_Фрява_. Из книг!
_Маша_. Это правда, Фрява? Решено. *(Вновь поднимает вверх руку с Зеленым стеклышком.)* В интересах истины!..
_Дядя Костя_. Постой! *(Внимательно посмотрев на Фряву.)* Истина несет в себе много неожиданностей! *(Подождав, не изменит ли Маша своего решения.)* Хорошо. Но на твоем месте я бы вначале постарался исполнить сокровенные желания своих друзей...
_Маша_. В самом деле, я и не подумала... *(После паузы.)* Что тебе больше всего хочется, Помогай?
_Помогай_. Ну, это все очень обыкновенно: новые ноги, голову, хвост. _ Маша смотрит на Помогая через Зеленое стеклышко, и Помогай преображается: у него появляется все то, о чем он так долго мечтал. _ _Маша_. Стой, ты что, уходишь? Куда?!!
_Помогай_. Туда, где живут настоящие Помогаи - где ветер в лицо, свобода, промокшие ноги, гитара и песни у костра под звездным небом! Прощай. *(Исчезает.)*
_Маша_ *(проглотив слезы).* Хорошо. Прощай, Помогай. Ты, Фрява? Чего хочешь ты? Подумай!
_Фрява_. Больше всего на свете я хочу узнать: кто я на самом деле?
_Маша_. А я полагала... Думала, что ты... Мне кажется... Хорошо. _ Маша смотрит через Зеленое стеклышко на Фряву, и Фрява превращается в некрасивую девушку в больших толстых очках. _ _Маша_. Ах!
_Фрява_. Ты разочарована, Маша?
_Маша_. Какое отвратительное волшебство!.. *(После горького молчания.)* Разве ты тоже хочешь уйти от меня?
_Фрява_. Да. Но ты должна продолжать, Маша. Чтобы не превратиться в такую же, как я: когда-то я тоже мечтала о вечной любви, а потом на все махнула рукой: ни к чему! Только расстраиваться... Пойду запишусь в библиотеку!
_Маша_. Прощай, Фрява!
_Фрява_. Спасибо, Маша. Прощай! *(Исчезает.)*
_Алибаба Викторовна_ *(с ней почти истерика).* Помоги же и мне, Маша! _ Маша смотрит через Зеленое стеклышко на Алибабу Викторовну, и та из Воркиса превращается в молодую, полную злых сил учительницу ботаники. _ _Алибаба Викторовна_. Сегодня у нас будет контрольная на тему: вакуоли и их место в учебном процессе!
_Воркис_. И мне! Мне! Я ведь тоже такой несчастный! _ Маша смотрит через Зеленое стеклышко на Воркиса, и он из Алибабы Викторовны превращается в юного Воркиса - драчливого и упрямого. _ _Дядя Костя_. Еще не поздно остановиться, Маша! *(Протягивает к Зеленому стеклышку руку.)*
_Маша_ *(после паузы, неожиданно твердо).* А вам, Дядя Костя? Чего ВАМ хочется больше всего?
_Дядя Костя_. Я уже старый и уставший человек, Маша, хоть и немного Кащей. Мне почти ничего не нужно от жизни. Я ведь В САМОМ ДЕЛЕ хотел вам всем добра!.. *(Глядя Маше в глаза и не видя в них пощады.)* Ну, разве что... если... оставь мне малость от моего вечного праздника, Маша. Хотя бы затем, чтобы ты смогла к нему в трудную минуту вернуться! _ Маша смотрит через Зеленое стеклышко на Дядю Костю, и он уменьшается, уменьшается, уменьшается, превращаясь в крошечную надувную елочную игрушку, которую Маша тут же вешает на телескопическую карманную елку.
_Ну, а это тебе!_ _ _Маша_. Ну, теперь, кажется, все! *(И она с размаху бьет Зеленое стеклышко об пол подвала, и оно разлетается во все стороны зелеными брызгами.)* _ И тут же сказочный Синич молнией вырывается из котла на свет, разбив окно подвала и засыпав осколками стекол двор. Мгновение - и он взлетает вверх, унося солнце на своих огромных, удивительных, ослепительно-синих крыльях. И эти синие крылья он распахивает над выстуженным, заснеженным, замороженным, веселым городом... И после этого зима отступает. Вечный Новый год кончается, а вслед за ним кончается Вечность: становится слышно, как где-то с крыш начинают падать на освобождающуюся от многолетних сугробов землю первые капли воды. Фонтан за окном страшно урчит и извергает из себя одну-единственную ржавую каплю, затыкается, а потом начинает бить не переставая. И тогда в самом деле наступает Бессмертие - праздник вечного обновления... _ _Воркис_. Бежим!.. *(Губами он издает "пустой звук".)*
_Алибаба Викторовна_. Куда?
_Воркис_. Назад! Назад! *(Губами он опять издает "пустой звук", отпихивает в сторону Алибабу Викторовну и кидается к потухшему котлу.)*
_Алибаба Викторовна_ *(взвизгивает).* Мы из-за вас застрянем, Воркис! Вас заклинит!
_Воркис_. Небось, не заклинит! Я тоже кое-что умею! Я зарядку делал!
_Алибаба Викторовна_. Я надеюсь, это стопроцентХное вранье, Воркис?
_Воркис_. Это вранье на двести процентов!.. *(В третий раз он издает губами "пустой звук", вытягивается в струну и "ласточкой" ныряет в котел.)*
_Алибаба Викторовна_. Талантлив, сволочь! Я и не думала! *("Ласточкой" ныряет в котел вслед за Воркисом.)* _ Маша остается в подвале одна. _ _Маша_. Все это, наверное, очень хорошо. Только почему-то я чувствую себя ужасно несчастной!
_Картина третья_ _ Тот же самый двор. Только теперь здесь плохо и сыро: повсюду, куда ни глянь, видна выступившая из-под снега грязь. Посередине Детской площадки торчит вновь заткнувшийся фонтан с наполовину застрявшими в его трубе Воркисом и Алибабой Викторовной Яицких, сплетенными друг с другом в смертельном объятии. _ _Маша_. Ничего. Пусть немного тут посидят. А фонтан мы потом починим. Пригласим к нему настоящего сантехника!.. *(Подходит к фонтану, вкладывает в торчащие из его трубы руки Воркиса и Алибабы Викторовны по утюгу.)* Композиция: фонтан с утюгами! Спорить могу?- чего-чего, а такого фонтана ни в одном другом городе не увидишь! *(После паузы.) *Холодно! И какая кругом ужасная грязь! _ Во дворе появляется Дед Мороз с тяжелым ящиком. _ _Маша_. Боже мой, он ОПЯТЬ с подарками?! Нет, я этого больше не перенесу! _ Дед Мороз снимает фальшивый нос, фальшивые бороду и усы, стаскивает с себя ватные одежды, превращаясь в Рабочего, и открывает ящик с инструментами. _ _Рабочий_. Ну, накопилось работы! Крыша дома течет?- раз. Детскую площадку давным-давно пора ремонтировать - два! Ну, и все остальное прочее - это три! *(Начинает поправлять "грибок" на детской площадке. Для чего берет в руки молоток и гвоздь. Размахивается, конечно же промахивается, и... крепко бьет себя молотком по пальцам.) *Ай! Руки с похмелья дрожат, совсем отвыкли работать. Ну, ничего. Это ведь мой ПЕРВЫЙ гвоздь после такого страшного перерыва!.. *(Вновь берет в руку молоток, бьет им по гвоздю и загоняет гвоздь по самую шляпку.) *Ох, и надоел же всем нам этот веселый праздник!
_Маша_. Почему-то Бабуля во двор не идет... *(И вдруг в страхе кричит.)* Бабуля!!! Нет! Не хочу! Если бы только можно было все вернуть обратно, назад!
Хриплый тоненький _Голосок_. НЕТ НИЧЕГО ПРОЩЕ. ТЫ ВПРАВДУ ЭТОГО ХОЧЕШЬ, Маша?
_Маша_ *(разглядев под ногами маленькую карманную елку и на ней одну-единственную игрушку).* Я? Да! Я хочу! То есть, нет! Я... Я... Разве это возможно?
Хриплый тоненький _Голосок_. НА ТО ОН И БЕССМЕРТНЫЙ, КАЩЕЙ-ТО. РЕШАЙ, Маша! _ Под ногами Маши взрывается маленькая хлопушка и в воздух взлетает маленькое разноцветное облачко конфетти... __ И тут же во двор влетает Помогай с двумя вишнями в зубах. _ _Помогай_. Стой! Не делай этого, Маша! Вишня - это, конечно, условность. Первые вишни вырастут у вас во дворе не раньше, чем лет через десять. Но ведь так хочется невозможного! И поэтому первые вишни лично от меня - вот! Смотри: на них даже два зеленых листочка! Настоящего времени ведь еще нет, мы по-прежнему живем в вечности. Ничего, пусть чуть-чуть, в самый последний раз, перепутается следствие и причина - от этого, я думаю, большой беды не произойдет. Ведь это будет и в самом деле в последний раз! А это тебе от настоящего... нет, я не имею права называть ЕГО по имени. Об этом ты должна будешь догадаться сама. Скажу только, что ровно через год - тридцать первого декабря - ОН обещал вернуться и проверить: как ты воспользовалась ЕГО подарком... *(Помогай оставляет у ног Маши школьный ранец.)* И еще тебе от Фрявы привет!
_Маша_. Значит, Фрява была права, и ОН есть на самом деле? Быть может, и океаны тоже где-нибудь есть, а не только наш фонтан? _ Помогай молча исчезает. И тогда где-то звенит противный школьный звонок, и слышится голос, чем-то напоминающий противный голос Алибабы Викторовны Яицких: "Перемена закончилась! Все на урок! Все-все на урок!" _ _Маша_. Звонок на урок... А я ведь так ничегошеньки и не знаю!
_На последнюю страницу _
_На страницу "Содержание" _
Andrey Zinchuk
(Translated by O. Zhivago)
________ Worldwide is a garbage dump. How to clean this filthy sump? How to cure this crazy world? Our days are dark and cold. Those who rule us are malicious Caddish, impudent, suspicious And to us they've always lied. Never mind. Our indifference and fears Ruin up our souls and ears. They can't hear very much, Only "March!" Folly laziness and lies, Whim that nobody denies, Cruelty is going fatter, If there's somebody to flatter. If there's somebody to lie, Garbage dumps would never die.
______ _THE DANDELION THE KITTEN THE SMART CAT THE FLY THE LITTLE CARP THE MOTH THE POT THE OLD BOOT _ __ _ACT 1 _ _ The Pot's rattling. The Kitten, The the Little Carp, The Moth and the Fly alarmed. _ _EVERYBODY_. What has happened? What has happened? What has happened here? Who is making these sounds? _THE POT_. Horror, horror, disaster! _EVERYBODY_. What's the matter? Quickly tell us about it! What's the matter? Quickly tell us! What? Would you tell us about it? _THE POT_. Help! Help! We are lost! _EVERYBODY_. Who is missing? Who is missing? One, two, three, four... The Boot is missing. Where is the Boot? We've lost The Boot. One, two, three, four... Where is The Smart Cat? We've lost The Smart Cat! _THE POT_ (keeps rattling). Quickly! Quickly! Come on! Help! _EVERYBODY_. Help! And what has happened? What has happened? _THE POT_. Is everybody here? _EVERYBODY_. Everybody! Oh, no, not everybody! The Boot is missing, The Smart Cat is missing. Well, well, speak! _THE POT_. Save yourselves! _EVERYBODY_. Save yourselves! Save yourselves! _THE MOTH_. But I can't save myself, I have no wings. Please, someone save me. _THE KITTEN_. I don't know how to save myself. Please, someone teach me. _THE POT_. The Smart Cat and The Boot must have already saved themselves. And we'll be lost here! _EVERYBODY_. We'll be lost... _THE KITTEN_. I don't know how to be lost. I'm so small. Please, someone teach me. _THE POT_. Save yourselves! _EVERYBODY_. Save yourselves, before it's too late. _THE KITTEN_. You know, Fly, I want to learn quickly how to save myself? _THE LITTLE CARP _and_ THE MOTH_. So do we! So do we! We want to save ourselves too! _THE FLY_. To save yourselves you have to do this way: don't care a bother about anything. You, Moth, don't care about The little Carp. And you, Kitten, don't care about the Moth. _THE KITTEN._ I can't. Teach me! _THE FLY_. Oh, it's very easy to do. You must tell the Moth that you are bored with him. Well, then! _THE KITTEN_ (To The Moth). I'm bored with you. _THE MOTH_. Why are you bored with me, Kitten? _THE FLY_. Don't you dare answer him! Go away from him! This is called saving oneself. _THE KITTEN_. So easy? Then I'll hurry on... Oh! _THE OLD BOOT_. Stop, Kitten. Where are you galloping to? _THE KITTEN_. I'm saving myself. I can teach you how to do it. You, Boot, just tell me that you are bored with me. Now, then! _THE OLD BOOT_. I'm bored with all of you. _THE POT_. He doesn't understand. He doesn't want to save himself! He doesn't hear! Listen! Everybody, listen! _THE POT_ (stops ratting). (A rustle is heard.) Do you hear? Haven't told you? Now you can make sure! Save yourselves! _THE OLD BOOT_. Whom from? _THE POT_. From him, from this one. Just here. _THE KITTEN_. Hey! Who is there? _THE MOTH_. Is it silent? _THE LITTLE CARP_. Isn't answering? _THE KITTEN_. It is rustling. _EVERYBODY_. It is rustling. _THE KITTEN_. It's climbing out. _EVERYBODY_. It's climbing out. _THE KITTEN_. It's creeping up. _EVERYBODY_. It's creeping up. _THE POT_. I warned you! I warned you! I was the first to sound! _THE FLY_. Now then... Let me listen... What could it be? One, two, three, four... Boot?.. No, The Boot is here. May be The Cat? Hey, Cat. Have you heard me? Ca-a-t! It's rustling. It's scratching. _THE KITTEN_. The Smart Cat can't rustle. He growls and then at once rushes at you. Here it is something else. Let us do it this way: you all go away and I'll sneak up and catch it. I can do it, The Smart Cat taught me. _THE OLD BOOT_. And if it goes all the way round and it catches you? _EVERYBODY_. It will catch you! It will catch you! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Let me listen too. Well then? Now it is scratching louder. _THE POT_. Save yourselves! _THE OLD BOOT_. But who would steal up on us from under the earth? _THE LITTLE CARP_. May be this is... May be this is... a mountain growing! _EVERYBODY_. A mountain! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Oh, yes! Have you ever seen how the mountains grow? They simply grow up and that's all. When I was The Goldfish!.. _EVERYBODY._ Tell us, tell us, Little Carp, what are mountains? _THE LITTLE CARP_. Mountains - it's something... it's something huge! _THE FLY_. Don't listen to him, I've flow all over the world, I've been everywhere. _EVERYBODY._ Tell us, tell us, have you even seen the mountains? _THE FLY_. To be sure, there is no such thing as mountains in the world. _THE KITTEN_. But something is scratching here? _EVERYBODY_. And what in the whole world is there? Tell us, tell us! _THE LITTLE CARP_. There is the sea. _EVERYBODY_. The sea! Tell us, have you ever seen the sea? _THE FLY_. The sea is something that doesn't exist either. _EVERYBODY_. And what does exist in the world? Tell us! _THE FLY_. Then listen... I've flown all over the world. I've been everywhere. There are only garbage dumps in the world. Big and small ones. I've flown all over the world. I've seen everything. Everything! _THE MOTH_. Don't listen to her. It's not true! There are the mountains behind the thistles. _THE LITTLE CARP_. There is the sea behind the thistles! _THE MOTH_ and _THE LITTLE CARP_. The world is quite quite different there behind the Thistles. _EVERYBODY_. The world! _THE MOTH_ and _THE LITTLE CARP_. There, behind the thistles the life is different too. _EVERYBODY_. Life! _THE FLY_. Over there on that other garbage dump everything is just the same. Well, how about scratching? _THE KITTEN_. It's very close. _THE LITTLE CARP_. Here is a big mountain growing! _THE FLY_. There is no such thing as mountain. _THE OLD BOOT_. Yes. That's true. There were the mountains before, indeed. But now I won't find a thing like that. _EVERYBODY_. Where are they? _THE OLD BOOT_. They are worn out. Everything is worn out. Everything falls into decay. Everything gets older and goes to ruin. _THE MOTH_. But there is the sun in the world. _THE OLD BOOT_. It will be worn out too. _THE FLY_. And there won't be any sun in the world! _THE LITTLE CARP_. But the moon will remain. _THE POT_. The moon! Why do you think it is better than me, the old pot? I used to be a shining star too when I was young. And now look at me? _THE OLD BOOT_. And the moon will be worn out too. _THE POT_. And the stars will be worn out. _THE FLY_. And you know what'll be left? One big garbage dump. _THE POT_ and _THE OLD BOOT_. Which will be worn out too! _THE KITTEN_. Look! Look! It's growing up! It's growing up! _THE LITTLE CARP_. And I told you that it was the mountain! _THE FLY_. Ha-ha-ha! It is so small! Smaller then The Kitten! _THE LITTLE CARP_. But it'll rise soon. _THE FLY_. It is such a charming green! _THE MOTH._ Yes, it is still green. But then it becomes mature, and the show-white peak shows up, and the pine grove covers its slopes. And the sun rises and thaws the top, fast streams break into a run and form lakes and those in turn flow together into the blue of the sea. _THE LITTLE CARP_. And then again I'll become The Goldfish. Oh, I already feel my fins growing! Look, Moth, have you noticed? _THE MOTH_. And I'll be fluttering among slender pine trees and drinking the Alpine flowers' nectar. Look, Little Carp, I already feel my wings growing! _THE KITTEN_. And me! And me too! Me too! _THE POT_. It looks like they have stopped growing! They are so small! _THE OLD BOOT_. I think, Little Carp, that there is no place for you to swim here! _THE LITTLE CARP_. But it has already two little blue lakes! _THE POT_. I think, Moth, there isn't any place for you to fly here... _THE MOTH_. But on its summit I can already see a little Alpine flower blossoming. _THE FLY_. I know what is it, I suppose. Surely it isn't a mountain. Because a mountain is something that you won't find anywhere. I have already seen it somewhere. Let me remember... On some other garbage dump. Yes. That's it. It looks like a flower. That's right, a flower. _EVERYBODY_. Flower! _THE FLY_. Sometimes they happen on garbage dumps. _THE POT_. Are they dangerous? _THE FLY_. Oh, no. They are totally harmless. First they are yellow for some reason. You can see a cloud on its crown! Then - for some reason - they become white. And then die. _THE OLD BOOT_. Oh yes, that's sure. I can remember too... A cloud, a cloud... Oh yes, they are useless, because they die rather quickly. Especially when you touch them or blow on them by chance. _THE POT_. What a delicacy! _THE LITTLE CARP_. So, I'll never swim in the blue sea? _THE MOTH._ So, I'll never flutter among the high pine trees? _THE FLY_. You can be certain now! I've flown all over the world, I've seen everything. The world is none other then the big garbage dump where sometimes a useless flower grows. _THE POT_. What an uninteresting, boring fact! _THE MOTH_. Well, I'm off. They say the winter will come some day. It's high time to build a cocoon. _THE OLD BOOT._ Oh yes, that's sure. First comes the summer, then the autumn and then the winter is sure to come. It's high time to lace myself up. _THE LITTLE CARP_. I will hide myself in the slime. _THE KITTEN_. And I'll go somewhere and do something! _THE FLY_. That's correct. You must leave it! _EVERYBODY_. And we'll surely leave it! _THE KITTEN_. But I don't know how to leave anyone... _THE FLY_. Oh, it's so easy! It's quite like saving yourself. To leave you must just turn your back. And never run, but just go away slowly, without glancing back. _THE KITTEN_. Aha, now I can do that! Soon I'll grow up and begin leaving everybody! _THE DANDELION_. Ah!.. _THE LITTLE CARP_. Have you heard? May be it doesn't want to be left? _THE OLD BOOT_. As for me, I've heard nothing... _THE DANDELION_. Where am I? _THE MOTH_. It is saying something! _THE POT_. Probably he is saying something, but we don't hear anything. Is it true, Boot? _THE LITTLE CARP_. Who are you? _THE DANDELION_. A Dandelion. _THE LITTLE CARP_. You see, he named himself. He has the name! _THE DANDELION_. Where am I? _THE FLY_. Ha-ha-ha! He is so stupid! He doesn't understand anything! He doesn't know where is he! He doesn't know what it is! Tis the World! Ha-ha-ha! _THE DANDELION_. The world! I love the world! _THE FLY_. He doesn't know yet that the world is the big garbage dump! _THE DANDELION_. There is something that irritates my eyes... _THE FLY_. Have you heard that? He doesn't feel yet! This is the light! _THE DANDELION_. The light... I love the light! _THE FLY_. Look at this fool! He doesn't how the sun can blind you. _THE DANDELION_. Oh, what's happening to me? There is something moving inside me... _THE FLY_. Ha-ha-ha! He still hasn't an idea! It is life! _THE DANDELION_. Life!.. I love life so much! _THE FLY_. He doesn't understand that he will die soon! _THE DANDELION_. The world... light... life... I have light, the world and life. Seems I can understand it! _THE FLY_. Poor thing! He is totally a beggar! _THE MOTH._ And he hasn't any high pine-tree... _THE LITTLE CARP_. Oh, yes, now I'm sure that he hasn't any blue lake! _THE MOTH_. I've no where to flutter! _THE LITTLE CARP_. I've no where to swim. _EVERYBODY_. He has nothing. He is a beggar. _THE DANDELION._ You have to fly? You need wings? Take my leaves. They will hold you in the air... _THE MOTH_. Wings! I have new wings! _THE DANDELION_. Take some of my golden hair. They will serve you for fins. _THE LITTLE CARP_. Golden fins! I have golden fins! _THE MOTH_. Look! Look! I'm rising! I'm flying! _EVERYBODY_. Flying! Flying! What can you see there, Moth? _THE MOTH_. The sun! _EVERYBODY_. The sun! Rise higher. What more can you see? _THE MOTH_. The world! _EVERYBODY_. The world! What does it look like? _THE MOTH_. It is wonderful! _EVERYBODY_. Higher! Higher! What can you see behind the thistles? _THE MOTH_. I can see... Ah! You are so small! Oh, no, I'm sinking. I have forgotten how to fly! I'm so excited! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Here are my golden fins! I can make miracles! _EVERYBODY_. Make a miracle, Moth! _THE LITTLE CARP_. I want... want... No, I order! I order my fins to glare like the sun! _EVERYBODY_. Ah! _THE MOTH_. Seems I'm rising once more! Oh yes, I'm flying! _THE LITTLE CARP_. I command my fins to glare stronger than the Sun! _EVERYBODY_. Ah! _THE POT_. I can glare too. I'm glaring! _THE OLD BOOT_. That's great, splendid! _THE LITTLE CARP_. What a filthy mess here! _THE MOTH_. So much dust here! _THE OLD BOOT_. So it looks like a garbage dump! _EVERYBODY_. A garbage dump! _THE KITTEN_ (to The Dandelion). And for me! For me? Have you got something for me? Squandered everything? You, greedy-guts. Nothing is left for me! _ Somebody growls, The Smart Cat. _ _THE SMART CAT_. What kind of profit,of profit,
____ of profit, Can I get here? What kind of fun? When the moon is shining Or the sun Or the sun Or the sun... Why are you so nervous, What are you looking for? You know Cat is coming That's great misfor... Silence! You fool, be carefu-u-l, be carefu-u-l, ____ Can you deceive anyone?
_THE DANDELION._ No. _THE KITTEN._ Deceive! Neither can I! _THE SMART CAT._ May be you can attack? _THE DANDELION_. No. _THE KITTEN_. Attack! Tell me quickly how to attack! _THE SMART CAT_. Or you can be a thief? _THE DANDELION_. No! _THE KITTEN_. To be a thief! That's my dream to become a thief! _THE SMART CAT_. Oh it's so easy. Well, then, everybody, come here. So do you, Moth. Well, come nearer. Now I'll show you something interesting. You must do this way... One, two, three... Finish! _THE MOTH._ My new wings! _THE SMART CAT_. Tearing your wings in pieces! That is what we call deception. _THE KITTEN_. It is so easy to deceive! _THE SMART CAT_. Now look! One, two, three... Done! _THE LITTLE CARP._ My golden fins! _THE SMART CAT_. Tearing your golden fins in pieces! That is what we call attacking! _THE KITTEN_. Attacking is also very easy. _THE SMART CAT_. Well. Attacking... deceiving... threatening. Threatening. Don't beg for fins and wings again! I'll take them away and tear them into pieces. Look, he - himself hasn't anything more. You wouldn't dare! _ The Moth and The Little Carp disappear. _ Deceiving... threatening... What else? Ah! To be a thief! (To The Dandelion) Let's do something else. I'll show you how to be a thief. _THE KITTEN._ (To The Dandelion). Is it possible that you haven't anything more? _THE DANDELION_. Would you like me to make you a present?.. _THE KITTEN_. Oh, that's great! _THE DANDELION_. If I give you friendship? _THE KITTEN._ Friendship? Oh! I see! Is it better than the golden fins and the new wings? Okay, let's. I'll take friendship. Let's see what kind of profit I can get here. _THE DANDELION._ Take it! _THE KITTEN_. Give me! _THE DANDELION_. Take! _THE KITTEN_. Give, give! Throw it here! _THE DANDELION_. Oh, no, friendship is something different. I can't give it to you this way. _THE SMART CAT_. What did you say you have? Friendship? Does it mean that you don't want to give it on your own free will? Good, look, Kitten, now I'll steal the friendship. Well. You all go away! One, two, three... One, two, three... _THE KITTEN._ It seems that you didn't succeed. Try once more. _THE SMART CAT_. I'll get excited and I'll steal it. One, two, three... One, two, three... It means I'm not excited enough. Hey, Boot, step on my tail. Aha! Now I got excited indeed! Now look out! One, two, three!.. One, two, three... _THE OLD BOOT_. I'm quitting. _THE POT_. I'm saving myself. _THE FLY_. Stop, Smart Cat! _THE SMART CAT_. I can't stop. They excited me! _THE FLY_. You dare, you risk hurting yourself. _THE SMART CAT_. Let me hurt myself! There is nothing that can be done for me now! _THE FLY_. Stop! You are trying to catch something that doesn't exist! _THE SMART CAT_. What! What are you buzzing? I don't hear you! One, two, three... _THE FLY_. But you can't steal something that doesn't exist! _THE SMART CAT._ I can! Something you can give - you can also steal! Now I'll take it the same! It won't get away! Now I'll take it the same! It won't get away! I'll run it down! I'll deceive it! I'll catch it! _THE FLY_. You should wait it appears. _THE SMART CAT_. Who else must appear? _THE FLY._ Friendship! _THE SMART CAT._ What friendship? _THE FLY_. Friendship that soon will appear between them! _THE SMART CAT_. I can't understand it. What are you buzzing about? _THE FLY_. What do you want to steal? _THE SMART CAT_. Everything! _THE FLY_. You are greedy! _THE SMART CAT_. I'm excited! _THE FLY_. Their friendship is still a very small one, that is why you can't catch it. It always falls through your claws. _THE SMART CAT_. Ah, through my claws... I see... _THE FLY_. Have some pity on yourself! _THE SMART CAT._ Pity? On myself? I got excited by myself, and I'll calm down by myself. The Smart Cat is good, he is cunning, dexterous, cowardly. Calm yourself down, take off your claws, lower your tail, screw up your eyes, purr... All you are fools! _THE FLY._ You have to be more cunning. _THE SMART CAT_. I can't be more cunning than I am. Teach me. _THE FLY_. Okay. But first let's overhear what they are talking about... _THE SMART CAT_. I am an expert at eavesdropping! _ The Kitten and The Dandelion. _ _THE KITTEN_. I don't know how to be friends. Teach me. _THE DANDELION._ To be friends? - You must stretch out your hand. _THE KITTEN_. I only have a paw. _THE DANDELION._ Give me your paw. _THE KITTEN_. And what else? _THE DANDELION._ Now you must say that yo-uu need me so-o much. _THE KITTEN._ I need you so-o much, I need you so-o much. And what else? Well, then? _THE DANDELION_. Now you give me your word of honour. Tell me that you will never leave me. _THE KITTEN_. I will give it to you. I am able to leave. The Fly taught me. If you like. I can teach you too! You must turn your back on me. Well? You don't want to? Then I'll turn. _THE DANDELION._ Kitten! _THE KITTEN_. What? _THE DANDELION_. Where are you going to? _THE KITTEN._ Now I must go and not glance back. Bye! _THE DANDELION._ Farewell... Stop! _THE KITTEN._ I can't stop. Farewell! _THE DANDELION_. Doesn't it mean that if I suffer you won't come to save me? It's so strange... Well, Okay, bye! _THE KITTEN._ Adieu. _ Goes off. _ _THE FLY_. They have parted. That's great! This means that it works! I know that friendship strengthens when apart. They say it becomes even stronger. What a pity! But those who make friends posses all the world. Oh, sorry, garbage dumps! _THE SMART CAT_. Our garbage dumps! _THE FLY_. Yes, those who are friends, can withstand all adversities! _THE SMART CAT_. Our adversities! _THE FLY_. They say, that friendship can destroy a lie! _THE SMART CAT_. Our lie! _THE FLY_. Cowardice can be lost because of friendship! _THE SMART CAT_. Our cowardice! _THE FLY_. Indifference! _THE SMART CAT_. Our Indifference! _THE FLY_. Stupidity! _THE SMART CAT_. Stupidity! _THE FLY_. Flattery! _THE SMART CAT_. Flattery! _THE FLY_. Envy. _THE SMART CAT_. Envy! _THE FLY_. Selfishness. _THE SMART CAT_. Selfishness. _THE SMART CAT_. Selfishness! Oh, will selfishness be lost too? Well, I can't agree with you. Fly, bite my tail, try to tease me. _THE FLY_. You'll do a lot of harm to yourself. You should be careful. _THE SMART CAT_. I will be careful. I'm good at sneaking up. _THE FLY_. You should be patient... _THE SMART CAT_. I'm always very patient, while I'm waiting. _THE FLY._ You should be more cunning! _THE SMART CAT_. Oh, I'm cunning enough, you know. _THE FLY_. Then... we'll wait! Let their friendship grow up and then... _THE SMART CAT_. And then what?.. _THE FLY_. Then you'll seize it with all your paws. _THE SMART CAT_. Oh, Fly!.. _THE FLY_. Well, Smart Cat! _THE SMART CAT_. They are all fools. _THE FLY_. Ha-ha-ha! _ Disappear. The Kitten. _ _THE KITTEN_. I'll!.. I'll!.. I'll scamper about! I'll! I'll! I'll get worked up! I'll become playful! I'll! I'll! How dull it is... Oh! There's somebody here! _ The Boot and The Pot. _ _THE OLD BOOT._ Good evening! _THE POT_. Good evening! _THE OLD BOOT._ What I told you! Even the sun is worn out. Everything wears out... _THE POT_. Fins... _THE OLD BOOT._ Wings... _THE POT._ Everything is worn out, everything is over. _THE OLD BOOT._ How dark it is! _THE POT_. Dark! What is it, there? _THE OLD BOOT._ The moon has risen. _THE POT._ It'll wear out by the morning. _THE OLD BOOT._ It is not worth thinking about it. It will certainly be warn out. _THE POT_. And stars will be worn out. _THE OLD BOOT._ Only we won't be worn out. _THE POT_. We'll remain. _THE OLD BOOT._ Yes... _THE POT_. Yes... _THE OLD BOOT._ See you soon! _THE POT._ Let's meet in the morning, after the night is worn out. _THE OLD BOOT._ In the morning, when the night is worn out. _ They part. _ _THE KITTEN._ They've gone away. And I'm alone! Oh, I feel upset! It is so boring. Who is here? _ The Moth, The Little Carp. _ _THE LITTLE CARP_. I've nearly become the Goldfish forever... _THE MOTH_. And I've nearly become a Butterfly!.. _THE LITTLE CARP_. Now I've got only gold dreams, left for me... _THE MOTH._ Sometimes I still fly in my dreams... _THE LITTLE CARP_. I'll go and have my dream... _THE MOTH._ I may fly over the thistles in my dream... _ Go away. The Smart Cat. _ _THE SMART CAT_. I can't get asleep. I'm fond of walking under the Moon! I'll tell you a secret: it's easier to steal something by moonlight. Because then you can see everything. I mean, one can see nothing. My only eye is shining brightly, isn't it? As if it were a green glow-worm! And my hair is so bright! My second eye was catapulted. What an eye it was! Much better than this one! They couldn't even be compared! How I could look at the world then! What a keen eye I had! And now... When one looks at the world with his only eye, everybody seems to be an enemy. I hear somebody approaching. Who is that? Oh, it's you!... And there's somebody else... I'm leaving! _ leaves. The Fly. _ _THE FLY_. How quiet it is! How silent! Everybody is sleeping. Everything is in order. The night moonlight is useful only to cats. _ Leaves. The Kitten and The Dandelion. _ _THE KITTEN._ Where did everybody hide from me? Hey! Is there anybody here? Hey! Here you are! _THE DANDELION_. I'm sleeping. Children should go to bed at night. _THE KITTEN_. But I am bored! Well... Listen... Look... the Moon is so bright! _THE DANDELION._ Moon! (Opening slightly). I like looking at the Moon! _THE KITTEN_. As for us, cats, it's the best time for walks. _THE DANDELION_ (half-open). Walks! I am fond of walks! _THE KITTEN_. Well, get out! _THE DANDELION._ What for? _THE KITTEN._ Let's do something. _THE DANDELION_ (getting out). Let's do. _THE KITTEN_. Let's admire the Moon! _ They admire the Moon. _ Well, we have admired enough. Let's do something else. _THE DANDELION_. Let's listen . _THE KITTEN_. Well, let's listen. _ They listen. _ We've listened. What else? Well, let's smell. _THE DANDELION_. But I can't. _THE KITTEN._ Neither can I. We Cats have a poor nose. We'd rather look. THE DANDELION. How clever you are. _ They look. _ _THE KITTEN._ Well, What did you see? _THE DANDELION._ You. _THE KITTEN._ And I saw you. It's Wonderful. Let's continue looking. _ They look. _ What else did you see? _THE DANDELION._ The Moon. _THE KITTEN._ Oh, so did I! Well, wait a minute. I've already seen it before. When we were admiring it. And you? _THE DANDELION._ I had seen it before too. Do you know, what we are doing now? _THE KITTEN._ What? _THE DANDELION._ It seems to me, that we are recalling. Let's recollect. _THE KITTEN._ Let us. _ They recall. _ What are you recalling? _THE DANDELION._ I think, I'm recalling you. _THE KITTEN_. How nice it is! And what am I like? _THE DANDELION._ You are young in my recollections. _THE KITTEN._ And you know, I'm recalling you. And you are young too. How nice it is! Well, let's recall something else. It is not very interesting you recall only me, you look at me... Try to recall something else. _THE DANDELION._ What should I? _THE KITTEN._ Try to recall, how we admired the Moon. _THE DANDELION._ Oh, I recall it. _THE KITTEN_. And that's all? _THE DANDELION._ I think it is. _THE KITTEN._ I know what we shall do. But it's difficult. _THE DANDELION_. What? _THE KITTEN._ We'll dream. _THE DANDELION_. But how? _THE KITTEN_. It means to speak about something, that will never happen. _THE DANDELION_. But I can't. _THE KITTEN._ Little Carp taught me to dream. Well... So, when I become The Goldfish...! _THE DANDELION._ Do you want to become The Goldfish? _THE KITTEN._ Of course, not. Little Carp does. And I only dream. Listen... When I become a Goldfish again... and I get golden fins! _THE DANDELION_. Will you get golden fins? _THE KITTEN_. Well, not. Little Carp will. Don't interrupt. When I get golden fins...! _THE DANDELION_. Well? _THE KITTEN._ That's all. Little Carp would tell nothing more. And now it's your turn. _THE DANDELION._ Well, I'll try... So ... When I become The Goldfish again...! _THE KITTEN._ Well? _THE DANDELION._ When I get golden fins! _THE KITTEN._ Well? What else? _THE DANDELION._ But you didn't teach me anything else! _THE KITTEN._ Oh! How I wish I could learn what will happen to these fins. I think we aren't good at dreaming. _THE DANDELION._ Let's peep into the future. _THE KITTEN._ Let's, but what is the future? _THE DANDELION._ That's something that will certainly happen. _THE KITTEN._ Well, let's try... _ They peep into the future. _ Well? _THE DANDELION._ Ooh, it is wonderful! _THE KITTEN._ It's wonderful! Now, you'll try to learn what's in store for me, and I'll do it for you. _ They peep into the future of each other. _ Your future seems better than mine. _THE DANDELION._ Do you like it? So I give it to you. _THE KITTEN._ So do I! I give it to you. _THE DANDELION._ What do you want to give me? _THE KITTEN._ Everything! _THE DANDELION._ I give you everything too! _THE KITTEN._ Hurrah! You've given to me, and I give to you! I wish Little Carp could hear our words. He's fond of giving too. Let's give him something. _THE DANDELION._ Well, what? _THE KITTEN._ We'll give him everything too. Well... He doesn't need everything. He wants his fins. Let's give him the fins . _THE DANDELION_. Well, let's. _THE KITTEN._ Little Carp, we give you golden fins. _THE DANDELION._ And we give Moth his wings. _THE KITTEN._ Little Carp! _THE DANDELION._ Moth! _THE KITTEN._ I think, they can't hear our words. They're sleeping. Let's call them! _THE DANDELION_ and _THE KITTEN._ Moth! Little Carp! _ The Moth and The Little Carp. _ _THE KITTEN._ Moth and Little Carp! Listen, we give you your fins and wings. _THE LITTLE CARP._ Thank you. _THE MOTH._ I'm so happy. _THE LITTLE CARP._ Well... You say... How could it be! I'll get my golden fins again! _THE MOTH._ It seems to me... new wings?! _THE LITTLE CARP._ Moth, wake up! _THE MOTH._ Wake up, Little Carp! _THE LITTLE CARP._ My fins! _THE MOTH._ My wings! _THE KITTEN._ So, we've made them a present! Let's give something to somebody else. _THE LITTLE CARP._ Why... But where are my fins? _THE MOTH._ And what about wings? Give me them! _THE KITTEN._ But should one give anything, while making a present? _THE LITTLE CARP._ Oh, look at him! _THE KITTEN._ But we can't do it yet. We can only make presents. _THE MOTH._ How would you like it! Well, Little Carp, listen to what they are talking about! _THE LITTLE CARP._ Well, Moth! They seem to be deceiving us! _THE KITTEN_ and _THE DANDELION._ Deceive you?! _THE MOTH._ I was just flying over the thistles... in my dream, of course... _THE LITTLE CARP._ And you?.. _THE MOTH._ And I was woke up? _THE KITTEN_ and _THE DANDELION._ Who woke you? _THE LITTLE CARP._ I don't know how to put it... They promised to give me the fins... _THE MOTH._ Oh, I was awaken at the same moment - they promised to give me my wings... _THE KITTEN_ and _THE DANDELION._ Who promised that? _THE MOTH._ There are two know-it-alls. Am I right, Little Carp? _THE DANDELION_. Well, Kitten, we happen to be these know-it-alls, we promised... _THE KITTEN._ How could it be? I don't know how to promise. I did it accidentally! Please forgive me! _THE DANDELION_. Forgive me too! Please! _THE LITTLE CARP._ Well, we'll forgive you, but... _THE MOTH._ It can't be helped - one should keep his promise. _THE KITTEN._ But I... We can't keep promise! _THE MOTH._ So you should learn! _THE LITTLE CARP._ So you'll have to learn! And I'll go and see my dream up to the end. I want to know, how it ended. _ He leaves. _ _THE MOTH._ I may have time to fly over those thistles by the morning. (He leaves.) _THE KITTEN_ and _THE DANDELION._ Don't get upset about it! We'll keep our promise! Honest! _THE KITTEN._ Why didn't you warn me? I wouldn't have promised then. We made a present to our own misfortune. What shall we do? _THE DANDELION._ You know, I seem to know what to do. Let's... invent something! _THE KITTEN._ Hurrah! Let us! But let's whisper at first. _THE DANDELION._ Let's whisper! _ They whisper. _ _THE KITTEN._ It's a secret! _THE DANDELION._ It's our secret! _THE KITTEN._ Let's whisper a little more! _THE DANDELION._ Let's whisper then. _ They continue whispering.
_ _ACT 2 _ _ The Smart Cat and The Fly. _ _THE FLY._ Have a good rest, sleepy-head? _THE SMART CAT._ I didn't have a wink of sleep. I was lying in wait. Do you think, it's very interesting? Give it a try! _THE FLY._ What's the news? _THE SMART CAT._ Bad news. I didn't have enough sleep. _THE FLY._ That's a good boy. You don't have to tell everything they said. I'm sure they talked nonsense. Report on what you heard. _THE SMART CAT._ I'm reporting: I didn't understand a word. I was lying in wait. _THE FLY._ What for then? _THE SMART CAT._ What for? We, cats, have this habit. _THE FLY_. So you didn't hear a word? _THE SMART CAT._ Pains me to hear it! We cats have a keen ear... But my memory... _THE FLY._ Can you remember at least one word? _THE SMART CAT_. Mm... We often repeat it. _THE FLY._ "Promise"? _THE SMART CAT._ Another one... One says, when he's lying. _THE FLY._ "Honest". _THE SMART CAT. _That's right. That's what they were talking about. _THE FLY_. How interesting! Could you even imagine it? Such a little but harmful seed has flown here from behind these thistles! _THE SMART CAT_. What are you talking about? _THE FLY_. Wait, you'll see what the things will be like! _THE SMART CAT_. I don't like anybody, saying contradictions. I can't understand it! _THE FLY._ It's quite easy - As you sow, you shall reap. _THE SMART CAT_. What shall one sow? _THE FLY._ Sow the wind... _THE SMART CAT_. And what shall one reap? _THE FLY._ And reap the whirlwind. As you sow you shall reap! _THE SMART CAT._ But why does one reap not, what he's sown? _THE FLY. _Nobody knows, what grow on our ground!.. _THE SMART CAT_. What will grow? _THE FLY._ Well, Smart Cat!.. _THE SMART CAT_. Oh, Fly!.. Well... We need a plan! How to save ourselves from it! _THE FLY_. How nice of you to understand it! Let's think it over. _ They are whispering. _ _THE SMART CAT._ Hush! Who is coming here? _ They disappear. The Old Boot and The Pot. _ _THE OLD BOOT. _How are you?! Still rattling, aren't you? _THE POT._ I am. Well, is the night over? _THE OLD BOOT._ Of course, it is. And the day will certainly be over. Everything passes: morning, day, evening, night... _THE POT_. It is an old custom. _THE OLD BOOT. _But we shall never be worn out. _THE POT_. We are inanimate objects. _ The Moth and The Little Carp. _ _THE LITTLE CARP._ I'll soon get my golden fins. _THE MOTH._ And they promised to give me the wings! _THE OLD BOOT_. Oh, as soon as you start dreaming of something they'll immediately interrupt you! _THE POT._ They'll immediately interrupt you! _THE POT._ They'll find and certainly interrupt! Certainly! _THE LITTLE CARP._ Oh, Moth, if you ever could imagine, how these two old whimperers bother me! _THE MOTH._ Little Carp, I'm bored to death with this lame Boot! _THE OLD BOOT._ Come! Come! If you were more careful, you could notice long ago that I'm the left one! _THE POT_. And I'm always right! _THE LITTLE CARP._ And I'll get the fins! _THE MOTH._ And I'll get the wings! _THE LITTLE CARP._ I'll swim away! _THE MOTH. _I'll fly away! _THE OLD BOOT_. I say! We can dream better, can't we, Pot? _THE POT_. We can! You can't even imagine! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Well, try then and show us how you do! _THE MOTH_. You can't! _THE OLD BOOT_. Ah! Well... I... Mm... _THE POT _(is prompting). I can dream... so... _THE OLD BOOT_. Can dream so... _THE POT _(is prompting). That... _THE OLD BOOT_. That!.. _THE MOTH._ Is that all? _THE OLD BOOT_. It is all! _THE LITTLE CARP_. It is clear. _THE POT_. Feel envious? Well, Boot, Tell them, how the day passes. _THE OLD BOOT_. Day passes and... _THE LITTLE CARP_. Stop talking! You are dreaming in the wrong way! One shouldn't dream as you do! _THE OLD BOOT_. I am right! _THE MOTH_. Try to dream of the most important thing. _THE OLD BOOT_. That's what I'm doing: everything passes, everything goes to its end... _THE LITTLE CARP_. Boot, tell me, do you have something valuable? _THE OLD BOOT_. I have... My thoughts! _THE LITTLE CARP_. No, the most important thing, you've got is your sole. _THE OLD BOOT_. My sole! _THE MOTH_. And what about you, Pot? _THE POT_. My soul! _THE MOTH_. No, Pot, it's your cover. _THE POT_. Cover! _THE MOTH _and _THE LITTLE CARP_. And you should dream of this! _THE POT_. My Cover! _THE OLD BOOT_. Sole! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Oh, my fins. _THE MOTH_. My wings. _THE LITTLE CARP_. I'll swim to the black sea! _THE MOTH_. I'll fly to high pine-trees! _THE OLD BOOT_. I can't remain on my feet! _THE POT_. I'm boiling with life! _THE OLD BOOT _(suddenly). Let's take the field! _EVERYBODY_. The field! The field! _THE OLD BOOT_. We are marching together! _EVERYBODY_. Together! _THE POT_. We are singing our song loudly! _EVERYBODY_. Our song! _THE LITTLE CARP_. We'll try to catch the sunshine! _EVERYBODY_. The sunshine! _THE MOTH_. We'll be jumping over the thistle! _EVERYBODY_. Over the thistles! _ They sing their song. _ _THE OLD BOOT_. We are marching together! _EVERYBODY_. Together! _THE POT_. Go on, music! _EVERYBODY_. Music! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Hello, Sunshine! _EVERYBODY_. Sunshine! _THE MOTH_. Our beautiful dream has got the wings! _EVERYBODY_. The wings! _ They leave singing. The Smart Cat and The Fly. _ _THE SMART CAT_. How silly they are! They'll never get over the thistles! _THE FLY_. The sun will set by the evening, they'll lose their way! _THE SMART CAT_. They can't see anything in the darkness! _THE FLY_. They can't see anything in the darkness! _THE FLY_. They'll step on each others feet! They'll beat each other up! They'll quarrel! _THE SMART CAT_. They'll attack each other! _THE FLY_. They'll quarrel! _THE SMART CAT_. They'll beat each other! _THE FLY_. They'll return back. They won't get over the thistles! _THE SMART CAT_. The sun will set! They'll lose their way! _THE FLY_. They'll deceive themselves. _THE SMART CAT_. They'll return! Quarrel! That's it! _THE FLY. _They'll quarrel! This way... _ They start beating each other. _ _THE SMART CAT_. Oh' They'll tease each other! _THE FLY_. They'll attack! _THE SMART CAT_. Hide! _THE FLY_. Bite one another! _THE SMART CAT_. My only eye! _THE FLY_. My only sixth leg! _ Stop beating each other. _ _THE SMART CAT_. Smart Cat is nice, shrewd, clever, cowardly! Calm down, take away your paw. drop your tail, hide your claws, open your eye. You can't open it! Well, purr then... Mrr... How silly they are! _THE FLY. _You see now, our first plan didn't work. We thought it over for nothing! _THE SMART CAT_. I see! I can't see anything! How dark it is!.. They can't see in the darkness! Neither do I now! Why did you bite me? _THE FLY_. Night will soon fall. Sun will set. Still we have the time to start the quarrel between them. We should steal their friendship. _THE SMART CAT_. I'm always ready to steal something. _THE FLY_. Then, listen. I am small, so I'll follow Little Carp, Moth, Old Boot and Pot. I'll attack then in the darkness and make them quarrel. Their friendship is so small, that I'll be able to steal it. And you, Smart Cat, stay here with Kitten and Dandelion. They've got the large friendship. _THE SMART CAT_. I'm fond of stealing large things. _THE FLY_. See you then! (Disappears.) _THE SMART CAT_. Off away with you! I'll get along myself! What shall I begin with? First of all, I'll attack them. I'll steal up to them and attack. But Kitten has got a keen ear, he'll hear me approaching. I'd rather try to overhear, what they are talking about. Oh, I hear something, what shall I do then? I should be clever. I'll lie to them. But they will realize that I'm lying. And I must lie so that they could believe me. What shall I tell them? Oh, I'll tell then the truth. I think I,m the first to lie like that. Well, I'll steal up to them and tell a lie. No, I'd rather attack them and tell a lie! No, it would be better to deceive them and then tell a lie! I'll steal up to them... I'll attack them... I'll tell them a lie... Mm... No, I'd rather come up to them, without stealing up. I'll come up and... tell a lie. So they won't understand, that I'm lying. Oh, what a Smart Cat I am! Fly could never even imagine this. So, I'll go. I'm already going! _ The Dandelion and The Kitten, The Smart Cat. _ _THE SMART CAT_. Hey! I'm not going to make friends with you! I'm not interest in it! It is so dull! (I shouldn't mix anything and tell them a lie, otherwise they'll understand everything). While you making plans and whispering, Little Carp and Moth has already gone to get their fins and wings. (Oh, I'm telling the truth for the first time in the whole life. I'm excited! The truth appears to tickle my nerves.) Well. While you are making plans, malicious Fly has followed them. She'll make them quarrel. And she'll steal their friendship. They've got small friendship, and it'll be easy to steal it. The Sun will set, they'll lose their way. They won't see their Happinness, as one can't see his own tail! (I seem to have told a lie. Here is my tail. What if they don't believe me?.) _THE KITTEN. _Oh, Golden fins! _THE DANDELION. _Wings? _THE SMART CAT_. They'll be lost! They'll lost their way! _THE KITTEN_. Lost their way! _THE DANDELION_. They'll be lost! _THE SMART CAT_. Night has fallen. It has Honest! _THE DANDELION. _Honest! We gave the promise! _THE SMART CAT_. Sun is setting. They can't see in the darkness. _THE KITTEN_. But I can! _THE SMART CAT_. They'll lose their way! _THE KITTEN_. But I won't lose it! _THE DANDELION_. Kitten, you run after them! Find them and show them the way! _THE KITTEN_. I shall! And what about you? _THE DANDELION_. I'll light up your way! Kitten, you run, run without turning back! _THE KITTEN_. But it means to save myself! _THE DANDELION_. Kitten, you run and don't lose the time! _THE KITTEN_. But it means to leave! _THE DANDELION_. Good bye, Kitten! Don't turn around! Run away! _ The Kitten runs away. _ _THE SMART CAT_. I feel ill at ease! I'm going to cry! Parting words! The stolen friendship! _ Night. The Kitten. _ _THE KITTEN_. Now to turn around! I'll run! To save small friendship for the sake of large one! To run! Forward! Not to turn around! Not to leave! Not to save myself! Not to steal up! Not to deceive! To run forward! To run!.. To run... I'm tired. Not to get tired! I'm in despair. Not to be in despair! To run... Run.. I seem to be crying. Not to cry! To run.... To run... _ Different voices in the darkness. Song is breaking down. _ _THE OLD BOOT_. Together... _THE POT_. Go on, music... _THE LITTLE CARP_. Sunshine... _THE MOTH_. Wings... _ The Boot and then the others. _ _THE OLD BOOT_. Together. Together. I'm the left boot. I'm going alone. _THE MOTH_. They stopped on me. _THE LITTLE CARP_. They pushed me. _THE POT_. Somebody attacked me in the darkness. _THE OLD BOOT_. We've lost our way! _THE POT_. We didn't finish our song. _THE MOTH_. Wings dropped. _THE LITTLE CARP_. Sun has grown dark. _THE OLD BOOT_. March together! Why should we march together, if nothing could be seen in the darkness. _THE POT_. Why should we sing our song in the darkness? _THE MOTH_. How could we go after sun if it's set? _THE OLD BOOT_. We shouldn't... march together. _THE POT_. Our song... is sung. _THE MOTH_. The wings... are crumpled. _THE LITTLE CARP_. The sun has set. _THE FLY._ Ha-ha! What a sad end! The army is depressed! Distant victory and sad end! Ha-ha-ha! _ The Kitten. _ _THE KITTEN_. We'll march together again! _THE POT_. Again! _THE KITTEN_. A New sun has risen! _THE LITTLE CARP_. A New sun! _THE KITTEN_. Our dream's got the wings! _THE MOTH_. Wings! _ They sing their song again. _ _THE KITTEN_. Together! _EVERYBODY_. Together! _THE KITTEN_. Our song! _EVERYBODY_. Our song! _THE KITTEN_. Sunshine! _EVERYBODY_. Sunshine! _THE KITTEN_. Wings! _EVERYBODY_. Wings! _THE FLY_. I'll follow them. _ Thistles. _ _THE OLD BOOT_. We have come at last. Thank you, Kitten. Here they are. I can see them. _THE POT_. We have come at last. Thank you, Kitten. Here they are. I can see them. _THE POT_. How frightful they are! Malicious! Thorny! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Listen, friends! We must get over them today! Let's forget our quarrels! _THE MOTH_. Let's ask them to help us have our way. They may be kind in reality. Perhaps they only try to look frightful! It happens, I know! _THE KITTEN_. Thistles! _THE LITTLE CARP_. I don't think, they hear our words. They are talking. (Everybody tries to understand, what the thistles are talking about.) _THE KITTEN_. But they keep silent! They can't understand our words! _THE MOTH_. Another world is waiting for us there! _EVERYBODY_. Another world! _THE LITTLE CARP_. We'll get another way of living there! _EVERYBODY_. Another way of living! _THE OLD BOOT_. Let us have our way! _THE POT_. Let us, please! _ They listen. _ _THE KITTEN_. They can't hear our words! _THE OLD BOOT_. How quiet it is here!.. I am afraid. _THE POT_. I feel cold. _THE KITTEN_. Look, the light goes out. Let's go ahead! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Let's gather all our strength. _THE MOTH_. Gather the best we have! _THE OLD BOOT_. Go ahead! _ Mute scene. They attach. The Fly. _ _THE FLY_. What are you doing! They are trying to get over. You won't get over here! I can see everything. _THE OLD BOOT_. Let's go ahead! _THE FLY_. What are you doing! You'll be hurt all over! You'll be wounded, you'll tear your clothes! _THE MOTH_. Go ahead! _THE FLY_. So, I won't disturb you. Well... I can't understand. Look back! Look, what you've left! You've got used to such a way of living. And nobody knows, what's in store for you. You, Little Carp, have used to your bog. And Moth hasn't woven his cocoon to the winter yet. And what about you, Boot and Pot. What are your reasons? Did you need anything here? You lived by yourselves. And what are your reasons? And you, Kitten turn back, your best friend maybe dying there! _ Everybody stop. _ _THE KITTEN_. Don't look back! Don't turn back! Don't doubt! _THE FLY_. It's silly of you to do it. You haven't gone a half of the way yet. Yes. I can see everything. And beside, behind these thistles there are the others. They are more frightful and thorny! I warn you! _THE MOTH_. The are thorny... _THE LITTLE CARP_. Frightful... _THE OLD BOOT_. Oh-Oh! I've hurt myself! _THE POT_. I got scratched! _THE LITTLE CARP_. I've caught on it. _THE MOTH_. I've hurt myself. _THE FLY_. Go back! _THE KITTEN_. Ahead! Let's gather our strength. Just a few have left to us. _THE OLD BOOT_. How do you know? _THE POT_. Who told you this? _THE LITTLE CARP_. Listen, Fly, would it be better for us to turn to one side a little! _THE FLY_. Turn to your right. _THE OLD BOOT_. It's must easier here! Let's go here! _THE FLY_. You'd better go to your right a little more! _THE POT_. Go here! It's not so perilously here! _THE FLY_. A little more once again! _THE LITTLE CARP_. It's so easy to go right here! Go here, Friends! _THE KITTEN_. Go ahead! _THE MOTH_. We've got out! _THE KITTEN_. It's the garbage dump! _EVERYBODY_. The garbage dump! _THE FLY_. Ha-ha-ha! Made sure? And now fall in and march in step. Let's sing a song! _THE OLD BOOT_. Together! _THE POT_. Come on, music! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Hello, Sunshine! _THE MOTH_. Our beautiful dream has got the wings! _ Damp. The Smart Cat and The Dandelion. _ _THE SMART CAT_. I've kept watching over him for the whole night. I've been lying in wait. I haven't had a wink of sleep for several nights. It fell to my lot... But, what the results are! - He's turned grey. Not me, it's Dandelion, that's turned grey. Any will turn grey, if your best friend leaves you. How unjust it's everywhere! Everywhere! But where's Fly? What are the results? Well, let's see... Dandelion... shone their way for the whole night. How can one do everything at once? I warned him not to do it! - In vain. He shone for the whole night. And here the results! I ask you to switch off the light, when you are leaving (I'm approaching to the point, you know.) I can't look at him - he's changed a lot for these 2 days: first he was green, then yellow and now he's turned grey. I feel pity for him. How could he do that? When you leave, please... Oh, I've already warned you about it. How awful it is! But that is what I wanted, didn't I? Well, it's dangerous to tell the truth. And what if this happens to me? Could I do it? Without having a wink of sleep... He shone for the whole night... Well, I've already told you about it. Let's wait for Fly to come. Let her look at him. But it's better not to look at him at all. How awful it is! Well, it's dangerous to tell the truth... And I've told you about it too! There's nothing unknown in this world. Everything has been told. For the life of me! Well... the only thing, left for us is to live ourselves, There is nothing to add. What happens to me? - I'm telling the truth, and there's nobody to listen to it. I have to be so sophisticated. And this is my life... Oh, my life... I was born. How was I born? - They simply threw me away, and that of it? They made me home my own way. And I have. But who won't have it? Will he? Nobody asked him or tried to persuade him. Honest! What if you try to persuade me. Nobody knows, what will come of it... I have my own way, and I can rely only on myself. I don't need to think of anybody else... They'll get along without me. What a good boy I am! They'll keep me in mind! But will they! They'll forget me immediately! As if I have never lived here. Well, I'll get along without them! I shall! There are many of us here. And there are just a few of them. They seem to be returning. I can hear them approaching. I am leaving... But why should I hide myself?.. It's my desert, that he... He's still alive! And what if I?.. _ Fly. _ _THE FLY_. Well. I warned them. I was right. I flied and saw everything. He's such a delicate person. And what results! After one night of there were two of them? Or three of them? Well, Smart Cat, you've done a lot without me. What a good boy you are? I'll reward you for your devoted job. You know, there, in the ravine there is a fish head. It's for you. _THE SMART CAT_. Thank you. But don't boast about yourself. Well I'm leaving... (He tries to listen.) No, I'll prefer to watch the meeting of the friends first. Perhaps, tears will fall from my eyes. _THE FLY_. Well, let's watch it. _ The Kitten, The Old Boot, The Pot, The Little Carp, The Moth singing. _ How are you, heroes? How are you, Kitten? Where are your friend? And what about you, Little Carp, where are your fins? Moth, have you got your new wings? Ha-ha-ha! Why are you so silent? You sang your song while walking on your road: Together! Our song! Sun! Wings! Look at each other - what have you got? You are silent... _EVERYBODY_. She deceived us. _THE KITTEN _(to Dandelion). Are You silent? I've returned. Why do you keep silent? You lit our way the whole night. I could see our way even when my eyes got tired. But they deceived me. Do your hear me, Dandelion? _THE FLY_. Certainly not, He's went deaf his sorrow. _THE DANDELION_. I hear you... _THE KITTEN_. Tell me something. Shout at me! _THE DANDELION_. ...if you've got a brave heart... _THE KITTEN_. Heart! _THE DANDELION_. ...if you even were born in the rubbish heap... _THE KITTEN_. If you were born! _THE FLY_. Don't listen to him! Close your ears! He's got mad! _THE SMART CAT_. Oh, tears sprang to my eyes. _THE DANDELION_. ...even if you were deceived... _THE KITTEN_. We're deceived! _THE FLY_. He talks nonsense! _THE DANDELION_. ...if you saw your way... _THE KITTEN_. My way! _THE FLY_. He's dying! Dying! _THE OLD BOOT_. Everything will die. _THE POT_. Everything passes. _THE DANDELION_. ...everything has changed around me... _THE FLY_. It's our life! Ha-ha-ha. _THE DANDELION_. Life... I love... Something hurts my eyes... _THE FLY_. It is the light. Ha-ha-ha! _THE DANDELION_. The light... I love... It hurts me... _THE FLY_. It's our life! Ha-ha-ha. _THE DANDELION_. Our life... I love... _THE FLY_. He's died. He's fallen in battle. _THE DANDELION_. How stuffy it is! Kitten please blow at me. _THE KITTEN_. Wait a minute, wait... (Blows.) _THE FLY_. He fell! _THE SMART CAT_. He fell off! _THE OLD BOOT_. He is over! _THE POT_. He's worn out! _ White snowstorm. _ _THE KITTEN_. Forgive me! Do you hear me? Forgive me! _THE DANDELION'S VOICE_. ...if you've got a brave heart... even if you were born in the garbage dump... if you saw your way... even if you were deceived... _THE KITTEN_. I hear! I know! I've got a brave heart! _THE SMART CAT_. Where are you going, Kitten? _THE FLY_. Wait a minute! _THE OLD BOOT_. Good-bye! _THE POT_. Kitten! _THE LITTLE CARP_. Don't turn back! _THE MOTH_. Run away! _THE KITTEN. _Come on! _____ Heart, together Come on, music Come on, Sunshine Flying! Wether! __
_______ _GO TO INDEX_
--===Дорогая Елена Сергеевна, предисловие===-
*"Как могло получиться, что вопрос о необходимости снятия этой пьесы поставило не министерство культуры, а комитет государственной безопасности?" - грозно вопрошал М. С. Горбачев на заседании секретариата ЦК КПСС 26 апреля 1983 года. (Цитирую по книге Волкогонова "Ленин", стр. 197) После чего пьеса и все спектакли, поставленные к тому времени в Советском Союзе, естественно были запрещены.*
*А начиналось все очень невинно. Согласно культурным обычаям брежневского застойного времени, начинающий драматург Л. Разумовская заключила с министерством культуры договор о написании пьесы "о трудных" подростках. Тема была вполне "проходимая" и ничего дурного ни для кого не предвещала. Шло время, нужно было отрабатывать аванс и в легкомысленной голове автора сложилась завязка, требовавшая вполне определенного развития действия и доведения его до логического конца. (По принципу импровизационно развивающегося актерского этюда).*
*Действие было доведено, и когда в последствии приходилось слышать за спиной шептания: "какая маленькая женщина... какая смелая", - автору было смешно и неловко, ничего героического в своем акте она не видела. (Хотя на ковер вызывали и грозные речи произносили).*