"I imagine that will be all right, suh. As to the place, we suggest first light at No Man's Land twixt the village and Drunk Town, not the racecourse as that's too public with early morning riders and so on."
Malcolm laughed, not knowing why. "A good choice," he said before Jamie could answer. Much better for me, more secluded, closer to the sea, much easier to slip out to the clipper from the Drunk Town wharf than ours. "It's apparent you know a lot about Yokohama and you're here only a day."
"It was Mr. Greyforth's suggestion, but I did check out both early this morning. No Man's Land is better, safer."
"That's agreed. It will be difficult for me to walk my ten paces. I suggest we take our positions and on someone's order, yours if you wish, aim and fire."
"I will consult Mr. Greyforth."
"What else?"
Gornt hesitated, then glanced at Jamie.
"We can arrange details later, how our principals arrive, by what routes, which doctor we can trust who should be present, etc. Lastly, th--"
"You seem to be very well informed about duels, Mr. Gornt," Jamie said thinly.
"You've been involved in one?"
"Several, Mr. McFay. As a principal once, and twice as a second, while I was at the Richmond University." Again the smile, warm, kind and sincere. "We take matters of honor very seriously in the South, suh."
The pleasant unreality of the back and forth, and Jamie's belief that the tai-pan had been set up by Greyforth--notwithstanding Malcolm's stubbornness--broke his control. "Then you should know Norbert was in the wrong," he said angrily, "Norbert went out of his way to provoke the tai-pan, has done several times and there's no doubt he should apologize and then we could all stop this stupidity."
"Jamie!" Malcolm said sharply, and would have told him to leave but for yesterday. Yesterday's debt was vast and forever so he just said as to the real friend that Jamie was, "This isn't your problem, and I know how you feel." He looked back at Gornt. "He is right you know, Norbert has been personally very difficult." Gornt did not reply. Malcolm shrugged and smiled. "Joss.
It's not your problem either, Mr. Gornt. So, you were once a principal and twice a second.
Clearly you won. The other man?"
"I didn't kill him, suh, wasn't trying to kill him. I just wounded him."
Both men watched each other, weighing the other.
Jamie said nervously, "Then everything's settled."
"Yes, except weapons. Mr. Greyforth chooses swords." Malcolm gasped and Jamie blanched.
"Duelling pistols were agreed," Jamie said.
"So sorry, suh, it wasn't agreed. Mr.Greyforth as the challenged party has the right to choose weapons."
"But it was ag--"
"Jamie, let me deal with this," Malcolm said, astonished with his own detachment, expecting trickery from Norbert. "It was always presumed we were gentlemen and would use pistols."
"I'm sorry but those aren't my instructions, suh. As to gentlemen, my principal considers himself one, and chooses to defend his honor with a sword, which is quite customary."
"Obviously that's not possible."
"Mr. Greyforth also said--I must tell you I do not approve of this and told him so--he also said if you wanted, he would agree to knives, swords or fighting irons." Jamie began to get up but Malcolm stopped him.
"In my present state, that's impossible,"
Malcolm said, then gathered himself and said firmly, "If this is a ploy for Norbert to gain face, to humiliate me and call off the duel, then I spit in his eye and will continue to do so."
Jamie flushed at the bravado, admired it and hated it, then suddenly realized this could be a perfect face-saver for both men. "Tai-pan, don't you think--"
"No. Mr. Gornt, obviously I can't, now, even use a sword. Please ask Norbert to accept pistols."
"Well, suh, I will certainly ask, certainly the first duty of a second is to try to bring about a reconciliation and it seems to me there's room enough for both you gentlemen in Asia.
I'll ask."
Jamie said, "Mr. Gornt, I'll be here.
Anything I can do to help stop this insanity, just say the word."
Gornt nodded, began to rise but stopped as Malcolm said, "Perhaps I could have a private word, Mr. Gornt? You don't mind, do you, Jamie?"
"Not at all." Jamie shook hands with Gornt, then said to Malcolm, "There's a meeting of all traders to discuss Sir William's bombshell at noon in the Club."
"I'll be there, Jamie, though there won't be much discussion, just a lot of shrieking and foul temper."
"I agree. See you later, Tai-pan."
Jamie left.
In the fine office once more the two men watched each other. "You're aware of our Parliament's stupidity?"
"Yes, suh, I am. All governments are stupid."
"Would you join me in a glass of champagne?"
"A celebration?"
"Yes. I don't know why but I'm pleased to meet you."
"Ah, then you felt the same? Not right, is it?"
Malcolm shook his head and rang the bell.
Chen appeared and when the champagne was opened and poured he went away, his little eyes darting from silent man to silent man. "Health!"
"Health." Gornt replied, savoring the chilled wine.