the result of provocation on the part of various Russian reactionaries and
Polish imperialists who thus wish to discredit the whole Ukrainian cause in
the eyes of Europe.
Reception of a delegation
of Jewish citizens
by Petlura.
On July 17 of this year the Commander-in-Chief Petlura received a
delegation of Jewish citizens at the Office of the Directorate in
Kamenets-Podolsk. The Delegation included: Dr. Meier Kleiderman, the
representative of the Jewish community; Alterman, the representative of
the Zionist organization; Gutman, the representative of the rabbis;
Kreis, the representative of artisans; Bograd, the representative of the
Poalej-Zion Party.
Petlura addressed the Delegation with a short speech in which he declared
that he himself as well as the government were always standing on the
side of the Jewish people, and were waging war against those elements who
incited the unenlightened masses to various excesses against Jews. The
Commander-in-Chief invited the representatives of the Jewish people to a
closer cooperation of both peoples for the good of the Ukrainian State,
for, only with united forces would it be possible to look after the
interests of both peoples, which had always been identical.
The Jewish delegation assured the Supreme Commander that all strata of
the Jewish people, hand-in-hand with the Ukrainian people, would defend
the independent Ukraine, because only a Ukrainian democratic government
could guarantee full rights to the Jews. The delegation asked for
granting of an opportunity to Jewish intellectuals to work toward
strengthening Ukrainian statehood, and for protection of the Jewish
population against the excesses which have taken place as the result of
provocation on the part of various Russian reactionaries and Polish
imperialists who thus wish to discredit the whole Ukrainian cause in the
eyes of Europe.
Petlura pledged himself to apply the severest measures in suppressing the
crimes of the anti-Jewish agitators, and asked the delegation in
particular to exert their influence also upon the Jewish population
behind the battlefront that they should support the Ukrainian Army in its
struggle against the Bolshevists.
(Trudowa Hromada, July 18, 1919.)
Symon Petliura Decree of Cabinet 18Aug1919 Enemies organize pogroms
The Ukrainian and Jewish peoples both of whom work at the
reconstruction of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic, find themselves in
the face of the common enemies who are trying to sow discord and
anarchy in order to destroy the Ukrainian Republic which they hate.
Decree of the Cabinet Council
of the
Ukrainian Democratic Republic.
August 18, 1919.
(Record of the Proceedings No. 171)
The Cabinet Council, after hearing the report of the Minister for Jewish