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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 167

are refused even a voluntary performances, even without being paid. Rozhinsky, the organizer of the "Russian

Winter" musical festival, is permanently restricting Leo from the festival because of the political reasons 9) Leo

completed a course of security agents but was refused a license because of his immigration situation 10) Leo

was many times refused employment in computer technology, HTML programming, computer networks or

computer rooms maintenance, programs installation or software testing because he's "a kind of hacker or

terrorist". Nobody never told him where they obtained that referral from. Even such enterprises as Copie

Express refused to employ him! 11) Leo did thousands attempts to find a full time above minimum wage work

and was never hired. He believes that all such persecutions are somehow conducted from Immigration and

from Jewish environment 12) From all newspapers where Leo turned to as a journalist (such as Globe and Mail

- for example) he never received any answer or opinion about submitted articles; they just ignored him! Even

when he tried to reach the newspapers by telephone, he used to be disconnected! 13) Leo is one of probably

10 most important Russian vanguard poets in the world. However, an attempt to publish his book (for his own

money!) of poetry was turned away by a Russian publishing house. In the same time the above mentioned

Rozhinsky, who's not even a poet, rather an amateur on a primitively and law scale, published a book of his

"poetry" without any problem! 14) By suppressing and persecuting such a gifted, talented in many areas person

as Leo Gunin Canada lost an opportunity to use his talents, skills and abilities! Because Leo is a famous,

well-known personality, people will consider about Canada after attitude to him. Inhuman, cruel, humiliative

approach towards Leo and his family will speak by itself.

B. Financial disaster:

Because almost 6 years Gunins were refused the status in Canada, they had to pay more in taxes, pay for

various immigration programs, for employment and student authorization, for immigration lawyers, and so on.

They also were not receiving children allowances and other benefits, which landed immigrants and citizens are

receiving. Because Leo was in reality restricted from his profession (music), journalism and all areas, which

require professional skills, he could work for minimum wage only. The lack of status in Canada is also one of

the main factors in Gunins better employment attempts failure. The family's financial situation is devastating and


C. Health declining:

A number of descriptions of their health problems in result of persecutions can be found from the page

http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/LevGunin/appealX.htm Besides, both Leo and Alla have a kind of depression,

caused by the status in Canada denial and other persecutions. D. Children suffering: The children (13 and 14

years old) suffer from the same reasons as the adults. They afraid of their unstable situation, afraid of bringing in

the post because there could be a punishing message from Immigration. They are very suppressed or even

depressed. They feel like they are not like other children but excluded from the normal society. They also

complex and feel uneasy about their poverty. They feel deprived and discriminated because other children can

visit a cafe or McDonald, or a cinema, or their parents have cars, and so on. Because the children understand

that their poverty is much related to persecutions they feel unprotected and threatened. Several times

Immigration threatened the children that they will be expelled from school. Marta is a talented ballerina. She

participated in movies, in dozens of ballet and theatre performances, she also writes poetry and prose, and

she's a painter. She's also a gifted viola player. However, she has no rights to study, and her parents must pay

for any official ballet studies several times more then if they were landed immigrants or citizens, what is

impossible. No sponsor will give money for a child without the status. On television and in movies, where Marta

participated, she was always on the back - probably because of the same reason. Ina is a gifted piano player,

each year she's passing exams at university with the best remarks. She's also composes and arranges music,

she's a good music theoretician, a choral singer, plays also flute, writes poetry and prose. Ina has participated in

dozens of cultural events and performances as a member of one of the best tremble chorales in the world, as a

piano player, was on television and took one of the awards as a piano player on young piano players' festival. In

the same time she has no piano (!) - because Immigration is sacking all financial resources away from the

family! And because her parents are persecuted and deprived.

That text was prepared by Lushin Valery Stepanovich

From Lev GUNIN