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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 230

all the stories of Ukrainian savagery, brutality, and sadism, even the ones that aren't true.

Such speculations as the above happen to coincide approximately with published estimates. For

example Professor Stefan Possony reports that "The records of Israel's War Crimes Investigations

Office indicate that throughout occupied Europe some 95,000 nazis and nazi collaborators were

directly connected with anti-Jewish measures, massacres, and deportations...." (The

Ukrainian-Jewish Problem, Plural Societies, Winter 1974). The middle column below contains the

rate of anti-Semitic war criminality 1939-1945 per 10,000 population, and the right-hand column

contains the estimated number of such war criminals. Possony points out that these figures fail

to cover Croats, Serbs, and Jews themselves who also "were forced to participate in the

extermination" (p. 92). It must be kept in mind that Possony did not himself conduct any

research, but is merely passing on Israeli estimates without any scrutiny of his own; neither is

it explained how the incidence per 10,000 is calculated - we may wonder when Russians together

with Byelorussians contribute 9,000 war criminals and Ukrainians contributed 11,000, and when we

know that the number of Russians together with Byelorussians is much greater than the number of

Ukrainians, how it can be that the Russian rate of 8/10,000 can be higher than the Ukrainian

rate of 3/10,000. Perhaps the calculation used as a denominator the number of Russian,

Byelorussians, and Ukrainians actually under German occupation, and so who had the opportunity

to offer their criminal collaboration so that even though the number of Russian collaborators is

low, the Russian collaboration rate is high because only a comparatively small number of

Russians found themselves under German occupation.



Russians and Byelorussians




Western Europeans

















The figure of 11,000 for Ukrainians being some three times higher than my speculative figure of

3,600 can be explained by the Israeli researchers using a more inclusive definition of what

constituted collaboration (where I was specifying criminal collaboration) and might be explained

too by the Israeli researchers requiring weaker evidence than would be required to commence

criminal prosecution (where I was demanding evidence which would launch a criminal

prosecution). In any case, whether it's one criminal collaborator per 10,000 Ukrainians or

three makes no difference to the fundamental argument which I propose below.