have to rely on..." was rendered into the English "We Ukrainians not have to rely on...."
Since "zhyd" is currently held to be derogatory in much of Ukraine, any speaker of contemporary
Ukrainian who wishes to give no offense may choose to view it as derogatory in all of Ukraine,
and switch to "yevrei" in all contexts and in all parts of the country. The fact that a Western
Ukrainian old enough to have escaped thorough Russification has not as yet made this switch,
however, is not evidence of his anti-Semitism, and his use of "zhyd" cannot rightly be taken to
be derogatory. In non-Russified Western Ukrainian, there is only one word for Jew, and that is
"zhyd," and there is no word corresponding to the derogatory "kike" or "yid" or "hebe" of
A further discussion of the use of "zhyd" vs "yevrei" can be found within the Ukrainian Archive
in a discussion of the Sion-Osnova Controversy.
The Galicia Division
Quality of Translation
Ukrainian Homogeneity
Were Ukrainians Nazis?
Simon Wiesenthal
What Happened in Lviv?
Nazi Propaganda Film
Collective Guilt
Paralysis of the Comparative
60 Minutes' Cheap Shots
Ukrainian Anti-Semitism
Jewish Ukrainophobia
A Sense of Responsibility
What 60 Minutes Should Do
Ukrainian Homogeneity
In his every statement, Mr. Safer reveals that he starts from the assumption that Ukrainians are
homogeneously anti-Semitic and Nazi in their inclinations. In doing so, Mr. Safer does not stop
to wonder how it is that Ukrainians can be so entirely different in this respect from all other
peoples. Take Americans, for instance. Surely we all agree that among Americans, there are
some who would pitch in and help if they saw Nazis killing Jews, and others who would risk their
lives - and give their lives - to stop that very same killing, and of course the great bulk in
the middle who would consider immediate self-interest first, and look the other way and pretend
to see nothing. But Ukrainians, if we are to believe Mr. Safer, are a people apart - exhibiting
no such heterogeneity, clones one of another, genetically programmed to hate Jews.
To suggest such a thing is, of course, preposterous. The obvious reality is that Ukrainians do
exhibit a normal degree of heterogeneity. Had 60 Minutes wanted to, it could have found plenty
of evidence of this: (1) Since the city of Lviv was featured in the 60 Minutes broadcast, 60
Minutes could have mentioned - in fact, it was duty-bound to mention the heroism of
Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky's effort on behalf of Jews. (2) Since 60 Minutes was throwing
blanket condemnations over Ukrainians collectively not only for being the world's greatest
anti-Semites, but for the most extreme war crimes and crimes against humanity, it was incumbent
on 60 Minutes to notice the vast number of instances that can be found of Ukrainian sacrifices
to save Jews. (3) Since the city of Lviv was featured on the 60 Minutes broadcast, as were