4. Through inspections, the bodies of troops and the commissioners of the
Ukrainian Democratic Republic should be informed about the foreign
provocative work of the enemies of the Ukrainian Republic, who exploit
the pogrom excesses for their own purposes.
5. By means of a special report from the Prime Minister, to inform the
Directorate of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic of this Decree, and to
manifest the Government's firm determination and effort in the direction
of removing completely any possibility of pogroms in the Ukraine.
6. To issue an appropriate proclamation of the government to the people.
7. The Minister for Press and Information should initiate an intensive
campaign against pogrom arrangers; inform the foreign press and foreign
public about the actual state of affairs, and protest against the
outrageous slandering of the government of the Ukrainian Democratic
8. The Minister of Justice should at once take steps that all those who
are guilty of pogrom excesses, i.e. those who already have been arrested
as well as those who may be arrested, should be handed over to a special
9. This Decree is to be made public.
(Ukraina, August 21, 1919.)
Symon Petliura Army Order No. 131 26Aug1919 Do not stain those deeds
It is time for you to understand that the peaceful Jewish population, their
children and women the same as ourselves have been oppressed and
deprived of national freedom. They can not be alienated from us, they
have of old been always with us and they have shared with us their joys
and sorrows.
Army Order of the Supreme Command
of the Ukrainian Democratic Republic,
August 26, 1919.
No. 131
Officers and Soldiers!
It is time for you to realize that the Jews together with the majority of
the Ukrainian population have recognized the evil of the
Bolshevist-Communist invasion, and know already where the truth lies.
The most important Jewish parties, such as: "Bund", "United Jewish
Socialists", "Poalej-Zion" and "People's Party", have decidedly placed
themselves on the side of the Ukrainian independent state and are working
together hand-in-hand for its good.
It is time for you to understand that the peaceful Jewish population,
their children and women the same as ourselves have been oppressed and
deprived of national freedom. They can not be alienated from us, they
have of old been always with us and they have shared with us their joys
and sorrows.
The gallant army which brings brotherhood, equality, and freedom to all
peoples of the Ukraine should not be lending an ear to various
adventurers and provocateurs who long for human blood. Likewise, the
Army should not be a party to bringing a hard lot on the Jews. Whoever
is guilty of permitting such a heavy crime is a traitor and enemy of the