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administrative tasks and policing required by the Nazis was placed in Jewish hands, that Jewish

collaborators were ubiquitous, and that it was Jewish collaborators who rendered the Jewish

Holocaust feasible and who stood as obstacles in the path of Jewish resistance:

Falsification of the Holocaust

Letter to the editor by Prof. Israel Shahak, published on 19 May 1989 in Kol Ha'ir,


Available online at:


I disagree with the opinion of Haim Baram that the Israeli education system

has managed to instil a 'Holocaust awareness' in its pupils (Kol Ha'Ir

12.5.89). It's not an awareness of the Holocaust but rather the myth of the

Holocaust or even a falsification of the Holocaust (in the sense that 'a

half-truth is worse than a lie') which has been instilled here.

As one who himself lived through the Holocaust, first in Warsaw then in

Bergen-Belsen, I will give an immediate example of the total ignorance of daily

life during the Holocaust. In the Warsaw ghetto, even during the period of the

first massive extermination (June to October 1943), one saw almost no German

soldiers. Nearly all the work of administration, and later the work of

transporting hundreds of thousands of Jews to their deaths, was carried out by

Jewish collaborators. Before the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (the

planning of which only started after the extermination of the majority of Jews

in Warsaw), the Jewish underground killed, with perfect justification, every

Jewish collaborator they could find. If they had not done so the Uprising

could never have started. The majority of the population of the Ghetto hated

the collaborators far more than the German Nazis. Every Jewish child was

taught, and this saved the lives of some them "if you enter a square from which

there are three exits, one guarded by a German SS man, one by an Ukrainian and

one by a Jewish policeman, then you should first try to pass the German, and

then maybe the Ukrainian, but never the Jew".

One of my own strongest memories is that, when the Jewish underground

killed a despicable collaborator close to my home at the end of February 1943,

I danced and sang around the still bleeding corpse together with the other

children. I still do not regret this, quite the contrary.

It is clear that such events were not exclusive to the Jews, the entire

Nazi success in easy and continued rule over millions of people stemmed from

the subtle and diabolical use of collaborators, who did most of the dirty work

for them. But does anybody now know about this? This, and not what is

'instilled' was the reality. Of the Yad Vashem (official state Holocaust

museum in Jerusalem - Ed.) theatre, I do not wish to speak at all. It, and its

vile exploiting, such as honouring South Africa collaborators with the Nazis

are truly beneath contempt.

Therefore, if we knew a little of the truth about the Holocaust, we would

at least understand (with or without agreeing) why the Palestinians are now

eliminating their collaborators. That is the only means they have if they wish

to continue to struggle against our limb-breaking regime.

Kind regards,

[Israel Shahak]

To bring closer to home and closer to the present day the inadvisability of attributing

collective guilt, we may note that more than one out of every hundred Americans is presently

sitting in jail, and yet we do not from this condemn Americans as a nation of criminals. And so