You must leave. Hurry!"
Both were aghast, all else forgotten. They went for their swords. "Will they come into the Yoshiwara?" Ori asked.
"Yes, in twos and threes, they have before, avoiding gai-jin but not us." Her voice trembled like her hands.
"Is there a safe way out through the paddy?"
"Everywhere and nowhere, Ori," Hiraga said for her, having examined that as a possible escape route yesterday. "The land's flat with no cover for a ri. If they're blocking the gate and the bridge they'll be there too."
"What about the gai-jin area, Raiko?"
"The Settlement? They're never gone there. You mus--" She whirled, even more frightened. Both men jerked their swords half out, while a white-faced maid rushed up. "They are in the lane making a house-to-house search," she whimpered.
"Warn the others."
The girl fled. Hiraga tried to get his brain working. "Raiko, where is your safe place, your secret cellar?"
"We have none," she said wringing her hands.
"There must be one somewhere."
Abruptly Ori snaked over to her and she backed off, terrified. "Where's the secret way into the Settlement? Quick!"
Raiko almost fainted as he shifted his grip on his sword hilt and though not actually menaced, she knew she was near death. "I... into the Settlement? I, I'm not sure but, but years ago I was, was told... I'd forgotten," she said trembling, "I'm not sure but, but please follow quietly."
They stayed close to her, going deep in the bushes, careless of the branches that fought to prevent their passage, the moon still good and high between skudding clouds, the wind tugging at them. When she reached a hidden part of the fence between her Inn and the next, she pressed a knot in the wood. A section creaked open, the wooden hinges grimed and unused.
Without disturbing the carousers, she crossed this garden to the far side, through a gate into another garden and around the back, past the low, bricked, fireproof structure that served as a safe for valuables, to where the large water tanks, or wells were--the tanks part filled by rainwater, part by daily lines of water coolies.
Panting, she motioned at the wooden cover over a well. "I think, I think it is there."
Hiraga eased the cover aside. Crude, rusty iron bars as foot and handholds were hammered into the mud brick walls, no sign of water below. Still frightened she whispered, "I was told it leads to a tunnel... I am not sure but I was told it goes under the canal but where it comes out I do not know. I had forgotten about it...
I must get back..."
"Wait!" Ori stepped in her way, picked up a stone and dropped it into the well. A loud plop as it hit water far below. "Who made this?"
"Bakufu, I was told, when they built the Settlement."
"Who told you about it?"
"One of the man servants--I forget who, but he had seen them..." They all looked over towards the main street. Angry voices there.
"I have to get back..." She vanished the way she had come.
Uneasily they peered below. "If the Bakufu built it, Ori, it could be a trap, for people like us."
From one of the nearby houses the sound of voices cursing in English: "What the hell d'you want ... push off!"
Ori stuck his long sword in his belt.
Awkwardly because of his shoulder, he slid over the lip and began to descend. Hiraga followed, replacing the cover.
The blackness seemed ever more black, then Ori's feet hit earth again. "Careful, I think it is a ledge." His voice was strangled and echoed eerily.
Hiraga groped down beside him. In his sleeve pocket were some safety matches and he scraped one alight.
"Eeee," Ori said excitedly, "where did you get that?"
"They have them everywhere in the Legation--those dogs are so rich they just leave them around. Taira said to help myself. Look there!" In the last of the match they saw the mouth of the tunnel. It was dry and the height of a man. Water filled the well ten feet below them. In a niche was an old candle.
It took Hiraga three matches to light it. "Come on."
The tunnel sloped downwards. After fifty paces or so it became wet, the floor puddled and awash in parts. Fetid water seeped down from the roughly shored roof and sides, the wood rotting and unsafe. As they went onwards the air became more rancid, breathing difficult. "We can wait here, Ori."
"No, go on."
They were sweating, in part from fear, in part from the closeness. The flame guttered and went out.
Cursing Hiraga lit it and cupped the flame, not much of the wick left or of the candle. He waded onwards, the water level rising. Still the roof sloped downwards, now the water to their hips.
Ori slipped but regained his footing. Another twenty or thirty paces. Water still rising.
Now to their waists, the roof not far above their heads.
Onwards. Candle weakening. On again.
Hiraga was watching the candle, cursing.
"Better we go back and wait in the dry part." "No, go on until the candle goes out."
Ahead the tunnel curled into the blackness, the roof lowering to not far above the water. Nauseated Hiraga waded forward again, the bottom slippery. More paces. The roof pressed against his head. More, and now the roof rose slightly.
"Water level is going down," he said, sick with relief, wading faster, the murk stinking. Around the bend, roof higher now. Onwards. Just before the candle spluttered and died they saw dry earth and the tunnel end, a shaft leading up, another down.
Hiraga groped forward, unable to see anything.
"Ori, now I am at the edge. Listen, I will toss a stone down into it." The stone took seconds and seconds ricocheting before it plopped dully. "Eeee, it must go down a hundred feet or more," he said, his stomach heaving.
"Light another match."
"I have only three left." Hiraga lit one. They could see rusty, precarious footholds leading upwards, nothing more. "How did you know Raiko knew about this?"
"It was a sudden thought. There had to be a tunnel--I would have built one if I had been them." Ori's voice was hoarse, heavy breathing.
"They could be up there, in ambush. They will shove us back, or we will have to jump."