть контактам с реальными инфицированными.

10) Для выяснения ситуации мне просто должен был быть назначен другой рентген.

11) Я указал ряд причин, почему я не мог бы быть инфицирован TB и предложил, что a), инсинуации Иммиграции не

соответствовали снимку c) имелся дефект пленки, и т.д.

Yours truly,


November 2000 Montreal







www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/inde xX.htm



1. End of 1999-beginning of 2000

2. Manipulation of medical data in political goals - end of 2000


(Lev Gunin is one of the most persecuted people in the world. His family - loving and devoted wife (a true hero), two wonderful

daughters (talented in art and music), and his old mother - became targets of outraged humiliations and abuses).

1. Granting GUNINS the landed immigrants (permanent residency) status, Immigration's officials in spite of that continued

persecutions. The proceeding of the landed immigrant status for Gunins is now frozen.

2. The devastating and tragic impact of Immigration's persecutions on family's social, financial, health, and legal situation.

3. The complete history of GUNINS tragedy: http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGUNIN/appealX.htm

Short description of previous events:

A poet, writer and musical composer, Leo (Lev) GUNIN became a victim of communist authorities' persecutions

in his native Belarus. Even after he was considered as relatively famous and important for 3 cultures (Yiddish,

Polish, and Russian), persecutions never stopped. Because of them he started to be involved in human rights'

activity and became one of the most active dissidents in his native republic. Persecutions destroyed his family,

and his, life, and devastated his professional career. In 1991 the communist authorities forced GUNINS to

accept Israeli visas, abandoned their citizenship - and deported them to Warsaw. There GUNINS were

kidnapped by Israelis (which ruined their plans to move from Warsaw to Germany) - and taken to Israel by force.

Persecutions in Israel were as severe as in ex-USSR. Israeli authorities were refusing them a visa for exit during

3 and a half years. Only with indirect Amnesty International help GUNINS could get free - and left Israel in 1994

for Canada. Almost 6 years after their arrival they are still brutally persecuted by Immigration Canada on request

of Israel and also because of all governments' solidarity...


1. During several months after they were granted the landed immigrants status GUNINS were fighting for

extending their Israeli passports, which Federal Immigration requested (or, - in GUNINS' case - it could be an

alternative documents of citizenship cancellation). Instead of the requested documents they received another

document: a surrogate receipt that their expired passports were confiscated by the consulate and will never

been extended. In giving them such a paper the Israeli consulate demonstrated an unusual human approach

in spite of initiating persecutions in past. Formally such a document is normally accepted by Canadian

Immigration as a routine ground for proceeding landed immigrants papers. However, it is not known yet if it will

be accepted in GUNINS case... In spite of the human approach of Quebec's Immigration (Gunins were already

given Quebec's Certificat de selection du Quebec) Federal Immigration didn't stop humiliations yet. On April 19

Leo GUNIN called Federal Immigration because the money GUNINS ordered for the landed immigrants' status

were never removed. He was told that the procedure of the landed immigrants status for GUNINS was frozen