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Shadow Country - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 109


Carrie Langford lived in the shadow of her husband’s bank in a small house off First Street. Turning the corner, he caught her in a dressing gown of faded blue with a frayed pink satin collar, fetching her newspaper at the picket gate.

At the sight of him, her hands flew to her hair. “You could have called first, Lucius. Or are you just on your way somewhere else?”

Fussing with her collar when he leaned to peck her cheek, she withdrew through the rose gate into an arbor of trellised wisteria and bougainvillea. He did not venture through the gate. “Carrie, I’m sorry-” She turned away to ward off any bluster. “Well, come in, then, darn it. You want me arrested for soliciting?”

He held the screen door as she preceded him into a small sitting room overfilled with big dark furniture from the house at the Edison Bridge. “From ‘the good old days,’ ” she sniffed with a dismissive wave. In louvered shade, in the hum of fans, the room was dark and silent like a funeral parlor, as if somewhere within Banker Langford lay in state.

In a formal portrait, proud-bosomed Carrie in white evening gown made a handsome subject, and Walter in a suit of houndstooth tweed appeared portly and prosperous. His hairline, slicked back hard, was rapidly receding, but his eager amiability seemed undiminished. He did not look the least bit like a man whose liver would fail for good just three years later.

Lucius took a hard chair near the door in sign that his visit would be brief; to reassure her, he perched forward on the chair edge, poised for flight. On the sofa, hands folded on her lap, Carrie shrugged off his civilities as he struggled to explain what he’d been up to. “I thought you’d like to know that Papa’s bad reputation was much exaggerated-”

“So you’ve always claimed. That why you’ve come?”

“That’s my excuse. I wanted to see you-”

She checked him again.

“I wanted to see you,” he insisted when she closed her eyes. “Though I’ve never been sure how welcome I would be. I thought you and Eddie-”

“We don’t consult about you, Lucius.” Changing the subject, she asked crossly if he’d had any news of their young stepmother and her children. “I must say I thought less of Edna for running away before the burial, then changing the children’s names like that-”

She stopped, anticipating his frown of protest and accepting it; Carrie had no heart for unkindness. Then suddenly her defenses fell away. “You and Edna left. You never had to deal with those dreadful writers who pestered us year after year for yet another lurid article slapped together to make money with no regard for truth. And how often I thought”-here she looked up, close to tears-“if only I could talk with Lucius. I so hoped you’d come. You never did. The baby brother I adored lived only a few miles down the coast and never even came to Walter’s funeral, never bothered to inquire how his sister might be getting on.”

“Carrie? I came. I arrived late-”

“Of course you did. I hardly saw you.” She paused to compose herself. “I got almost no help from Walter’s partners and would not accept it from others-not even my own brothers, had they offered it, which they did not. For different reasons, of course. You, at least, were generous when you had anything, which was almost never.” She was teasing now, yet unready to be mollified.

With parents and husband dead, with Rob and Lucius vanished from her life and her two girls married, Eddie was all she had left in the way of family. Fortunately, she added with a little smile, Eddie adored her.

“Kindred spirits,” Lucius suggested.

Carrie cocked her head, elevating her eyebrows. “Let’s just say,” she reproved him gently, “that dear Eddie feels a bit more kindred to his sister’s spirit than she feels to his.

“Though Eddie can be very courtly, don’t forget,” she added dutifully when Lucius smiled. “Mama taught him manners and he has his own peculiar charm, at least he used to. But because of Papa, the poor stick is always out to prove something, make a good impression. You suppose that’s why he never dared to drink?” She shrugged, not much interested. “You were the opposite, of course-quiet, a bit pensive, but when you grinned, you really grinned, and your eyes sparkled.” That memory made her smile herself and he was smiling with her. “See?” she laughed gaily, pointing at his eyes. “As a boy, you were very handsome, Lucius. You still are. And you drank too much. All the Watsons were handsome”-she took a deep hard breath-“and they all drank too much. Myself included. And I married another handsome drunk while I was at it.”


“Well, I’ve made my own way and the girls have married well so we came out all right. But last year I was pretty ill, and I thought, Damn it, I’m not going, not before I see my little brother. I wanted you to come for Christmas, a real visit, but Eddie reported that you were drinking and all you wanted was to rot on your old boat. He said you stayed away because you thought your Fort Myers family was ashamed of you. That broke my heart.”

Though Lucius had never said any such thing to Eddie, he knew that, in the past, he might have intimated that idea to others; he did not defend himself. He rose, saying, “I’m sorry, Carrie.”

“Oh, don’t go, sweetheart, please don’t go. I won’t make you feel guilty anymore, I promise.” With a warm smile, she patted the cushion beside her, but when he sat down, both felt so shy that she jumped up and brought him family photographs. “My wild cracker cowboy became so darned dignified. Our little girls asked if their daddy’s pajamas had starched collars!”

Carrie read aloud from a school report that little Faith had written about her grandpa the year after he died: “ ‘I remember Grandpa’s ginger brows: he looked like he was filled with fire. He always had a nice warm smell of wisky…’ ” Carrie smiled fondly at her brother. “Papa would perch one child on each knee and tell them about the big old owl who lived on Chatham Bend. Then he would pop his eyes open like… THIS!” She popped her eyes at Lucius and her clear peal of delight brought childhood back and with it something of their old affection for their father and each other.