From Lev GUNIN Full immigration story: http://www.total.net/~leog/Righs/LevGunin/indexX.htm
former refugee claimant
(address, tel. 514-49-1294, leog@total,net) December 6 2000
Dear Sir or Lady!
The most unpleasant thing is that in a country where there no concentration camps and common tortures nobody believes you.
Nobody believes that what happens to you - happens. That's why it's even harder to stand our troubles.
1. Let me mention briefly the source of our problems: I was a human-rights activist, former Soviet dissident (which led to deportation
from my native Belarus to Poland). From there my family and I were taken against our will to Israel. In Canada we filed a refugee
claim. Since 1994 we do not have normal life. We have problems.
Usage (against us) of contrived medical data to manipulate and prolong our vulnerable situation is one of them.
Theoretically falsification and manipulation of medical data can lead to a forcible treatment from diseases, which
we do not have (it could be lethal).
2. Now we are more then 6 years in a limbo, administrative mayhem and ultra-vulnerable state.
However, in spite of human rights deniers in IRB and other departments, pro-Israeli lobby (with their people in Immigration), personal
contribution of Immigration officer Mrs. Udith Malka in damaging our situation, we received a positive decision. (In response to our
humanitarian appeal 1+ (one+) year ago). Since then opponents to this decision made many attempts to reverse it and make our life
unbearable. We are still without any status, facing excessive hardship.
(a). Even at routine immigration procedures we are a target of mockery, stalling tactics and humiliation (see Document 8).
(b). Unnecessary personal expensive medical exams and blatant manipulation of medical data (Doc. 1-23), delays in issuing and
short terms of validity of employment and student authorizations, punitive and threatening anonymous calls and letters (Doc. 1-6,
specifically - 16). Excessive "totalitarian" secrecy and anonymity when Immigration is dealing with us (Doc. 10a, 13a, 1, 14, 15, etc.)
(c). After two (2) years we have no clear answer about our police certificate clearance in spite of confirmation from the Israeli
(d). More than half a year ago IMS officials refused us ruling and forms for medical examination for all family members assuring us
that only my wife must do them. Now in contradiction they ordered them for my younger daughter and me (omitting my older
daughter). When the last medical exams must finish, the validity of my wife's exams will expire (Doc. 2, 19, 20). Also my mother's file
was illegally attached to ours to put us in dependence of her situation (Doc. 1, 4, 6).
(e). My mother's case. 1994: W. Brzezinska, M.D. for Immigration, makes an insincere report (Doc. 7a, 4b, 7b) about my mother's
health (eventual (!) development of cardiac and kidney insufficiency). (My mother told her that she was born with heart
augmentation). Nov. 1999: an immigration officer (M-me Roy), not a M.D. illegally intervenes in evaluation of the medical matters,
makes a decision based on it (Doc. 7a,7b). However, she quickly replaces that decision - recognizing my mother's marriage. In
violation of the marriage interview stage requirements IMS release a negative decision before med. exams (Doc. 7a). 2000: an entire
year of mockery, ungrounded orders for innumerable additional tests and exams, punitive threatening letters and calls. Goals: a) to
damage my mother's heath, b) clear dr. Brzezinska and M-me Roy (Doc. 14 -17). For two months after her "medical saga"
Immigration was refusing to give any answer/explanation. Now (Dec.) IMS made a final negative ruling, based on Mrs. Bezezinska's
insinuation in spite of new contradicting to it results and medical opinions (anatomy, not pathology). (Also dr. Brzezinska never in 5
years sent my mother for cardiac or kidney tests, or to cardiologist/urologist, and never prescribed her any medication for
heart/kidney problems). It is outraged that the whole year IMS was evaluating not actual but eventual health problems - and
confirmed initial inhuman decision! (Doc. 25). If the horrible diagnosis (Doc. 25a), with which they crucified my mother, were correct,
how could she live a normal life all 6 years without medications and cardiologist? If my mother's heath declined after one year of
humiliations - Immigration officials must be fully responsible for that. This is what they did it to punish me!
Actions to influence or even administratively invade medical institutions and personnel for extorting false medical reports, creation of
false medical documents were committed in both my mother's and my cases. Tricks with my x-ray, delivery of receipts or calls for
tests I've never done, other manipulations are threat to my own heath or even life! (Doc. 1-7, 9-25). Our children are tremendously
suffering from that situation as well as from artificial delays in extension of their student authorizations and other essential papers.
My wife and my mother became suicidal, nervous and suffering from depression.
I never received any answer to my letter to the Minister of Immigration (Nov. 1-6 2000) and to Immigration Complain Board (Nov. 30).
4. In spite of persecutions we have contributed to Canadian society as much as we could. We had no conflicts in civil life. We
worked. We have accommodated in spite of artificial obstacles - thanks to ordinary Canadians. Even in Federal Immigration some