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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 238

his story about the Hungarian Jews and copies of his report were sent to U.S.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Pope, protests from several

governments, including the U.S., British and Swedish governments, forced the

Hungarian head of government, Admiral Horthy, to stop the deporting of more

Jews from the country.

Vrba was born Walter Rosenberg but changed his name after escaping from

Auschwitz. (Oshawa Times, December 30, 1968)

Jewish help compared to Ukrainian help. And so here we are faced with the following

incongruity. Ukrainians were dying at the hands of the Nazis, were dying fighting the Nazis,

were dying saving Jews - and yet Morley Safer now brands Ukrainians as Nazis. In contrast,

American Jews were not allowing the Jewish Holocaust to interfere with their lifestyles, were

vetoing proposals to assist and rescue European Jews, and yet they are now privileged to accuse

Ukrainians of being Nazis. People who did next to nothing to save the European Jews, people who

obstructed the rescue of European Jews, people who acted while not under threat of death now

turn around and judge those who while under threat of death did not live up to impossibly high

moral standards.

Appropriately did Reb Moshe Shonfeld place on the title page of his book The Holocaust Victims

Accuse: Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals the quotations "Our enemies will

subjugate you" (Vayikra) - "Those enemies will be from within" (Chazal). Reading Reb Shonfeld's

book invites the conclusion that Morley Safer's searching for Nazi collaborators in Ukraine was

misplaced - perhaps it is the case that the largest repository of unprosecuted Nazi

collaborators today is to be found in the state of Israel; and invites consideration of the

further conclusion that Morley Safer's searching for enemies of Judaism in Ukraine is similarly

misplaced - he might instead have looked for the truly dangerous enemies within - for Jews like

Simon Wiesenthal, Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich, Elie Wiesel, Jerzy Kosinski, and - yes - Morley Safer

himself. Their misstatements lower Jewish credibility; their hatred incites a reactionary


In fact, Morley Safer's accusation of Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis is not a cry for

justice nor an advancement of historical truth, but is, rather, a weapon sometimes brandished

under political motivation even when the facts do not justify its use, and at other times

sheathed, also for political reasons, even when the facts cry out for its use. Thus, a

Ukrainian may be prosecuted even though the evidence against him is patently fraudulent, as was

the case in the trial of Ivan Demjanjuk (Yoram Sheftel, The Demjanjuk Affair: The Rise and Fall

of a Show-Trial, 1994). A Jewish Zionist, in contrast, may go unprosecuted for very real

collaboration with the Nazis, though he may be unable to avoid final justice imposed through

individual action:

Moldetsky, a leader of the Zionist Workers Party (Poalei Zion), who was

appointed head of the council of elders in Bedzin, and who, over the course of

years, chose thousands of Jews for forced labor and extermination, succeeded in

remaining alive. For the mass deportations, Moldetsky published a decree which

was completely fraudulent and deceiving, in which he said: "Jews, dress up in

your holiday clothes and march joyfully to the gathering places mentioned

above. No one is to remain at home. ..." The Jews, in their innocence,

obeyed him. The result was that people with large families - as well as the

elderly - a total of 8,000, were sent to Auschwitz. The babies were pushed

into sacks by the Nazis.


After the war, Moldetsky - by merit of Zionist activities - was

understandably one of the first to receive an immigration certificate to

Palestine. His collaboration in the murder of tens of thousands of Jews did