the government of Israel do not care about safety and wealth of ordinary
Jews. They represent a mighty totalitarian power, which exist in no
one interests. Only a small group of bastards benefits from this power.
This power became a modern inquisition, one of the modern Evils. However,
only one of Them. Communist regimes, eastern dictatorships, Indian-type
"democracies" (Israel is just one of them), anti-European
regimes like Pakistan, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, etc.
they are the same. We (people who consider themselves as Europeans,
no matter what skin color or face they have) must understand who are
enemies and who are friends of Europe. We have already our culture half
destroyed, our leaders corrupted by the Eastern powers, our countries
in Northern hemisphere (plus Australia) have been already transformed
into a "transitional" (remember: Eastern block, Western
block?) between capitalism (democracy) - and Eastern-type tyranny-slavery.
Since 1980-s, by eliminating civil freedoms and privacy, Western governments
slowly but inevitably transforming their countries into societies of
the eastern type. Jewish extremism is an important player in this process
of blowing up the European civilization from within. Jewish extremists
are traditionally anti-democratic reactionaries, who's goals are to destroy
democracy and progressive thinking everywhere. Their doctrine is to
take just any rights from the people, turn majority into slaves, and
eliminate basic human rights and freedoms. Their main allay is not USA
or Canada - as most of us are thinking - but UK. How comes that Israel,
a country, where Christians are persecute, beaten and humiliated, became
the most important "friend" of the Christian world? How comes that the
most brutal regimes in the world - like India, Israel, Pakistan, or
Kazakstan, were called democracies? Why and by whom Saudi Arabia, Bahrain,
South Korea, Kazahstan, Israel and other countries with hatred to European
culture and anti-European propaganda were considered as allays - and
Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, or Serbia - not? Tyranny, starvation, exploitation
of children, numbers of repressed people, scale of poverty and homelessness
in Iraq, Iran, and some other anti-democracies are several times lower
then in "great democracies" like India or Israel, where wide number
of people are treated like cattle. How comes that Israel, a country,
where Christians are persecute, beaten and humiliated, became the most
important "friend" of the Christian world? How comes that the most brutal
regimes in the world - like India, Israel, Pakistan, or Kazakstan, were
called democracies? Why and by whom Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, South Korea,
Kazahstan, Israel and other countries with hatred to European culture
and anti-European propaganda were considered as allays - and Iraq, Lebanon,
Iran, or Serbia - not? Tyranny, starvation, exploitation of children,
numbers of repressed people, scale of poverty and homelessness in Iraq,
Iran, and some other anti-democracies are several times lower then in
"great democracies" like India or Israel, where wide number of people
are treated like cattle. Instead of supporting nations, which are historically,
traditionally, culturally closer to Europeans, our rulers, corrupted
or threatened by the Eastern regimes like Israel, are supporting our
most furious enemies. Support, which is given to the Jewish Extremists
by the governments of the Western world, is not popular. People are