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David Letterman's Late Show. Before that, she was a full-time

publicist for CBS news anchor Dan Rather. CBS This Morning was

one of the first news shows to report the Million Mom March

movement last September, when Hattie Kauffman interviewed Donna.

"What," asked Hattie, "turns a mild-mannered suburban mom into an

anti-gun activist?"

The correct answer is: "A leave of absence from my employer, CBS,

which, by remarkable coincidence, is also your employer, Hattie."

But that's not what Donna said. Only in the last week has CBS

News begun disclosing that she's one of theirs.

Mark Steyn, Made to Measure for the Media, National Post,

15-May-2000, p. A14.

Heigh-ho. The non-March is over now, and the non-Millions are

relaunching themselves today as a political lobby group. Good

luck to them. But yet again those old Soviet hardliners can only

marvel: They spent decades smashing presses and jamming

transmitters in an effort to shut down the flow of information.

Americans achieved that happy state just by leaving it to ABC, CBS

and NBC.

Mark Steyn, Made to Measure for the Media, National Post,

15-May-2000, p. A14.

HOME DISINFORMATION PEOPLE HILBERG Hilberg > 889 hits since 31May99

Hilberg Letter 1 15Sep97 Invitation to deny Lviv pogrom

September 15, 1997

Raul Hilberg

Department of History

University of Vermont

Burlington, VT

USA 05401-3596

Dear Professor Hilberg:

On October 23, 1994, Morley Safer together with Simon Wiesenthal in the 60 Minutes

story The Ugly Face of Freedom drew attention to an event which I will refer to as the

"Lviv pogrom":

SAFER: He [Simon Wiesenthal] remembers that even before the Germans

arrived, Ukrainian police went on a 3-day killing spree.

WIESENTHAL: And in this 3 days in Lvov alone between 5 and 6 thousand

Jews was killed.


SAFER: But even before the Germans entered Lvov, the Ukrainian militia,

the police, killed 3,000 people in 2 days here.

For the moment, let us overlook that the interviewer - Morley Safer is not

citing the evidence of his own professional witness - Simon Wiesenthal - but is instead

offering an unattributed lower estimate within a smaller time interval. And let us

overlook as well that in another place, Simon Wiesenthal places what seems to be this

same Lviv pogrom after the arrival of the Germans:

Thousands of detainees were shot dead in their cells by the retreating

Soviets. This gave rise to one of the craziest accusations of that

period: among the strongly anti-Semitic population the rumour was

spread by the Ukrainian nationalists that all Jews were Bolsheviks and

all Bolsheviks were Jews. Hence it was the Jews who were really to