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ГУЛаг Палестины - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 333

provoked by the Ukrainian language spoken by the Ukrainian children,

which dared to resound even within Ukrainian Crimea. The hatred

mounted to such an irrepressible degree that it provoked the bandits

to the most egregious crime: they constructed an explosive and threw

it into the window of the children's dormitory. Ten or so children

could have been killed by the explosion. But the young Ukrainian

councillor showed no confusion as to his duty. He picked up the

bomb, shielding it with his own body, and jumped out of the

building. Unfortunately, the bomb went off, seriously wounding


The best local surgeons fought for several days to save the boy's

life. Thanks to them, the youth's life was spared. Unfortunately,

it was not possible to save his hands.

No one can accuse the recipient of not having earned his award.

Ukrainian awards, in contrast to Soviet, are fully deserved.

(Ukrainian-language newspaper, Novyi Shliakh (New Pathway) of

7Oct95, based on the earlier report in Ukrains'ke Slovo, (Ukrainian

Word), Kyiv, No. 37, 14Sep95)

The above story of Maksym Tsarenko compels me to ask - not for the first time - who

is in danger in Ukraine? The Western media urge us to accept that it is Jews and

Russians who are in danger, threatened by Ukrainian nationalists. That, for example,

is the conclusion of your infamous 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom of

23Oct94. However, you came back from your brief visit to Ukraine with no data to

substantiate such a claim. Almost a year ago, the Ukrainian Archive has requested

both of you and of Rabbi Bleich the evidence backing your report of violence against

Jews, and neither of you has as yet condescended to reply, strengthening the

suspicion that your story was fabricated.

The sort of powerful story that neither you nor Rabbi Bleich were able to find is one

of a Russian summer-camp councillor who had his hands blown off by Ukrainian

nationalists for using the Russian language within Ukraine; or one of a Jewish

summer-camp councillor having his hands blown off by Ukrainian nationalists for using

Hebrew or Yiddish within Ukraine. Such things do not happen within Ukraine to either

Russians or to Jews - they happen only to Ukrainians. It is the story of Ukrainians

being persecuted within Ukraine that you could have richly documented and broadcast

to the world. The story of Maksym Tsarenko can be found multiplied many times over

the torture-murders of Ukrainian activist Volodymyr Katelnytsky and his mother in

their Kyiv apartment providing a recent example. The contrasting story of Jewish or

Russian victimization within Ukraine is bogus - and yet that is the story that you

unscrupulously chose to broadcast.

Lubomyr Prytulak

cc: Rabbi Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney,

Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace.


Morley Safer Letter 6 20Apr99 What kind of people run 60 Minutes?

Women who worked in the "60 Minutes" offices described to Hertsgaard a sexually

charged environment that had more in common with a drunken frat party than a

professional newsroom. - Carol Lloyd

The excerpt quoted in my letter to Morley Safer below is taken from a Carol Lloyd's A

Feel For a Good Story of 17Mar98, published on the web site Mothers Who Think, whose

home page can be accessed by clicking on the link immediately above, or on the logo