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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 173

description about the source of my problems. It is crucial for understanding the mechanism

behind the persecutions.

Document 5:

Fifth is a copy of a complaint made to Montreal Chest Institute.

Document 6:

A wider description of events, with more astonishing and outraged details. This document is

not enclosed but available on Internet: {www.interlog.com/~syedma/dstand/leo201127.html}

Document 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d:

M-me Roy's rulings: illegal intervention into medical matters by non-medic, violation of the

procedural requirements of the marriage interview stage, prejudicial ruling of IMS before my

mother's medical exams for the landed immigrant status.

Document 8:

Complaint to Immigration about extension's of employment authorization sabotage from May

15 2000.

Document 9:

Resume of my visit to MCI December 4 2000.

Document 10-a

The anonymous letter from MCI mentioned in Documents 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Document 10-b:

another letter (one page) demanding a donation to the Royal Victoria Hospital was included in

the same envelope as the "TB letter".

Document 11

An order-receipt (payment) to pay for the blood test for syphilis, which was never done.

Another document (Document 12) shows that dr. Giannalis uses this laboratory to evaluate

test samples, taken at his office. The blood test for syphilis was not required by Immigration in

my case. It was also mentioned that a patient must only appear for this test in the CDL

Laboratories, in other words samples taken outside CDL Lab are not admitting for evaluation

for syphilis.

Document 12

Strum creatinine test's form from CDL Lab form for my mother. The test was ordered by dr.

Giannakis on Immigration's request and the result was: in norm.

Document 13-a

Front page of the IMS ruling from November 23 letter (received on November 28).

Corresponds to Document 3. Also was mentioned in Documents 1, 4, 6. Document 13-b is the

text of the internal part of the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

Document 14-a

Ruling from IMS to my mother, Elisabetha Epstein from January 17 2000. This document is

anonymous, no names, telephone numbers. Document 14-b is the text of the internal part of

the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

Document 15-a

Ruling from IMS to my mother, Elisabetha Epstein from June 30 2000. This document is

anonymous, no names, telephone numbers. Document 15-b is the text of the internal part of

the same ruling, addressing to dr. Giannakis.

Document 15 plus

September 2000 - letter from IMS ordering another urine test and then a visit to an urologist.

Document 16

An offensive letter from my mother's new immigration officer from September 18 2000.

Document 17

My mother's, Elisabetha Epstein, response (September 20 2000) to an offensive letter from

Immigration (see Document 16).

Document 18