company of Ukrainian nationalists and an unruly mob of the local
population. They fell upon the Jews in the streets, beat them
murderously, and dragged them away for "work" - especially for
cleansing of prisons filled with corpses and blood. Thousands of Jews
were seized and conveyed to the prisons on Zamarstynowska, Jachowicza,
and Lackiego Streets; to the Brygidki prison on Kazimierzowska Street;
and to the Gestapo headquarters, at 59 Pelzynska.
The first mention of these events in a report of the Security Police of July 3, 1941,
is a statement that angered residents had already seized 1,000 Jews. A subsequent
report, dated July 16, 1941, notes that "In Lemberg [Lviv] the population rounded up
about 1,000 Jews, and with mistreatment [unter Mi?handlungen] delivered them to the
[German] army-occupied GPU prison." In the same report, there is mention of the
shooting by the Security Police of 7,000 Jews in all of eastern Galicia. Fifty Jews
were reported to have been killed by local inhabitants in Sambor. Another Security
Police report, dated July 11, 1941, refers to 600 Jews "liquidated" in the course of
"persecutions of Jews inspired by the Einsatzkommando" 4b in Tarnopol.
In conclusion, it would seem that local inhabitants violently seized about a thousand
of the Jews arrested in Lviv. Because of the German role and the presence of Ukrainian
militia, I have not called these actions a pogrom, but that may be a matter of
Raul Hilberg [signature]
HOME DISINFORMATION PEOPLE JORDAN Jordan > 786 hits since 23May98
Jordan Letter 1 Mar 6/96 Answering 16,000 pieces of mail
March 6, 1996
Michael H. Jordan
Chairman, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
11 Stanwix Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
USA 15222
Dear Mr. Jordan:
In the Wall Street Journal article on you of February 28, 1996, the phrase "pulling CBS from the ratings
basement" caught my attention, and led me to wonder whether it would be possible to accomplish such a feat while CBS
continues to be weighed down with personnel who have demonstrated such lapses of intelligence and of integrity as were
requisite to broadcasting "The Ugly Face of Freedom." If you take the trouble to read the enclosed documentation, I
am sure that you will be convinced that my depiction of this broadcast as requiring lapses of both intelligence and
integrity is not hyperbolic, but rather is restrained.
Let me right now give you just one example of the hatemongering that was offered to CBS viewers as investigative
journalism in "The Ugly Face of Freedom." It is Morley Safer reading into the camera - without so much as blinking
"The Church and Government of Ukraine have tried to ease people's fears, suggesting that ... Ukrainians, despite the
allegations, are not genetically anti-Semitic." One might have expected that no mainstream journalist would be able
to speak such words in any public forum and still keep his job. Had someone made up the equally fantastic and
inflammatory "The World Jewish Congress has tried to ease people's fears, suggesting that Jews, despite the
allegations, are not genetically addicted to usury," then surely he would have been out of a job. Mr. Safer did say
one of these things - does it matter which one? - and yet somehow he still works for CBS television, reading his lines
into the camera just as if he is not to be held accountable for his statement, carrying on as before just as if he had
not played the leading role in what may be the most concentrated fifteen minutes of disinformation and hate to come
out of the mainstream media.
CBS's behavior since "The Ugly Face of Freedom" continues in the same vein and encourages the suspicion that