11903.fb2 ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 261

ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 261

Affairs, Mr. P.A. Krasny, on the situation as it appeared in connection

with the anti-Jewish pogroms in the Ukraine - particularly in Kiev and

in connection with the reaction of public opinion abroad, resolve as


The Ukrainian and Jewish peoples both of whom work at the reconstruction

of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic, find themselves in the face of the

common enemies who are trying to sow discord and anarchy in order to

destroy the Ukrainian Republic which they hate. For this purpose your

enemies organize pogroms, spin provocative news about pogroms in the

Ukraine so as to exploit them for their people - with the help of the

Polish ruling classes, or of the Denikin reactionaries. In deliberately

lying and provocative reports they are changing arbitrarily the places of

the pogroms which are arranged in the Ukraine by the Bolsheviks and by

the reactionary clique who are in close connection with Denikin's and

Polish reactionary circles' secret plans. In mendacious publications and

in public letters addressed to the leading representatives of European

countries, all these happenings are charged to the account of the

government of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic, although its aim is to

suppress vigorously all pogroms.

In view of the fact that such provocations and aims of the Polish and

Denikin reactionaries endanger the struggle for freedom of the Ukrainian

Republic as well as the peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the

Ukraine, the government of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic have set

themselves the most urgent task of doing away with all possibility of

provocations, pogroms or other excesses, and of calling to account all

persons hostile to the Ukrainian State, who are doing the treacherous

pogrom work in the Ukraine.

The Government has decided:

1. To make at once a proposal to the Commander-in-Chief, Petlura that he

issue an order by which all commanders of the respective bodies of

troops, from the lowest to the highest ones, would be called to account

for negligence and tolerating pogrom excesses, and that they would be

immediately arrested as traitors and handed over to a special

court-martial which would impose upon them the severest penalty,

including the death sentence.

2. To issue an order in the name of the Government and in the name of the

Commander-in-Chief to the Ukrainian partisans on the other side of the

battlefront that they also 1. should take a vigorous action against the

instigators of pogroms, 2. fight against particular treacherous pogrom

bands and annihilate them - always remembering that the army of the

Ukrainian Democratic Republic does not tolerate pogroms on its victorious

march and inflicts the severe punishment upon all the guilty ones.

3. To appoint immediately a special government commission with extensive

powers of investigating pogroms and of combating them; the said

commission to be composed of one representative from the following

offices: The Commander-in-Chief, the Inspector General, the Minister of

Justice, the Minister of Internal Affairs, and the Minister for Jewish

Affairs. The Commission should proceed at once to the frontline to the

area of liberated cities and other places of the Ukrainian Democratic

Republic. The Commander-in-Chief should be advised to order an