Heartfelt thanks to all my wonders:
Editor Ellen Edwards, who leaves no literary stone unturned, no matter what creepy thing may be hiding beneath. You are magnificent.
The amazing advertising, art, editorial, production, promotion, publicity, and sales teams at NAL and Penguin.
The inimitable Jeff Kleinman and the stellar crew of Folio Literary Management.
The readers, who have been nothing short of miraculous. Your lovely notes of encouragement have meant the world to me. Wish I could give each and every one of you a bag of dark chocolate- covered cherries.
The generous booksellers across the country who have made me feel welcome in so many ways.
English teachers and librarians, my earliest heroes.
Early readers and dear friends, the Flemings, Eileen Sherman, John and Marsha Bobek, Connie Kittelson, Hope Irwin, Susan Shimshak, Sharry Sullivan, Nancy Kennedy, Sara Schroeder, Eileen Kaufmann, and Robert Welker.
Restaurant Hama.
Mike Lebow, the wise guy.
Peter the Great, who makes me feel like I’m the honey on his toast.
And, of course, Casey and Riley, who make my world quite right with their every breath.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
– Albert Einstein