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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 187

re-occupation of Ukraine. For the Ukrainians to have won an even greater variance from the

fundamental German SS oath would have been for the Germans to accept into their armed forces

members who were openly declaring recalcitrance and insubordination.

The Ukrainian motivation for permitting the formation of the Galicia Division was threefold: (1)

the existence of the division would serve to improve German treatment of Ukrainians in the

occupied territories, (2) the Division would form the nucleus of a national army which might

promote Ukrainian aspirations to statehood, and (3) the Division would be thrown into the fight

to oppose the Soviet re-occupation of Ukraine.

Even though both Canada and the U.S. have Nazi-hunting units within their respective Justice

Departments, not a single member of the Division has ever been convicted of any war crime and

none has ever been charged. The absence of evidence of any wrongdoing not only of the Division

as a whole, but also of any member of the Division, during his membership in the Division or

before or after, is widely recognized. Judge Jules Deschenes, heading Canada's Commission of

Inquiry on War Criminals, concluded that:

The members of the Galicia Division were individually screened for security

purposes before admission to Canada. Charges of war crimes against members of

the Galicia Division have never been substantiated, neither in 1950 when they

were first preferred, nor in 1984 when they were renewed, nor before this

Commission. ... In the absence of evidence of participation in or knowledge of

specific war crimes, mere membership in the Galicia Division is insufficient to

justify prosecution. (Jules Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals,

1986, p. 12)

Judge Deschenes cites a 1947 report of a British Screening Commission which was filed just prior

to the Galicia Division being moved from Italy to Britain (note that these are the words of the

1947 British Screening Commission, not of Judge Deschenes):

They probably were not, and certainly do not now seem to be at heart

pro-German, and the fact that they did give aid and comfort to the Germans can

fairly be considered to have been incidental and not fundamental. (in Jules

Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 253)

A 1950 British Foreign Office report to the Canadian Department of External Affairs concerning

the Galicia Division was also cited by Judge Deschenes (note that these are the words of the

1950 British Foreign Office, not of Judge Deschenes):

While in Italy these men were screened by Soviet and British missions and

neither then nor subsequently has any evidence been brought to light which

would suggest that any of them fought against the Western Allies or engaged in

crimes against humanity. Their behaviour since they came to this country has

been good and they have never indicated in any way that they are infected with

any trace of Nazi ideology. ... From the reports of the special mission set

up by the War Office to screen these men, it seems clear that they volunteered

to fight against the Red Army from nationalistic motives which were given

greater impetus by the behaviour of the Soviet authorities during their earlier

occupation of the Western Ukraine after the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Although

Communist propaganda has constantly attempted to depict these, like so many

other refugees, as "quislings" and "war criminals" it is interesting to note

that no specific charges of war crimes have been made by the Soviet or any

other Government against any members of this group. (in Jules Deschenes,

Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 252)

Judge Deschenes concludes:

It is an acknowledged fact that the members of the Division were volunteers who

had enlisted in the spring and summer of 1943, essentially to combat the