suspicious shadow, no abnormalities - and (as my medical advisers told) could not be 2 weeks before, especially tuberculosis-like
shadows. 8) By sending me to the Infectious Disease Unit they might expose me to contacts with real infected carriers. 9) Merely
another x-ray should be initiated before doing anything else.
10) I gave a number of reasons why I could not be infected by TB and made a suggestion that a) my x-ray photo was replaced by
somebody else or b) Immigration's insinuations did not match the photo.
On November 17 CDL MED LAB submitted me a receipt by fax pretending that I must pay for a blood test for syphilis, which they
pretended I could do on October 31 2000 only at their site. However, I never did that test and even never was at CDL MED. On
November 20 I received an (anonymous) call from Immigration and was accused of conceiving the fact that I was infected by aids
when entered Canada! In response I have submitted a request by fax to the Reddy Memorial Hospital archive and telephoned there
many times to receive copies of my blood and x-ray tests but there is still no answer. On November 28, 2000 Immigration ruled that
there is a doubt that the x-ray from November 14 is mine. However, they received an original document from Clark LAB and had no
legal rights to doubt it! They also pretended that not me but another person did this x-ray instead of me. However, the x-ray was
covered by my medical card, which has my photo on it! Besides, Immigration is not a criminal court and has no power to make
criminal verdicts. They are in a pure rage! They demanded the original of the x-ray made in Clark LAB (meanwhile, it is possible that
Immigration informed MCI that the x-ray from November 1 was lost!). Further they insist that I must be referred to the chest specialist
Rights of our children are severely violated. This is the seventh year they live in Canada without the status of residents. Their very
basic, essential rights, and everyday life are affected! If what my advisors told me is true, this situation also violates international
standards and Canadian laws: because children should not be deprived the landed immigrants status after 5 years and should not
be left completely without any citizenship/residency papers. (Our children have no passports or even travel documents of any state).
Ungrounded and illegal bureaucratic policy to keep us further in a limbo, in the frames of social, financial, professional, and legal
devastation and deprivation is inadmissible. The everyday fear of deportation has already destroyed us. Because of that and many
other situational, administrative, psychological, and etc. troubles and inconveniences, and intensive Immigration's pressure, we are
destroyed, our lives are already ruined! Please, HELP!!!
Demands in family GUNINS case:
1. We need a clear answer in writing if Immigration received our police clearings. And if not - a) why; b) what must be done now.
2. If the medical exams were affirmatively required for all family members - why Immigration did not initiated them for all family
members six months ago? We also need an assurance in writing that Ina will not be required to do medical examination.
3. We would like any other artificial delays in our case proceeding to be stopped. We also have right to know who is in charge of our
4. If we will not be given the status of landed immigrants immediately, Immigration officials will completely destroy us.
5. A criminal investigation must be initiated on the manipulation of the medical data.
Demands in Elisabetha GUNIN (Epstein) case:
There is only one demand: she must be given her landed immigrant papers immediately and unconditionally.
Yours truly,
Lev GUNIN November 14 2000 Montreal
Manipulation of medical data for political persecutions is the end of the civilized society
- December 2000
1. Short descriptions of events - end of 1999 - beginning of 2000
2. Lev GUNIN - "The Source Of Our Problems"
2. List of documents
3. The whole immigration story
4. Other English publications on Internet about persecution of family GUNIN
To Human Rights Organizations
(AI, HRW, UNHRC, etc.)
December, 2000. Montreal, QUEBEC