distributing the certificates. He went to Eretz Yisroel where, it has been
reported, the revengeful hand of the Jews of Bedzin killed him while he was
taking a trip in the mountains. (Reb Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims
Accuse: Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals, 1977, pp. 122-123)
A related demonstration of how the accusation of Nazi collaboration is not levelled impartially,
but is used as a political weapon can be found in the case of Dr. Israel Kastner.
Comparison 2: Ukrainian Cruelty on Behalf of the Nazis Compared to Jewish Cruelty on Behalf of the
Morley Safer states, addressing himself to Simon Wiesenthal: "I get the impression from people
that the actions of the Ukrainians, if anything, were worse than the Germans." What can Mr.
Safer possibly mean by such a statement? Does he mean that he knows of a Ukrainian whose
actions are worse than Hitler's, and another Ukrainian whose actions are worse than Himmler's,
and another whose actions are worse than Eichmann's, and so on down the line? Surely, this is
an impossibility, as Ukraine has never been accused either of starting the Second World War or
of engineering the Final Solution. Surely all that Mr. Safer means is that some Ukrainians can
be found who were worse than the average German, or the average Nazi, or even the average member
of the SS. Agreed - undoubtedly such Ukrainians exist, but what of it? Similar deviants exist
in all groups. Relevant here is that every faithful account of the Jewish Holocaust is peppered
with statements such as the following:
Question survivors of the ghettoes and camps. They all certify that the
beatings they received at the hands of the Jewish 'golden youth' were filled
with scorn. They fulfilled their tasks with a zeal and cruelty to a greater
extent than that required by the German commanders. (Y. Efroiken, Sanctity and
Valor of the Jews, in Reb Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse:
Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals, 1977, p. 21)
He [K. Tzetnik] depicts the figure of Eliezer Greenbaum, son of Yitzchak
Greenbaum, who, thanks to his tactics of acting as informant and displaying
cruelty - to an extent which amazed even the Germans - was elevated to the rank
of the bloc commander. (Reb Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse:
Documents and Testimony on Jewish War Criminals, 1977, p. 21)
Practically all of the kapo officers were academicians - persons with degrees
who behaved like wild beasts and at times were more cruel than the Nazis. (Reb
Moshe Shonfeld, The Holocaust Victims Accuse: Documents and Testimony on Jewish
War Criminals, 1977, p. 121)
Is it in the interests of historical truth to allude to the Ukrainian beasts without mentioning
the Jewish beasts? Does the depiction of one without the other constitute information or
disinformation, reporting or propaganda? Who commands such bias in the media? Who pays for
it? These are issues worthy of address by a team of intrepid investigative reporters, should
any be found.
Comparison 3: Ukrainians Saving Jews Compared to Jews Saving Ukrainians
Jews have had many opportunities to save Ukrainians. For example, Jews could have saved
Ukrainians during the induced famine of 1932-33, during which Jews fared better than Ukrainians
for several reasons: (1) Jews tended to be urban whereas the famine tended to be rural; (2) Jews
were more affluent, and money buys food even during a famine; (3) Jews received support from
other Jews in the West; (4) Jews occupied positions of authority, and in fact can be said to
have administered the famine. Thus, Jews had ample opportunity to save Ukrainians simply by
giving them food or by sabotaging the food-confiscation process. Or, in the mass deportations
and executions, during which Jews again occupied positions of authority, there was again ample
opportunity for Jews to subvert the process and hide or save Ukrainians.