were fighting off the pangs of hunger. This approach was totally in consonance
with his famous slogan, to the effect that, "one goat in Eretz Yisroel is more
important than an entire community in the Diaspora." How could he thus
withhold a package of straw from a Holy Land goat in order to send food to a
starving infant? But if that is not enough, the Zionists acted like the fiend
who declared that he not only would not give, but he also would not let others
give (whom our Sages called a "rosho" - a wicked person). The Zionist leaders
weren't satisfied merely with the crime of sitting idly by and doing nothing.
They labored with all their might to forcefully prevent others from helping the
sufferers in the ghetto. (Reb Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse:
Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals, 1977, pp. 44-45)
One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland. (Yitzchak
Greenbaum in Reb Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse: Documents and
Testimony on Jewish War Criminals, 1977, p. 116)
The Antonescu Offer. Reb Moshe Shonfeld's book documents several instances of offers being
made, sometimes by the Nazis, to release Jews for a fixed price, and of the offers being
declined by Zionist leaders. The Romanian government, for example, offered 70,000 Jews at $50
apiece. These Jews could have been transported to Palestine via Turkey - a few days' ride by
truck. The Romanian offer was confirmed by the U.S. State Department. The offer would become
void once Romania was occupied by the Germans - an occupation that was imminent. Ben Hecht in
his book Perfidy relates placing the following ad in New York newspapers:
70,000 JEWS
Zionist leaders, however, denied the existence of such an offer and sabotaged fund-raising
efforts. As a result, the 70,000 Romanian Jews perished. Ben Hecht's indignation is
But in 1943, we, who called out the plight of the Romanian Jews to the
world, were discredited by the Zionist unions, the established Zionist
leadership and their associated philanthropies, as scandalmongers. Our attempt
to get the Jews out of Romania before the Germans came was scotched.
The 70,000 Jews who might have been saved were herded into barns by the
Germanized Romanians under General Antonescu, hosed with gasoline, ignited, and
shot down when they came blazing and screaming out of their cauldrons.
Was it for this the conspirators of Silence had been holding their
high-level meetings, fraternizing with presidents and prime ministers and
keeping intact Weizmann's ... policy of an 'exclusive' ... Palestine? This
Silence, this wretched business of Jewish leaders lying about the slaughter of
Europe's Jewry - trying to hide it, soft-pedal it - for what?
These organizations, these philanthropists, these timorous Jewish lodge
members in Zion, in London and America - these Zionist leaders who let their
six million kinsmen burn, choke, hang, without protest, with indifference, and
even with a glint of anti-Semitic cunning in their political plannings - I sum
up against them. These factotums, these policy-makers, the custodians of the
Jewish future in Palestine ... these Zionist men and women - I haul into the
prisoner's dock of this book. (Ben Hecht, Perfidy, in Reb Moshe Shonfeld, The
Holocaust Victims Accuse: Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals,