then it behooves you to retract it. Either option will constitute a step toward
restoring your standing in the eyes of the Ukrainian community, and in ameliorating
Ukrainian-Jewish relations.
Silence is an option only if you are prepared to encourage the conclusion that you
spoke impulsively and irresponsibly, and that you subsequently lacked the courage and
integrity to admit your error.
Yours truly,
Lubomyr Prytulak
cc: Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Morley Safer,
Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace.
HOME DISINFORMATION PEOPLE SAFER Safer > 815 hits since 24May98
Morely Safer Letter 1 28Dec94 Please explain silence
December 28, 1994
Morley Safer
51 W 52nd Street
New York, NY
USA 10019
Dear Mr. Safer:
I have been wondering which of the following three reasons best explains why 60 Minutes has not yet broadcast a
correction, a retraction, and an apology for "The Ugly Face of Freedom":
(1) The amount of disinformation in the broadcast was so large that a considerable amount of research and
introspection are necessary before a full and just response can be formulated - but one will soon be forthcoming.
(2) 60 Minutes' researchers and consultants have concluded that none of the objections to the broadcast are
valid, and a full rebuttal of these objections will shortly be made available.
(3) Whether the Ukrainian objections are right or wrong is irrelevant what is relevant is that CBS views
Ukrainians as too weak to force CBS to suffer any loss of face.
As time passes with no response from 60 Minutes, Ukrainians are increasingly pulled toward the third of these as
the correct explanation.
Yours truly,
Lubomyr Prytulak
Morely Safer Letter 2 19Mar96 Contempt for the viewer
March 19, 1996
Morley Safer
60 Minutes, CBS Television
51 W 52nd Street
New York, NY
USA 10019
Dear Mr. Safer:
I have been resisting occasional impulses to expand and amplify "The Ugly Face of 60 Minutes," which as you know
is my December 1994 critique of 60 Minutes broadcast "The Ugly Face of Freedom" - as it presently stands, this
critique covers the main points adequately, and I do not have time to polish it. Occasionally, however, some defect
or other of the 60 Minutes broadcast presents itself from a new angle, and I find myself wondering if adding a
description of this freshly-viewed defect to my critique would not strengthen it. For example, just now I thought of
Mr. Safer tells us of the Lviv reunion of Galicia Division veterans that "Nowhere, not even
in Germany, are the SS so openly celebrated," and yet does not pause to explain how it can be
that in this most open of all celebrations of the SS, not a single portrait of Hitler can be
seen, not a single hand is raised in a Heil Hitler salute, no Nazi marching songs are being sung