The advice which Littman solicited [in the course of his own research] ...
did not support his assumptions, but put him on notice about their fragility.
As stated at the outset, all that Littman could rely on was "speculation,
impression, possibility, hypothesis". Yet he chose to transmute them into
statements of facts which he publicized....
This is a case where not a shred of evidence has been tendered to support
Mr. Littman's statement to the Prime Minister of Canada on 20 December 1984, or
Mr. Ralph Blumenthal's article in the New York Times on 23 January 1985.
(Jules Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p. 70)
In view of Sol Littman's irresponsibility in engineering the Mengele Scare, it is not a little
ironic to note that it was this very scare which was the prime cause of the Canadian government
constituting the Jules Deschenes Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals. We see this
demonstrated when the reasons for the Commission being constituted are laid out, and Sol
Littman's Mengele disinformation - at the time accepted as information - appears at the top of
the list:
WHEREAS concern has been expressed about the possibility that Joseph Mengele,
an alleged Nazi war criminal, may have entered or attempted to enter
Canada.... (Jules Deschenes, Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals, 1986, p.
What we see in Sol Littman, then, is a case somewhat paralleling that of Morley Safer - a single
Jew creates a story out of thin air, and gets it disseminated to tens of millions of people
through a Jewish-controlled media which conveniently neglects to verify it prior to
publication. In Littman's case, he goes well beyond dissemination - he further succeeds in
pressuring the Canadian government to waste taxpayer money (always in short supply for education
and health care) on a costly inquiry which turns up just about nothing, and whose only
appreciable benefit is not to the Canadian people, and not even to Jews collectively, but only
to Sol Littman personally - which benefit is the stirring up of Jewish anxiety on the one hand
together with anti-Jewish resentment on the other, both of which are necessary to increasing the
flow of Jewish contributions into Sol Littman's coffers. Sol Littman, in short, is a parasite
upon the Jewish people, preying on the fears of the more gullible of them, essentially playing a
role not unlike that of Stephen King in which the bigger a scare he is able to elicit out of his
audience by means of the fantastic stories he is able to concoct, the greater is his success.
Repeating the same principle in different words, we may say that the more anti-Semitism Sol
Littman is able to provoke, the greater is his success.
How does Sol Littman come to be in the vanguard of the fight to suppress hate on the Internet?
Consider the information on Sol Littman which can be found on The Ukrainian Archive: (1)
Reviewing the sampling higher above of irresponsible denunciations submitted to the Deschenes
Commission, we note that four of them were submitted by Sol Littman, suggesting that in the full
list of denunciations, his contribution would have been substantial. (2) The Sol Littman
Mengele scare immediately above. (3) My 27May98 letter to Demjanjuk persecutor Neal Sher, in
which I present data supporting the conclusion that Neal Sher and Sol Littman are members of a
subculture who lie not only to those who are not members of their subculture, but to each other
as well, thus steeping themselves in untruths. Still more information is available on a web
site unconnected to UKAR devoted exclusively to exposing Sol Littman. Given the present UKAR
disclosure of Sol Littman's irresponsibility, and given the similar disclosure on other sites on
the Internet, as the one cited above, it is little wonder that Sol Littman is today a leading
exponent for society bestowing upon him (and others like him) the power to suppress information
on the Internet when he decides (or they decide) that it expresses "hate." Perhaps a suspicion
that it would be healthy to occasionally entertain is that those who call loudest for the