and insults against the ordinary Jews. We all must be awaken before
it not too late...
MORE (1)
1. Demonizing nations
(Jewish extremists' lie and columniation of the whole nations like Ukrainians and Polish)
2. Israel-Jewish Diaspora World-Wide criminal activity
(Jewish extremists lobbism is behind the cover up of the Israel-related criminal activity world wide and money laundering)
3. Dissidents - victims of the Jewish Extremists' global totalitarian power (Israeli military assault against Western democracy)
(Thousands or maybe millions of people are persecuted by Jewish totalitarian machine all over the world. Persecutions include kidnapping, executions, assassinations, batteries, and administrative, financial and other terror)
4. Politically and Criminally Motivated Jewish Medical Mafia
5. Victor Ostrovsky's "By Way of Deception" extracts
1. Demonizing nations
(Jewish extremists' lie and columniation of the whole nations like Ukrainians and Polish)
HOME DISINFORMATION 60 MINUTES 19628 hits since 26Jan98
We saw above that an entire Ukrainian family was shot by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish woman,
but can we find a single instance of an entire Jewish family being shot by the Bolsheviks for hiding
a Ukrainian woman? We saw above that the Ukrainian mayor of a town was shot by the Nazis for
helping Jews, but can we find a single instance of a Jewish mayor - and there were many
Jewish mayors in Ukraine - being shot by the Bolsheviks for helping Ukrainians? We saw above
Metropolitan Sheptytsky risking his life and the lives of other Ukrainians by hiding Jews on church
property, but can we find a single instance of a rabbi risking his life and the lives of other Jews by
hiding Ukrainians on synagogue property?
The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes
Lubomyr Prytulak
Last updated:
9Feb98 Rudolph Vrba Accusation added to the section on "Paralysis of the Comparative Function"
24Feb98 Einsatzgruppen quotes added to the section on "What Happened in Lviv?"
28Mar98 Himmler quote added toward the bottom of "Were Ukrainians Nazis?"
9Jun98 Link to Shapoval added toward the bottom of "What Happened in Lviv? During the preceding few days"
13Jun98 Link to Sion-Osnova Controversy added to the bottom of "Quality of Translation"
13Jun98 Link to discussion of Jewish Ghetto Police added to the bottom of "Collective Guilt"
24Feb99 Comparison of German SS and Ukrainian Waffen-SS oaths added to "The Galicia Division"
24Mar99 External link to Symon Petliura page at bottom of "Symon Petliura"
12Jun99 Elaboration with external link at bottom of "Sol Littman's Mengele Scare"
13Jun99 Comment on Jewish chain of command within CBS added to "Preface"
03Jul99 Nine quotes added near bottom of "What Happened in Lviv?"
The Galicia Division
Quality of Translation
Ukrainian Homogeneity
Were Ukrainians Nazis?
Simon Wiesenthal
What Happened in Lviv?
Nazi Propaganda Film
Collective Guilt