(In the negative decision our refugee
claim description was severely
distorted; document includes such
direct and indirect statements as a)
nothing bad could happen in such a
beautiful country like Israel, b) people
who were taken to Israel for
Sochnut's expense are property of
Israel, c) people who refused to
change their believes and opinions
are guilty on persecutions themselves
because provoked them c) no
minimum of confidence). January
- Federal Court closing our case on a
ridiculous ground of Immigration's "no
minimal confidence" ruling.
January 2000
- positive decision in response to our
humanitarian appeal.
March 2000
an interview lead to the Certificat de
selectione du Quebec issuing by
Quebec's Immigration
March 2000
bureaucratic humiliation and blatant
manipulation of medical data by
Federal Immigration starts to torpid
the completion of the case
Chronology in
Elisabetha GUNIN (Epstein's)
refugee claim + Wanda Brzezinska,
M.D. makes a false report (see Doc.
4b, 7a, 7b).
March 1997
refugee claim rejected.
January 1998
- Federal Court closing our case on a
ridiculous ground of Immigration's "no
minimal confidence" ruling.
November 1998
marriages a Canadian citizen
November 22 1999
my mother's marriage interview.
Nov. 23, Madame Helene ROY
replaces the initiative negative
decision, based on "medical
concerns" (dr. Brzezinska's rapport),