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to live."

She claims that the accuracy of the film is not the issue. What is

important is the way it can bring Jews and blacks into "dialogue." There are a

lot of truths that are very necessary," she says. "This is not a truth that's


Jeffrey Goldberg is New York bureau chief for The Forward.

The above Jeffrey Goldberg article was accompanied by two photographs, the

captions of which were:

U.S. soldiers, both high-ranking officers and

enlisted men, view a scene of horror at a death

camp. Concentration-camp prisoners were murdered

as a last act by departing German guards.

A black U.S. soldier guards German prisoners in

France during the last weeks of the war.

Comments on the above

Jeffrey Goldberg article

Where's the harm? The Liberators incident is relevant to several of the

topics discussed in the Ukrainian Archive. The Liberators has been somewhat

arbitrarily placed with 60 Minutes documents because it demonstrates the power

of the media to fabricate history. In the case of the 23 Oct 1994 60 Minutes

broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom, the disinformation served to calumniate

Ukrainians; in the case of the PBS documentary, the Liberators, the

disinformation appears to be oriented toward improving relations between Jews

and blacks. Thus, whereas the 60 Minutes disinformation will readily be viewed

as destructive by all who learn of it, the Liberators disinformation may be

viewed by some as innocuous or even benevolent.

However, there are reasons for not viewing the Liberators disinformation

leniently or indulgently:

(1) Black grievances against Jews may be founded on genuine exploitation of

Blacks by Jews, and the Liberators may be an attempt to quiet opposition to

that exploitation and so allow it to continue.

(2) Setting the precedent of conniving at disinformation such as that offered

in the Liberators offers disseminators of disinformation the prospect of

impunity for manipulating public opinion to their own ends, and these ends vary

on the benevolence-malevolence continuum. Whereas inducing people who had

never been at Buchenwald to simulate returning to Buchenwald for PBS cameras

may seem harmless, the buildup of tolerance for such chicanery makes it easier

to similarly induce people to falsely testify in war crimes proceedings

concerning Holocaust events, with the result that the lives of innocent accused

are disrupted, shattered, and even lost.

"Capturing" and "liberating"? Referring to Allied forces "capturing" or

"liberating" the camps is inflating what really happened - which is that Allied

soldiers peacefully walked into camps that German forces had abandoned days

previously. In the words of Philip Latimer, president of the 761st veterans'

organization, "It's no great accomplishment to liberate a concentration camp."

In other words, the Liberators film leaves the impression of Jews attempting to

get black fighting units to falsely take credit for non-accomplishments.

Unreliability of eye-witness testimony. We have already had occasion to notice on

the Ukrainian Archive the unreliability of eye-witness testimony, as in the

cases of falsely accused Frank Walus and John Demjanjuk. The Liberators film