"No," I said. "He just talked to a farmer and the heat knocked him out . . . Then we got caught in the mob downstairs."
"How old is he?"
"I don't know, but he's one of the trustees . . ."
"One of the very first, no doubt," he said, dabbing at the blue-veined eyes. "A trustee of consciousness."
"What was that?" I asked.
"Nothing . . . There now, he's coming out of it."
I had an impulse to run out of the room. I feared what Mr. Norton would say to me, the expression that might come into his eyes. And yet, I was afraid to leave. My eyes could not leave the face with its flickering lids. The head moved from side to side in the pale glow of the light bulb, as though denying some insistent voice which I could not hear. Then the lids opened, revealing pale pools of blue vagueness that finally solidified into points that froze upon the vet, who looked down unsmilingly.
Men like us did not look at a man like Mr. Norton in that manner, and I stepped hurriedly forward.
"He's a real doctor, sir," I said.
"I'll explain," the vet said. "Get a glass of water."
I hesitated. He looked at me firmly. "Get the water," he said, turning to help Mr. Norton to sit up.
Outside I asked Edna for a glass of water and she led me down the hall to a small kitchen, drawing it for me from a green old-fashioned cooler.
"I got some good liquor, baby, if you want to give him a drink," she said.
"This will do," I said. My hands trembled so that the water spilled. When I returned, Mr. Norton was sitting up unaided, carrying on a conversation with the vet.
"Here's some water, sir," I said, extending the glass.
He took it. "Thank you," he said.
"Not too much," the vet cautioned.
"Your diagnosis is exactly that of my specialist," Mr. Norton said, "and I went to several fine physicians before one could diagnose it. How did you know?"
"I too was a specialist," the vet said.
"But how? Only a few men in the whole country possess the knowledge --"
"Then one of them is an inmate of a semi-madhouse," the vet said. "But there's nothing mysterious about it. I escaped for a while -- I went to France with the Army Medical Corps and remained there after the Armistice to study and practice."
"Oh yes, and how long were you in France?" Mr. Norton asked.
"Long enough," he said. "Long enough to forget some fundamentals which I should never have forgotten."
"What fundamentals?" Mr. Norton said. "What do you mean?"
The vet smiled and cocked his head. "Things about life. Such things as most peasants and folk peoples almost always know through experience, though seldom through conscious thought . . ."
"Pardon me, sir," I said to Mr. Norton, "but now that you feel better, shouldn't we go?"
"Not just yet," he said. Then to the doctor, "I'm very interested. What happened to you?" A drop of water caught in one of his eyebrows glittered like a chip of active diamond. I went over and sat on a chair. Damn this vet to hell!
"Are you sure you would like to hear?" the vet asked.
"Why, of course."
"Then perhaps the young fellow should go downstairs and wait . . ."
The sound of shouting and destruction welled up from below as I opened the door.
"No, perhaps you should stay," the fat man said. "Perhaps had I overheard some of what I'm about to tell you when I was a student up there on the hill, I wouldn't be the casualty that I am."
"Sit down, young man," Mr. Norton ordered. "So you were a student at the college," he said to the vet.
I sat down again, worrying about Dr. Bledsoe as the fat man told Mr. Norton of his attending college, then becoming a physician and going to France during the World War.
"Were you a successful physician?" Mr. Norton said.
"Fairly so. I performed a few brain surgeries that won me some small attention."
"Then why did you return?"
"Nostalgia," the vet said.
"Then what on earth are you doing here in this . . . ?" Mr. Norton said, "With your ability . . ."
"Ulcers," the fat man said.
"That's terribly unfortunate, but why should ulcers stop your career?"
"Not really, but I learned along with the ulcers that my work could bring me no dignity," the vet said.
"Now you sound bitter," Mr. Norton said, just as the door flew open.
A brown-skinned woman with red hair looked in. "How's white-folks making out?" she said, staggering inside. "White-folks, baby, you done come to. You want a drink?"
"Not now, Hester," the vet said. "He's still a little weak."
"He sho looks it. That's how come he needs a drink. Put some iron in his blood."
"Now, now, Hester."
"Okay, okay . . . But what y'all doing looking like you at a funeral? Don't you know this is the Golden Day?" she staggered toward me, belching elegantly and reeling. "Just look at y'all. Here school-boy looks like he's scared to death. And white-folks here is acting like y'all two strange poodles. Be happy y'all! I'm going down and get Halley to send you up some drinks." She patted Mr. Norton's cheek as she went past and I saw him turn a glowing red. "Be happy, white-folks."
"Ah hah!" the vet laughed, "you're blushing, which means that you're better. Don't be embarrassed. Hester is a great humanitarian, a therapist of generous nature and great skill, and the possessor of a healing touch. Her catharsis is absolutely tremendous -- ha, ha!"