... Prior to their withdrawal, the Bolsheviks shot 2,800 out of 4,000
Ukrainians imprisoned in the Lutsk prison. According to the statement of 19
Ukrainians who survived the slaughter with more or less serious injuries, the
Jews again played a decisive part in the arrests and shooting. ...
The investigations at Zlochev proved that the Russians, prior to their
withdrawal, arrested and murdered indiscriminately a total of 700 Ukrainians,
but, nevertheless, included the entire [local] Ukrainian intelligentsia.
(Operational Situation Report USSR No. 24, July 16, 1941, in Yitzhak Arad,
Shmuel Krakowski, and Shmuel Spector, The Einsatzgruppen Reports: Selections
from the Dispatches of the Nazi Death Squads' Campaign Against the Jews July
1941-January 1943, Holocaust Library, New York, 1989, p. 29-33)
Location: Pleskau [Pskov] ...
The population is in general convinced that it is mostly the Jews who
should be held responsible for the atrocities that are committed everywhere.
As it was learned that the Russians before they left have either deported
the Ukrainian intelligentsia, or executed them, that is, murdered them, it is
assumed that in the last days before the retreat of the Russians, about 100
influential Ukrainians were murdered [in Pleskau]. So far the bodies have not
been found - a search has been initiated.
About 100-150 Ukrainians were murdered by the Russians in Kremenets. Some
of these Ukrainians are said to have been thrown into cauldrons of boiling
water. This has been deduced from the fact that the bodies were found without
skin when they were exhumed. ...
... Before leaving Dubno, the Russians, as they had done in Lvov,
committed extensive mass-murder.
... Before their flight [from Tarnopol], as in Lvov and Dubno, the
Russians went on a rampage there. Disinterments revealed 10 bodies of German
soldiers. Almost all of them had their hands tied behind their backs with
wire. The bodies revealed traces of extremely cruel mutilations such as gouged
eyes, severed tongues and limbs.
The number of Ukrainians who were murdered by the Russians, among them
women and children, is set finally at 600. Jews and Poles were spared by the
Russians. The Ukrainians estimate the total number of [Tarnopol] victims since
the occupation of the Ukraine by the Russians at about 2,000. The planned
deportation of the Ukrainians already started in 1939. There is hardly a
family in Tarnopol from which one or several members have not disappeared.
... The entire Ukrainian intelligentsia is destroyed. Since the beginning of
the war, 160 members of the Ukrainian intelligentsia were either murdered or
deported. Inhabitants of the town had observed a column of about 1,000
civilians driven out of town by police and army early in the morning of July 1,
As in Lvov, torture chambers were discovered in the cellars of the Court of
Justice. Apparently, hot and cold showers were also used here (as in Lemberg
[Lviv]) for torture, as several bodies were found, totally naked, their skin
burst and torn in many places. A grate was found in another room, made of wire
and set above the ground about 1m in height, traces of ashes were found
underneath. A Ukrainian engineer, who was also to be murdered but saved his
life by smearing the blood of a dead victim over his face, reports that one