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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 315

The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, Oxford, New York, 1990 - for information on

the Lviv pogrom, I again found nothing. In Yahil's book too I thought that I had in my

hands a thoroughly researched work which could not have overlooked a massive,

pre-German, Lviv pogrom, if one had ever occurred:

When The Holocaust first appeared in Israel in 1987, it was hailed as

the finest, most authoritative history of Hitler's war on the Jews ever

published. Representing twenty years of research and reflection, Leni

Yahil's book won the Shazar prize, one of Israel's highest awards for

historical work. (From the dust jacket)

And so, I would very much appreciate your opinion on this discrepancy. What

appears to be the case to myself and to others in the Ukrainian community is that the

Lviv pogrom, as described by Safer and Wiesenthal, did not take place, and we have been

attempting, with no success whatever, to get 60 Minutes to issue a retraction. If you

were to join your voice to ours in however simple and brief a statement, I think that a

retraction might be forthcoming in short order.

I should explain by way of background that my attitude to this sort of

misstatement is that it is disrespectful to the memory of the Holocaust dead. I do not

believe that the Holocaust dead authorized Messrs Safer and Wiesenthal to replace the

real Holocaust with a grander one which would do more to advance their respective

careers. I believe that by means of their fabrications, Messrs Safer and Wiesenthal do

a great disservice to the perception of Jewish credibility, provide ammunition for

Holocaust deniers, and at the same time harm Ukrainian-Jewish relations.

Thus, if it were true that the Lviv pogrom in question did not take place, and if

you were to release a statement to that effect (if only in a letter to me which I could

quote), I think you would be performing an invaluable service toward enhancing the

perception of Jewish credibility, toward disarming Holocaust deniers, and as well

toward improving Ukrainian-Jewish relations.

Sincerely yours,

Lubomyr Prytulak


Hilberg reply to Letter 1 15Dec97 Lviv pogrom implicitly denied

Raul Hilberg

236 Prospect Parkway

Burlington, VT 05401

802-863 4653

December 15, 1997

Mr. Lubomyr Prytulak


Dear Mr. Prytulak,

I have had to delay a reply to your letter of September 15, because I had an almost

impossible deadline for a manuscript, plus two trips, one to Europe and one to

Alberta. Now I have had a chance to reexamine some sources with respect to actions in

Lviv and a few other places within eastern Galicia during the early phase of the


Here then are a few more details to complement the sections you have taken from the

1961 edition of my book, The Destruction of the European Jews. The historian Philip

Friedman writes on pages 246-47 of his Roads to Extinction, New York 1980:

By inciteful proclamations, pamphlets, and oral propaganda, the Germans

stirred up mass hatred of the Jews. Persecution and pogroms began

immediately after the entry of the German army. From June 30 to July