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Shadow Country - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 108


Pearl Watson had been nine or ten when their father was killed, a self-starved creature, a fugitive from the sun whose thin pale hair with its thin white ribbon let her scalp shine through. At Caxambas that black autumn, Tant had said, the child had been dumbstruck by her father’s death and terrified by the outcry of her mother, who had lost her infant son and fled her agony for days with shrieks of woe.

Pearl’s frail voice came over the wire after a long wait.

Who are you? Who is calling?

This is Lucius. Your brother Lucius.

Brother Who?

Pearl, this is Lucius. I just called to say hello, see how you were getting along.

Why are you hollering? Did you say Lucius? Oh Good Lord! Oh, Lucius honey, I was so worried, sweetheart! Lucius? Do you look awful, too? Where are you? Why are you calling?

Please, Pearl, don’t upset yourself. I just wanted to hear your voice. Pearl honey? I’m so sorry I haven’t called before. I never knew you’d gone away.

What’s become of you, sweetheart? Why haven’t you called?

I-well, I’ve been so busy doing a book about our father.

Our Father Who Art in Heaven. Those men killed Mr. E. J. Watson, blew him to Kingdom Come-did you know that?

Pearl, listen-

Did you know J. stood for Jack? Did you know my mother married up with E. Jack Watson? Had a daughter by Mister Jack and that was me so how come you forgot me?

Pearl? Don’t cry-

When E. Jack Watson died my mother was still married to him, common-law. My mother loved him, too, all except his temper. He was a drinker but he loved his children dearly.

Pearl? Did your mother ever tell a story about a hired hand at Chatham Bend who insulted her nice peas?

No, I never heard about insulted peas. But if Jack Watson told you he would kill you, he would do it, Mama said, because being a man who kept his word, he expected the same integrity in others. She was weeping. Who are you anyway? Whoever you are, you must be a liar! Lucius would have called me long ago! I’m his baby sister!

Pearl, please don’t be upset. I don’t mean to upset you. I’ll call another day, maybe next week.

They won’t let me go home! They say I have no home to go to! I’m all alone and they won’t let me go home! They say I have no home!