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Ireland, head of NOW, is quoted as saying if these charges by Ms.

Willey are true, it has crossed a very important line from sexual

harassment to sexual assault. And if that's the case, we have to be

very serious about it. Well, the situation where Hewitt stuck his

tongue down that women's throat - that's assault. That is assault.

She certainly felt like she was assaulted. She freed herself by

kicking him in the balls - which they also cut out. She runs away

and then the next day, there was a fancy gala event where you have

to come in evening dress and she's there and Hewitt, this son of a

gun - he's like a randy old goat - he just could not take no for an

answer. She was wearing a backless gown and suddenly she feels

someone running his fingers up and down her bare back. She turns

around, obviously jumpy from what had happened the day before, and

sees the object of her horror - Hewitt - saying, "Don't be scared, I

just think you're a very attractive girl." They cut that out of the

article too.

There's a lot of huffing and puffing within the media about

Clinton's alleged behavior, with a lot of journalists complaining

about the public's so-called apathy on the subject. But in the case

of men like Hewitt, it seems pretty hypocritical.

It's absolutely unmistakable - and Hewitt is an extremely good

example - how most of the discourse about this issue involves people

who have no more moral standing than this ball-point pen in my

hand. And that goes not just for Hewitt, but for many of these

clowns both in the media here in Washington and in the Congress.

Anybody who has spent any time around Capitol Hill knows that a

large number of congressmen, both in the House and in the Senate,

fool around with either their young staffers or the young female

staffers of their colleagues. To any reporter who had their eyes

open, this is not news.

Carol Lloyd, A Feel For a Good Story, Mothers Who Think, 17Mar98.

With respect to Carol Lloyd's statement above, I wonder if I could have your answers

to just four questions:

(1) Is 60 Minutes infected with a slackness of integrity? What Carol Lloyd appears to be

describing in the upper echelons of the 60 Minutes administration - I am thinking

particularly of executive producer Don Hewitt and co-editor Mike Wallace - is a

deep-rooted slackness of integrity: the 60 Minutes environment has "more in common

with a drunken frat party than a professional newsroom," the top 60 Minutes staff are

"people who have no more moral standing than this ball-point pen in my hand," and

executive producer Don Hewitt comports himself "like a randy old goat." Might it be

the case, then, that the cause of your failing to satisfy minimal journalistic

standards in your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom, and of your

failing also in the years since that broadcast to retract any of its many errors, is

that you yourself became infected by the same slackness of integrity that had already

gripped other of the 60 Minutes leadership?

(2) Does female hiring demonstrate a willingness to sacrifice program quality? If the

top 60 Minutes staff require their female employees to be physically attractive and

sexually accessible, then might the resulting inability of 60 Minutes to retain women

of high professional quality have resulted in a degradation in the average competence

of female employees? One may speak of demanding competence together with beauty, but