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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 292

which is to be expected upon any historical question. Raul Hilberg has amply demonstrated that he is ready to be guided by the evidence to

conclusions without regard to whether they are palatable to Jews or Germans or Ukrainians or other involved parties.

(3) The gang of ten is typified by deception. I understand calumniation to mean damaging utterances characterized

by untruth. An utterance that is true, I do not characterize as calumny no matter how damaging. To not mince words, then, the gang of

ten is a pack of liars. The most fantastic, the most childish, the most palpably untrue statements spew from their lips in profusion, as is

amply documented on the Ukrainian Archive. They suppress evidence, they create historical events out of thin air, they contradict

themselves from one recitation to the next.

(4) The gang of ten enjoys impunity for lying. When the deceptions of any of these calumniators are brought to

their attention, or to public attention, the refutations are ignored. The ten calumniators appear to be able to say whatever untruths they

want with little fear of punishment or censure or even embarrassment. They rarely have to correct their misstatements, or to retract them,

or to apologize for them. Of the ten, only Jerzy Kosinski has lost his impunity, but he did nevertheless enjoy a large measure of impunity over

many years of his professional calumniation. The generalization, therefore, is not that the gang of ten enjoy absolute and permanent

impunity, but only that they enjoy surprising measures of impunity over surprising intervals of time.

(5) The gang of ten is typified by modest intellectual capacity. On the whole, the members of the gang of

ten have the minds of children. This is demonstrated primarily in their lying which is primitive and palpable, and which is not merely

occasional, but which permeates their thinking. On top of that, their speech and their writing tends to be illogical to the point of

incoherence. They are strangers to the ideal of being constrained by logic. They don't know the facts, and they don't rely on facts. In not

a single case have I come across anything any of them might have said or written touching on Ukrainian-Jewish relations that one would be

forced to admire - or so much as respect - for its reasoning or its data or its expression. Given their prominence and their power, their

academic and intellectual accomplishments, on the whole, are unimpressive. The bulk of their writing would get C's or worse if submitted in

freshman courses in history or political science or journalism. The only one of the ten to achieve an unambiguous distinction outside his

calumniation activities is Alan Dershowitz - Harvard law professor, media star, defender of O. J. Simpson. He alone among the ten must be

acknowledged to have substantial academic qualifications and to show flashes of intelligence and wit. However, restricting myself to his

statements on Ukrainians or Palestinians, I find Dershowitz's thinking fully as primitive and as childishly self-serving and as duplicitous as that

of the other nine.

The incongruity between low desert and high reward is particularly great in the case of Jerzy Kosinski; the evidence below will demonstrate

that in addition to lacking academic capacity, and in addition to lacking literary skills, every area of his life was crippled by immaturity,

irresponsibility, deception, and perversion.

What picture emerges?

Is there any way of tying all of the above generalizations into a single coherent picture? Why should it be the case that the leading

slanderers of Ukrainians are all Jewish? How can it be that Jewish leaders are so prone to lying, and have such palpable intellectual

shortcomings, and sometimes even remarkable character defects? How does it come to pass that they are permitted to incite hatred against

Ukrainians with impunity? The answers to these questions can be found throughout the Ukrainian Archive.

An individual Pole is persecuted by Simon Wiesenthal

Jerzy Kosinski calumniated the Polish people collectively. Simon Wiesenthal persecuted a single Pole - Frank Walus - individually.

Time For the Quotes

And now for the quotations from Sloan's article:

Jerzy Kosinski's "Painted Bird" was celebrated for its "overpowering


"Jerzy was a fantastic liar," said Agnieszka Osiecka, Poland's leading pop lyricist and a familiar figure in Polish intellectual

circles.... If you told Jerzy you had a Romanian grandmother, he would come back that he had fifteen cousins all more Romanian

than your grandmother ... and they played in a Gypsy band!"

Osiecka was responding to a recent expose by the Polish journalist Joanna Siedlecka, in which she argued that Jerzy Kosinski,

Poland's best-known Holocaust survivor, had profoundly falsified his wartime experiences. According to Siedlecka, Kosinski

spent the war years in relatively gentle, if hardly idyllic, circumstances and was never significantly mistreated. She thus

contradicts the sanctioned version of his life under the German occupation, which has generally been assumed to be only thinly

disguised in his classic first novel, "The Painted Bird," published in this country by Houghton Mifflin in 1965. ...

In stark, uninflected prose, "The Painted Bird" describes the disasters that befall a six-year-old boy who is separated from his

parents and wanders through the primitive Polish-Soviet borderlands during the war. The peasants whom the boy encounters

demonstrate an extraordinary predilection for incest, sodomy, and meaningless violence. A miller plucks out the eyeballs of his