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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 256

discovered. In connection with them sixty-three persons (including a

Colonel Evtikhiev) were shot in Odessa, batches of fourteen and

sixty-six in Tiraspol, thirty-nine in Kiev (mostly members of the

intelligentsia), and 215 in Kharkov - the victims in the latter case

being Ukrainian hostages slaughtered in retaliation for the

assassination of certain Soviet workers and others by rebels. And,

similarly, the Izvestia of Zhitomir reported shootings of twenty-nine

co-operative employees, school teachers and agriculturalists who

could not possibly have had anything to do with any Petlura

"conspiracy" in the world.

(Sergey Petrovich Meglunov, The Red Terror in Russia, London, 1925,

pp. 88-89)

Thus, if the impression gleaned from the Shapoval volume is correct (to the effect

that the control of the Cheka-GPU-NKVD lay overwhelmingly in the hands of Jews), then

the situation might be summarized by saying that even while Jews were in reality

pogromizing Ukrainians throughout Ukraine (as we saw in the Melgunov quotation

immediately above), they were simultaneously pogromizing Ukrainian leaders in the

diaspora, as by the assassinations of, among others, Symon Petliura (1926) in Paris

by Cheka agent Schwartzbard employing a handgun, of Colonel Yevhen Konovalets (1938)

in Rotterdam by GPU agent Valyukh employing a package bomb, of Lev Rebet (1957) as

well as Stepan Bandera (1959) both in Munich and both by KGB agent Bohdan Stashynsky

employing a poison pistol loaded with cyanide. This same Bohdan Stashynsky

eventually defected to the West where he confessed to the two above assassinations,

thereby demonstrating the reasonableness of the distrust that the Kremlin might feel

toward its own assassins, as well as the reasonableness of the unease that the

assassins might feel concerning being distrusted.

Cause and effect. As is often the case with respect to historical events, the

thread of cause and effect is difficult to untangle. When Petliura makes the

following statement in his Army Order No. 131, he assumes that pogroms cause an

opposition to Ukrainian independence:

Our many enemies, external as well as internal, are already profiting

by the pogroms; they are pointing their fingers at us and inciting

against us saying that we are not worthy of an independent national

existence and that we deserve to be again forcefully harnessed to the

yoke of slavery.

However, it is also plausible that causality proceeds in the opposite direction

that Jewish opposition to Ukrainian independence causes pogroms. Of course, the

causal link can act in both directions simultaneously, with pogroms and opposition

each fuelling the other in an escalating spiral. Who might start such a spiral and

who might encourage it? Petliura views the pogroms not as spontaneous, but as

incited by "adventurers" and "provocateurs." If he is right, then we may ask who

might have sent these adventurers and provocateurs? Who might have been paying them

to do their work? Perhaps the answer is those who might have preferred to absorb

chunks of a dismembered Ukraine rather than coexisting with an independent Ukraine

most particularly, Russia and Poland. And perhaps those who wanted to increase

emigration of Jews out of Ukraine - the Zionists. Russia, Poland, and Zionism

benefitted from pogroms on Ukrainian territory. All who wanted to live peacefully in

Ukraine - whether they were Ukrainians or Jews - suffered from the pogroms.

To see the links to the documents in the Petliura section, please click on the

PETLIURA link below.