11903.fb2 ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 166

ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 166

and in doubt because of Leo GUNIN's mother situation. It was clear now that Leo's suggestions that

Immigration's brutal humiliations over his old mother (see the page about a camouflaged attempt to kill his

mother and other outraged developments on Internet:

http://www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo_updte01.html ) were generated as a punishment for him! In reality

his mother's immigration file (she's a spouse of a Canadian citizen and she was also granted a landed

immigrant status and was already given the Certificat de selection du Quebec) has nothing to do with Leo and

his family's file: because they were granted the status in humanitarian appeal. The pretended dependence

between Elisabeth Epstein's (her maiden name) and Leo Gunin's files could sound as an April's joke if a joke

could be compatible with well-known black image of Canadian Immigration. In reality the immigration officer was

given the number of only Leo's file, and if through his file he could accent his mother's situation it means that

the two files were really combined together. If so, this is a violation of all procedural, juridical, immigration and

human rights laws and regulation. In Gunins case Immigration already violated all the most basic Canadian and

international rules. Their whole immigration history sounds as an Israeli and Canadian (Federal Immigration's)

vendetta. But even on top of all these violations and persecutions the sabotage of their landed immigrants status

even after granting it looks sinister and even more outraged. To know for what views and opinions Lev GUNIN

is suffering, go to http://www.total.net/~leog/ - and there choose Human Rights.

2. The devastating and tragic impact of Immigration's persecutions on family's social,

financial, health, and legal situation.

Content in brief:

A. Artificial employment prevention. Social and professional tragedy

B. Financial disaster

C. Health declining

D. Children's suffering

A. There are both objective and subjective reasons why both Leo Gunin and his wife are employed in

minimum wages works with no perspective and no chances to recover from incredible poverty.

Objective reasons are: 1) They have no status in Canada and because of that can not be employed as

professionals 2) Immigration's Canada persecutions require attention, time and excessive attempts to fix the

situation 3) By new and new persecutions Immigration Canada force Leo and Alla to spend the whole time on

paperwork, completing innumerous forms, writing answers, and so on; that is just one of thousands of obstacles

for better employment 4) Gunins are depressed by their immigration situation, they just can not think about

anything else 5) They are not eligible to attend any professional or language course until they have no status in

Canada 6) They are not eligible for any government and other employment assistance 7) Because of the

tremendous financial devastation they have no tools for a sophisticated job search 8) Leo's and Alla's real

employment history (curriculum vitae) in Israel and Canada reflects persecutions and rises potential employers'

questions, which can not be answered - because no employer will hire a persecuted person 9) Their health is

constantly declining; and so on... There are hundreds of other objective reasons.

Subjective reasons are: 1) Some suggestions could tell that Immigration intervenes in Leo's attempts to find a

better work, not recommending his potential employers to hire him 2) Without the status Leo can not get the

license to teach music, can not run his small busyness, can not be employed in his profession 3) When he

once received a request to compose music for a performance - and did it, - he was then rejected because "it is

not possible to have the name of somebody who's not accepted by the state on public place" 4) He once was

admitted to a Jewish choral, but later was refused "because if he could claim a refugee status from Israel, he's

an enemy of Israel"! 5) When the Russian school "Fillipok" (now renamed and called "Gramota") was in a

desperate need of a Russian speaking music teacher - even then Leo was refused on political ground 6)

Russian newspapers in Montreal refuse to publish not just his articles but even his adds; for example,

Info-Bulletin's editor/publisher told him that she lived many years in Israel, and Leo's articles published in

ex-USSR and in Israel with critics of the Israeli human rights situation abused her patriotism: that's why she

refused to place his adds! 7) All potential employers who could hire him as a musician used to say that they

knew or heard about his "anarchism" - and did not want to employ him because of that. When he responded

that he's not an anarchist or terrorist but a human rights activist they said that for them it is just the same 8) Leo