Suddenly she chuckled and called out, "Look!" and lifted her skirts and petticoats, revealing the long length of her perfect legs enhanced by silk stockings, saucy garters under her knees, and garter belt and multilayered frilly panties. He had been expecting the traditional, all-concealing pantaloons. The sight of her took his breath away.
"Christ Almighty..." he spluttered.
"It's for your pleasure, only, my darling," she said, flushed at her daring, laughing at his color, then coquettishly raised her skirts over her head for an instant, letting them fall as suddenly, and fanned herself, saying breathlessly, "It's the latest fashion, no more pantaloons! Pantaloons are finished. The columnist of Le Figaro says nowadays some of the most famous ladies of Paris don't even wear panties at the Opera--on special occasions--for the secret pleasure of their lovers."
"Don't you dare," he said, laughing with her, swept up in her exuberance. He caught her hand and settled her into his lap. "The thought would drive me wild."
She buried her head in his shoulder, pleased that her stratagem had worked. "I think I'll whisper in your ear during dinner, sometimes, or when we're dancing, that I've forgotten them--just to tease my Prince Charming, but only when we're married and to amuse. You don't mind, cheri, do you--the new fashion, no pantaloons?"
"Of course not," he said, man-of-the-world, secretly not. "If it's fashion, then it's fashion."
"You said tonight's party was to be a celebration?"
Most of his lightness left him. "Yes, yes it was. But... be patient with me, Angel.
In a few days I'll be able to tell you the real reason--I just have to delay a little. In the meantime, know that I love you love you love you..."
In the evening the weather became changeable but it did not dampen the spirit of Malcolm's party. The main Struan dining room had been built for this purpose and dwarfed the rest of the Settlement's private facilities except for the Club.
Sparkling silver, crystal glasses, the finest Peking china, the thirty-odd guests in evening dress or dress uniforms. Hoag had declined as he had a fever.
Dinner was immense as usual and at length over. Now to roars of approval, the long table was set against the wall--a rare occurrence but almost obligatory whenever Angelique was present, all guests wanting to dance with her. Except Jamie--but only tonight. By prior agreement with Malcolm, Jamie had quietly left during the mayhem of moving the table; "Sorry, but I don't feel much like dancing, I'll slip out, Tai-pan."
"We both swore to forget about the launch today."
"It's not that, just want to collect my wits."
Tonight Angelique was the only lady present, the other two, like Hoag, were regretfully sick, and she was squired to the heating tempos of waltzes, polkas played by Andr`e Poncin on a grand piano, imported to huge applause in the spring. One dance per guest was the rule, she was allowed to rest after four dances and to stop whenever she wished. Her face was glowing and she wore a new crinoline of red and green silk, but without the full hoops of a crinoline, that dramatized her wasp waist and swelling bosom, her nipples minimally covered in the fashion decreed by Paris, deplored by absent clergy, and devoured by every man in the room.
"Enough, mes amis," she said after an hour to groans and pleading from those who had not had a dance, and she went back to Malcolm, fanning herself and exhilarated.
He was in a great, carved oak chair at the head of the table, gentled by wine and brandy. He enjoyed watching her as much as any although, as always, deeply frustrated that he had not claimed the first dance, or would not claim the last as was his right.
Normally he was an accomplished dancer.
She settled herself on the arm of his chair. His arm went lightly around her waist, hers rested on his shoulders.
"You dance marvelously, Angel."
"None of them are as good as you," she whispered.
"That's what first attracted me to you and, Prince Charm--"
Cheers of anticipation stopped her. To her embarrassment and chagrin, Andr`e's fingers began the first, slow seductive chords of the cancan.
Not a little annoyed, Angelique shook her head, and did not move.
To her surprise, and roars of delight, Pallidar and Marlowe took center stage, towels wrapped around their uniforms as skirts, the rollicking music picked up tempo and the two of them began hilariously to parody the dance that scandalized the civilized world, outside of Paris, faster and faster, lifting their pretend skirts higher and higher, high kicking to more cheers and jeers and roars, every table thumping to the beat, faster and faster until the two men, red-faced and sweating in their tight uniforms, tried valiant splits and collapsed in a heap to tumultuous cheers and shouts of "encore, encore," the applause deafening.
Laughing with all of them, Malcolm graciously released her and she went over and helped them up, congratulating and praising their efforts.
Pallidar was panting and pretended a groan.
"I think I've put my back out for good."
"Champagne for the Army, and rum for the Navy," she called out, linked arms with both of them and brought them back to Malcolm for more praise, smiling at him. "Not for me the cancan, eh, darling?"
"That would be too much."
"My word yes," Marlowe said.
"Yes," Malcolm said, sharing the secret smile with her, nicely titillated.
When Andr`e began playing again, he chose a waltz. It was just enough to show her ankles as she swayed but not enough to reveal the daring lack of pantaloons. He had shown her the article in Le Figaro, encouraged her and shared the secret. All evening he had watched her and those fawning on her--Babcott towering over all the others, then resplendent Pallidar and Marlowe trying to ease him out of the inner circle--relishing his secrets and, for the moment, the life within a life that he led. Angelique was dancing with Sir William. Laughing to himself he let his mind drift as his fingers played. What would they all do if they knew what I know. About the earrings, the abortion, and how I disposed of the evidence? They'd turn from her as if she were a leper, all of them, including lovesick Struan, he more than any.
If things were different and I was in Paris with her, backed by Noble House power and money and an adoring but invalid husband, what secrets I could obtain! She'd require expert training in the more feminine and not so gentle arts, her claws would need honing but then she would be a classic, any salon and any bed would welcome her, and once she had a taste of the Great Game this oh so cunning little chicken would feed on it with gusto.
And into my bed? Now or later, certainly, if I wanted to turn the screws, but I no longer want her and will not take her, except for revenge. She's much more amusing as a toy and there's little enough in this world to amuse...
"Wonderful idea, Andr`e!"
Phillip Tyrer was beaming down at him.
"Settry said you cooked the whole thing up with them."
"The cancan!"
"Ah yes," Andr`e said. His fingers continued with the waltz, then ended it. "Time for a break, let's have a drink," he said, deciding that now, being almost public, would be a perfect time to bring Tyrer to heel. "I hear a certain lady's contract is worth a Minister's salary," he said in French and saw Tyrer's face redden with embarrassment and look around. "My God, as though I'd be so indiscreet. Phillip, don't worry, my friend, I have your interests in mind." He smiled, remembering their encounter at the Yedo Castle. "Affairs of the heart have nothing to do with affairs of State, though I believe France should share the spoils of the earth with Great Britain, no?"
"I... I agree, Andr`e. Yes, I ... the negotiations are not so good I'm afraid, yes, at a standstill."
"Better to speak French, eh?"
"Yes, yes you're right." Tyrer used his handkerchief as a dandy would to wipe away a sudden sweat. "Never thought it would be so difficult."
Andr`e beckoned him closer. "Listen, I can tell you how to fix that: don't see her tonight even though you've an assignation for the night." He almost laughed aloud as Tyrer's mouth dropped open.
"How many times have I told you there are few secrets here. Perhaps I can help... if you need help."
"Oh yes, yes I do I, yes please."
Both of them glanced at a roulette table that had been set up the other end of the room, where there was a burst of laughter and clapping as Angelique won on double zero--no gambling for money tonight, just worthless, bronze Chinese coins called small cash. Vargas acted as croupier.