single case of a Jew saving a Ukrainian? Simon Wiesenthal, for example, had his life saved by
the Ukrainian Bodnar, but did Simon Wiesenthal ever in his long life reciprocate by saving a
Ukrainian? We saw above that an entire Ukrainian family was shot by the Nazis for hiding a
Jewish woman, but can we find a single instance of an entire Jewish family being shot by the
Bolsheviks for hiding a Ukrainian woman? We saw above that the Ukrainian mayor of a town was
shot by the Nazis for helping Jews, but can we find a single instance of a Jewish mayor - and
there were many Jewish mayors in Ukraine - being shot by the Bolsheviks for helping Ukrainians?
We saw above Metropolitan Sheptytsky risking his life and the lives of other Ukrainians by
hiding Jews on church property, but can we find a single instance of a rabbi risking his life
and the lives of other Jews by hiding Ukrainians on synagogue property? We saw above
Metropolitan Sheptytsky writing to Himmler protesting the shooting of Jews, but can we find any
similar case of a rabbi writing to Lazar Kaganovich protesting the starvation of Ukrainians?
One would like to see a statement from Morley Safer as to the justification for this double
standard. When the most rudimentary and obvious comparisons indicate that Ukrainians have been
disposed to Jews much more favorably than Jews have been disposed to Ukrainians, how can Morley
Safer justify concluding the opposite?
The Galicia Division
Quality of Translation
Ukrainian Homogeneity
Were Ukrainians Nazis?
Simon Wiesenthal
What Happened in Lviv?
Nazi Propaganda Film
Collective Guilt
Paralysis of the Comparative
60 Minutes' Cheap Shots
Ukrainian Anti-Semitism
Jewish Ukrainophobia
A Sense of Responsibility
What 60 Minutes Should Do
60 Minutes' Cheap Shots
60 Minutes peppered its broadcast with distortions and misrepresentations. Here are nineteen
miscellaneous instances:
(1) Doctoring the sound track to bring out the evil of torchlight parades. The torchlight
marchers are not a clear indication of anything, and without some enhancement, the scene would
have fallen flat, and so 60 Minutes overlaid an exaggerated, rhythmic tramping sound which added
an ominous militaristic flavor to the scene. In fact, given that it is dark and there is no
band and the marchers are not singing, it is impossible for any but local groups of them to keep
in step, and simple leather-soled or rubber-soled shoes could not have made such a sound - it
would have taken cleated boots. The rhythmic tramping superimposed by 60 Minutes continues to
be heard even when the paraders can be seen to be walking more than marching. One can see that
the added sound effects are only imperfectly coordinated with the movements of the feet.
(2) "Adolph Hitler Square". "The place they're marching in was once called Adolph Hitler
Square," Mr. Safer tells us, but does not add that it was so called by the Germans and that it