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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 324

predisposition to anti-Semitism on the part of Ukrainians, and indicate as well the time and the place of the denial?

(5) Could Mr. Safer similarly identify the Government of Ukraine representative who issued this same denial of a

genetic predisposition to anti-Semitism on the part of Ukrainians - who was it, when, where?

(6) Is Mr. Safer aware of a genetic predisposition to anti-Semitism on the part of any other group - or is this

in his estimation a uniquely Ukrainian phenomenon?

(7) Has Mr. Safer considered the possibility that his own antipathy toward Ukrainians is genetically based? If

not, then how would he account for it? And if not, would Mr. Safer be willing to issue a public statement to the

effect that his anti-Ukrainianism is not genetic in origin?

(8) Could Mr. Safer comment on the possibility that the refusal of CBS personnel to discuss "The Ugly Face of

Freedom" might similarly be genetically-based? If CBS personnel reject the notion that their corporate decisions are

genetically influenced, then could Mr. Safer persuade them to issue a joint statement to this effect, and in

particular denying that they are genetically anti-Ukrainian?

These few and simple questions, it seems to me, serve the useful purpose of establishing what category Mr.

Safer's statement falls into: that of a responsible journalist who picks his words carefully and later stands by them,

or that of a bigot who gets up in front of the camera and begins to ramble off the top of his head - and later selects

muteness as the optimal defense for his irresponsibility.

Sincerely yours,

Lubomyr Prytulak

cc: Ed Bradley, Steve Kroft, Morley Safer, Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace



Jordan Letter 6 Jul 19/96 Allowing a fabulist on 60 Minutes

July 19, 1996

Michael H. Jordan

Chairman, Westinghouse Electric Corporation

11 Stanwix Street

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

USA 15222

Dear Mr. Jordan:

When I began reading Simon Wiesenthal in late 1994, I was naive enough to imagine

that my discovery that he had a credibility problem was an original one. Since that

time, however, I have learned that Mr. Wiesenthal's lack of credibility is widely known

and openly acknowledged. For example, on April 28, 1996, I received a letter from a

Jewish faculty member at an American University, from which I quote the following:

I do not doubt for a moment ... that Simon Wiesenthal is a fabulist

which is the fancy literary word for an unmitigated liar. My father

(an Auschwitz inmate) told me many terrible stories about Wiesenthal's

role after the war in the Austrian DP camps. Wiesenthal is of the same

ilk as Elie Wiesel: a secular saint, he can make the most absurd claims

without fear of exposure.

Now the question that I would like to add to the ones that I have already addressed

to you is the following: How did it come to pass that in 1994 a reputable investigative

journalism show featured as its star witness someone who is widely known to be - shall

we say - a "fabulist"?

And from this question springs a second one: How does it come to pass today that a

reputable investigative journalism show, having learned that it has been victimized by

a "fabulist," refuses to take any corrective action?

Yours truly,

Lubomyr Prytulak

cc: Ed Bradley, Steve Kroft, Morley Safer, Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace, Simon Wiesenthal