The State of Israel has no moral rights to be a representative of the former genocide (Holocaust) victims also because the Israeli regime itself is guilty in Palestinian and Russian genocide (see MORE).
Israel as a successor of the Jewish North American and Zionist Jewish politicians of the 1930-s must pay a huge contribution to the victims of Holocaust and their descendants because shares responsibility for the genocide of European Jews. Since the 30-s there was a tendency to wish elimination of European Ashkenazi Jews. North American Jews, Zionists and some Sephardic leaders treated European Jews as degraded and wanted them out of the picture. Zionist leaders did not hide their sympathy to the Nazis because they both ideologically were national socialists. Contacts between Palestinian Jewish "Ishuv" leaders - and the top nazi leaders, and between Zionist - and German leadership in 1930-s-40-s is a well-known historical fact. Actually, Zionists were fought on the German side, against Britain. Notes of loyalty of the Ishuv to German Nazis were also well known. By racism, hatred between different ethnical and sub ethnical groups, fascist ideology and nazi laws Israel is a sole political successor of the Nazi Germany. Zionist leaders did not care to hide their joy about the elimination of the "assimilated" European Jews and the conviction that the Zionist homeland must be rebuild, based on the Catastrophe of European Jews. Israeli orthodox religious leaders pointed many times that European Jews were "punished" by genocide "because of assimilation". Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" was translated to Hebrew and became the most popular among "sabras" (Israel-born natives) youths book. Watching movies like the "List of Schindler", young Israeli neo-nazis are applauding the fascist murderers because they adore Nazis for their "strong will" and "no sentiments". (see MORE).
The State of Israel has innumerous anti-Christian, anti-European, anti-Western and anti-capitalist laws and practices. A permanent anti-Christian propaganda presents on all levels of political and everyday life in Israel, and became a part of education, ideology, rules and even laws in Israel. New anti missionary (anti-Christian) legislation goes even further, threatening to punish people for possession of a Christian Bible, a picture of a church, a Christmas Tree or a tape of Christian religious music. Classical pieces with a Christian background like passions or messes were almost completely washed out of the repertoire of the Israeli symphonic orchestras. Composers like R. Wagner or R. Schtraus were actually forbidden in Israel because of the ideological reasons. Christians are severely persecuted in Israel, by the state as well as by the crowd - and have no real police protection. Classical music, European literature, any aspect of European culture became hardly accessible in Israel. The Israeli government initiated a grotesque and barbaric project to destroy all European architecture on Israel's territory. They destroyed and continue destroying old cities of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and other urban centers, where European architectural styles like Bauhaus, Ugendstill, neo-gothic, etc. were dominated or at least highly presented. There are legislation to forbid Christians and "assimilated" ("Russians") to reside in Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other cities. Israeli solders were entering Armenian, Arab, and other churches - and used to open fire "to kill Christians". Israeli government is stalking Muslim and Christian communities by giving licenses to build new mosques beside the churches. Israeli official ideology prefers tolerance towards Islam, but not Christianity. Israel is ruled by so-called Jewish religious laws, a kind of an "iron curtain", which stops any information about the outside world, European culture, Christian traditions, values and historical background. Israeli political and religious circles are encouraging the puppet Palestinian authority to persecute Christians, close Christian churches and make access for holy Christian objects in Palestine difficult for Christian pilgrims. Christians are victims of various assaults in Israel. Israeli propaganda associates Christians with guilt, crimes, and evil. Ideology highly controls all sides of the social life in Israel, allowing "public watchdogs" monitoring what people eat, what they buy, what they read or cook. In Israel you can not open a restaurant, a store or another busyness without the meeting the requirement of the Jewish religion, what means that Christians are discriminated in theirs basic rights. Jewish Extremists are hypocrites when they talk about anti-Semitism because they know very well that Christians and other minorities are discriminated and persecuted in Israel. (see MORE)
Since 1960-s Israeli propaganda machine, Israeli embassy in Moscow,
Sochnut and intelligent services began to provoke Soviet citizens to
immigrate to Israel. Most of the Russian-speaking people were persecuted
and discriminated in Israel even by then. However, close to 1990-s this
tendency has developed in a real "small genocide". In the 1980-s 1990-s
almost 700 thousands people from USSR (and - later - post USSR) were
smartly pushed to Israel by deception, provocation, sometimes by force.
Israelis had plans to turn most of them into servants and slaves to
replace Arabs, who became too dangerous for "sabras" and "vatikim".
"Russians" were deprived of any social or translation assistance. Sochnut
and the Ministry of Absorption (Immigration) only pretended to provide
some assistance, in reality not giving any. "Russian" puppet organizations
like Sharansky's Zionist Forum, etc. were founded by the Israeli government
and provided no real help either. New "Russian" immigrants were left
one on one with the housing agents (mediators) or landlords, employers,
etc. Most of them became victims of indescribable frauds and cheating.
"Russian" immigrants were deprived of real welfare or financial assistance.
They were forced to pay $500 - 600 a months for 2-3 - room neglected,
non renovated apartments, and deprived of the social houses. When hundreds
of thousands of the government-subsidized fresh-constructed apartments
stood empty, thousands of "Russian" families found themselves on the
verge of evictions or homeless in the streets. Under International, Jewish
Diaspora's and internal criticism the Israeli government in a stubborn
intention not to give "Russians" social houses started to import astronomically
expensive one-room caravans, which price was higher then a construction
of a conventional apartment. Caravan villages, intentionally placed
in wilderness, far from cities, with no schools, cultural facilities
or clubs, surrounded by barbed wires like prisons, intentionally populated
not only by "Russians" but also by Hebrew speaking criminals, declassed
social elements, drug-users, alcoholics, and by new arrivals from underdeveloped
African countries, became artificially-created first "Russian" ghettoes.
At summer caravans inhabitants suffered from unbearable heat, at winter
- from cold. Each caravan was an overcrowded, miserable tiny place,
never designed as a habitation. Caravan villages were dirty, devastated
cloaks, where generations of undereducated, non cultural, futureless
"Russian" kids were raised. Arik SHARON, by then - Minister of Construction,
- was mostly responsible for that. Israeli media and state propaganda
was rousing hatred towards Russian speaking people by portraying them
as enemies, alcoholics, undeveloped, wild people. Crimes against "Russians"
like assaults, batteries, insults, rapes, fraud, racism, discrimination,
expropriation of property or vandalism against property, lawfulness
illegal evictions, and many others, were never stopped or prosecuted. "Russians"
had no police protection. "Russian" children were discriminated, abused,
beaten, killed at schools or even pre-schools, tens of thousands of