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Barry Lindon - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 43

They climb up dirty backstairs, lit by a feeble lamp, and the dim sky of a dismal London afternoon.

The Countess seems agitated and faint.

When they get to the door, she stops in front of it.


Roderick -- don't go in. I am sure there is danger. There's time yet, let us go back -- anywhere!

The Countess has put herself before the door in a theatrical attitude and takes Roderick's hand.

He pushes her away to one side.


Lady Cosgrove, you are an old fool.


Old fool!

She jumps at the bell, which is quickly answered by a moldy-looking gentleman in an unpowered wig.


Say Lady Cosgrove is here!

She stalks down the passage, muttering: "Old Fool."


Tapewell is in his musty room, surrounded by his parchments and tin boxes.

He advances and bows, begs her ladyship to be seated, and points towards a chair for Roderick, which he takes, rather wondering at the lawyer's insolence.

The lawyer retreats to a side-door, saying he will be back in a moment.

In the next moment, he reenters, bringing with him another layer, six constables in red waist-coats, with bludgeons and pistols, and Lord Brookside.

Lady Cosgrove flings herself into the arms of her son, crying and whimpering and calling him her savior, her preserver, her gallant knight.

Then, turning to Roderick, she pours out a flood of invective which quite astonishes him.


Oh fool as I am, I have outwitted the most crafty and treacherous monster under the sun. Yes, I was a fool when I married you, and gave up other and nobler hearts for your sake -- yes, I was a fool when I forgot my name and lineage to unite myself with a base-born adventurer -- a fool to bear, without repining, the most monstrous tyranny that ever woman suffered; to allow my property to be squandered; to see women as base and low-born as yourself...


For heaven's sake, be calm.

Tapewell bounds back behind the constables, seeing a threatening look in Roderick's eye.

The Countess continues in a strain of incoherent fury, screaming against Roderick, and against his mother, and always beginning and ending the sentence with the word "fool."


You didn't tell all, my lady - I said "old" fool.


I have no doubt that you said and did, sir, everything that a blackguard could say or do. This lady is now safe under the protection of her relations and the law, and need fear your infamous persecutions no longer.


But you are not safe, and as sure as I am a man of honor, I will have your heart's blood.


Take down his words, constables; swear the peace against him.


I would not sully my sword with the blood of such a ruffian. If the scoundrel remains in London another day, he will be seized as a common swindler.


Where's the man who will seize me? He draws his sword, placing his back to the door.


Let the scoundrel come! You -- you cowardly braggart, come first, if you have the soul of a man!

The Countess and the bailiffs move away.


We are not going to seize you! My dear sir, we don't wish to seize you; we will give you a handsome sum to leave the country, only leave her ladyship in peace.


And the country will be rid of such a villain.

As Brookside says this, he backs into the next room.

The lawyer follows him, leaving Roderick alone in the company of the constables who are all armed to the teeth.


I was no longer the man I was at twenty, when I should have charged the ruffians, sword in hand, and sent at least one of them to his account. I was broken in spirit, regularly caught in the toils, utterly baffled and beaten by that woman. Was she relenting at the door, when she paused and begged me to turn back? Had she not a lingering love for me still? Her conduct showed it, as I came to reflect on it. It was my only chance now left in the world, so I put down my sword upon the lawyers desk.