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Gai-Jin - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 225

"Gornt wanted a private word, if you had a moment."

"All right. Tell him that's all it can be--and let me see him first, eh?"

Gornt's friendliness filled the room.

To Malcolm he seemed like a very old comrade.


"Thank you, Tai-pan. May I congratulate you?"

"You may. Health!"

"And yours, suh."

"Sorry but we have to be quick, tomorrow there'll be more time, what's up?"

"I wanted to tell you, privately, Mr.Greyforth is going to accept your compromise tomorrow.

No duel."

Struan smiled. "That's the best news I've had... no, the second best news I've had all day!"

"Yes." Gornt's face hardened. "If he means it."


"I think you should be ready for treachery. Sorry to be a cold towel on a great day but I wanted to warn you. I know he'll change his mind."

Malcolm watched him, then nodded, undisturbed. "With Norbert, and all the Brocks we expect treachery for breakfast."

Their glasses touched. "Health--and wealth--and happiness!"

The room was warm for both of them, Malcolm noticing a curiousness about him that he could not divine. "You're still planning on tomorrow, giving me the information I need?"

"Oh yes." Gornt got up. "And my contract?"

"It's ready. My signature can be witnessed tomorrow."

"Thanks. Until tomorrow, and again congratulations."

Again Malcolm sensed more than saw a strange humor in him. "You're looking forward to it as much as I am."

Gornt's eyes seemed to focus. "Yes.

It will be another great day, an ending and a beginning."

Upstairs, Angelique was in front of her mirror, seeing nothing, unconsciously tinkering with the signet ring on her finger. She was alone for the first time today, in the privacy of her own room with the door locked, and the moment she sat down, the clamor of truths and paradoxes had abruptly possessed her: everything happening so fast, married but never really expecting it, never that way, not aboard a ship, hoping and praying but not believing it possible so many barricades between them; married but not in the sight of God, married to a man I set my cap at, actively pursued, and encouraged to pursue me; the man I adore but have cheated--the rape not my fault, the casting out necessary, the earrings the only way, the secrecy the only means to protect my life but still a cheat-- this man, who loves me to oblivion, risking all, I've stolen from, cheated, and go to my marriage bed soiled and yet...

Three times, coming back ashore, I began to tell him.

That's not true, I began to tell him part, the part about the earrings, but each time his elation overpowered me and stopped me as he poured out truths about his mother and her letters--and Skye and Father Leo and English priest, the Admiral and Sir William--how he had been blocked but in the end he had won... "I won, my beloved wife. I won you and now no one can take you from me..."

Embracing and rapturous tears in each other's arms.

As God is my witness, I know he would have been destroyed had I begun, and once begun I know the rest would have poured out. And then he would have died, poor lovely man. For that's what he is, truly, the most lovely man in my life.

I know now I do love him, equally--no one could have tried so hard, casting so many barriers aside.

I love him and yet...

What must I do?

She saw her face staring back at her. Not liking to see herself so unguarded, her eyes dropped. She saw her fingers twisting the ring, this way and that, the way Andr`e did with his signet ring. Malcolm's ring was gold, heavy, with the ingraved Struan crest: the Lion of Scotland entwined with the Dragon of China. Is that good with evil? she asked herself and, suddenly, shivered.

To divert herself she bushed her hair vigorously but this did not help. Dark thoughts soared back, faster, ever faster, all of them--and him.

It all became like a foul vomit ready to pour out. She felt faint and pressed her hands against her temples, "Don't... you must be strong ... you must be strong, you're alone, you must..." Her moaning stopped as another thought cleared the sick away. "But you're not alone," she said aloud, "There are two of you now, there's Malcolm and he needs you... two of you, you, and Malcolm, he needs you, Malcolm who is your husband..."

This image moved around her mind, filling it, and then she heard him calling from downstairs, so joyously, "Angel, hurry, it's time to leave ... hurry!"

Unhurried she went and knelt in front of the little statue of the Blessed Virgin and gave all of herself: "Mother of God, forgive this sinner. I have sinned grieviously, I beg Thy forgiveness.

I have sinned grieviously, and live a lie, but I swear I will be the best wife I can be, for as long as I am permitted, for I love this man with all my heart as I love Thee...."

"How nice to see you, Raiko-chan,"

Meikin said with a smile, kneeling opposite her. "It has been too long." She was mama-san of the House of Wisteria and Koiko's mistress and they were in Raiko's most private sanctuary.

"Yes, thank you, you honor me," Raiko said, delighted to see her old friend, though more than a little surprised that Meikin had responded with such alacrity to her invitation for a business discussion. "Please help yourself to some snacks, the eel is particularly delicate. Sak`e or gai-jin brandy?"

"First sak`e, please." Meikin accepted it from an attentive maid. Business must be good, she thought, noting the expensive trappings of this isolated, secure dwelling within the walls of the Three Carp.

"Though times are hard, happily gai-jin have little idea of money values and, disgusting as they may be, reapings are high and the cost of hot water and clean towels and perfumes small." The two women laughed, watched and waited.

Meikin sampled the sushi--delicious--and began eating hugely for such a small woman.

Her travelling kimono was deliberately mediocre. Anyone seeing her would presume she was a minor merchant's wife, not one of the richest mama-sans in Yedo, owner of the city's most expensive Pleasure House in the greatest Yoshiwara in the land--recently entirely rebuilt and refurbished after last year's fire--mama-san to ten of the most gifted geisha, twenty of the loveliest courtesans, as well as contract owner of Koiko the Lily.

She looked around Raiko's most inner sanctum, reserved for special occasions, admiring the unique silks and cushions and tatamis, chatting while she ate, wondering why the request for a meeting.

When food was finished, the maids dismissed, Raiko poured two cups of her best brandy.

"Health and money!"

"Money and health!" The quality of the liquor was better than any Meikin possessed.

"Gai-jin have their good points."