Justinian was wrong there, and he must have known it when he was writing, but you can't think of everything all the time. Only God can do that, eh, Brother Elpidios? There's another passion a lot of eunuchs have, and Stephen the Persian had it more than most: he was as nasty an item as I ever had the misfortune to meet.
What do I mean? What eunuchs hanker after, Brother, is revenge, revenge on the whole world. When you think about it, you can't hardly blame them, now can you? If somebody cut me like that, I would have- Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord? Oh yes, of course, Brother Elpidios. That is what the Holy Scriptures say. But not every man can follow them as well as we might like. If we could follow them better, we'd not need them so much, eh? Am I right or am I wrong?
No. Wait. Never mind. We can argue theology or you can read. We can't do both at once. I'd sooner you read, if you don't mind. Ah. I thank you, and may God bless you and keep you.