37225.fb2 A Spot Of Bother - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 126

A Spot Of Bother - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 126


George was having a very enjoyable time indeed.

They parked the car and walked toward the stone arch at the back of the register office where everyone was gathering for photographs.

“Come on, Dad.” Katie took his arm and guided him down the little path.

He was Katie’s father. It felt good being Katie’s father.

He was giving his daughter away. And that was a good feeling, too. Because he was giving her away to a good man. Giving her away. What a strange phrase it was. Slightly antique. Sharing. That would be a better word. Though that sounded a little strange, too.

But where was Jamie?

He asked Katie.

“He’s looking for you,” said Katie, smiling in a way that was rather difficult to interpret.

Why was Jamie looking for him? He was about to ask when the photographer moved Katie forward and she began talking to Ray. George made a mental note to ask her again at some later point.

The photographer looked very like Ray’s best man. What was his name again? Perhaps it really was Ray’s best man. Perhaps they were not having an official photographer.

“Come on, people,” said the photographer. “Try not to look quite so glum.”

He had a very small camera. He probably wasn’t a real photographer.

Ed. That was his name.

George smiled.

Ed took four photographs then asked Katie and Ray to stand in front of the arch.

As they were moving aside, the man standing next to George introduced himself. George shook his hand. The man apologized for not having introduced himself earlier in the day. George told him not to worry. The man introduced his wife. George shook her hand, too. They seemed like very nice people.

A woman appeared from the register office. George thought, at first, that she was an air stewardess.

“If the party would like to make their way inside…”

George stepped aside for the ladies, then walked into the register office with the men.

It was possible that the nice couple were Ray’s parents. That would explain why they were all standing together having their photographs taken. He would check with Jean when they were sitting down inside.