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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 279

B. Licensee's policy on distortion

In addition to holding that Serafyn presented insufficient

evidence to "demonstrate" that CBS had intentionally distort

ed the "60 Minutes" episode about Ukraine, the Commission's

denial of Serafyn's petition also rested upon the alternative

ground that he had not alleged a general pattern of distortion

extending beyond that one episode. Upon appeal Serafyn

argues--and the Commission does not dispute--that he did

present evidence regarding CBS's general policy about distor

tion, namely the comments of Wallace and Hewitt quoted

above, and that the Commission failed to discuss or even to

mention this evidence. Both Wallace's comment ("you don't

like to baldly lie, but I have") and Hewitt's ("it's the small

crime vs. the greater good") are, to say the least, suggestive.

Furthermore, both Wallace (as the most senior reporter and

commentator for "60 Minutes") and Hewitt (as the producer

of the series) are likely members of the "news management"

whose decisions can fairly be attributed to the licensee.

Hunger in America, 20 FCC 2d at 150. The Commission's

failure to discuss Serafyn's allegation relating to CBS's policy

on veracity is therefore troubling. Indeed, because of the

importance the Commission placed upon the supposed lack of

such evidence, its presence in the record casts the Commis

simon alternative ground into doubt. The Commission must

consider these allegations upon remand.


Title Page

I. Background

II. News Distortion

A. Evidentiary standard

B. Licensee's policy on distortion

C. Nature of particular evidence

1. Extrinsic evidence

(a) Outtakes of the interview with Rabbi Bleich

(b) The viewer letters

(c) The refusal to consult Professor Luciuk

2. Evidence of factual inaccuracies

D. Misrepresentation

III. Conclusion

C. Nature of particular evidence

The Commission gave illogical or incomplete reasons for

finding non-probative two of the three pieces of evidence it

determined were "extrinsic." It also failed to discuss individ

ually certain alleged factual inaccuracies that Serafyn brought

to its attention. Before discussing the Commission's opinion

in detail, however, we set out a brief excerpt from the

transcript of the broadcast.

MORLEY SAFER, co-host: ... [T]he west [of Ukraine],

where we go tonight, is on a binge of ethnic national

ism. "Ukraine for the Ukrainians" can have a fright