39701.fb2 Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq and Afghanistan - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 164

Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Iraq and Afghanistan - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 164

June 12A MOTHER’S PRAYERCarol Pinkerton-Ewens

I’ll never forget the day Elisha, not yet twenty-one years old, left for Iraq. Once he was on his way, I wrote these thoughts and prayer to the Lord, which I have continued to pray for each of my sons:

January 23, 2004

I watched Eli leave today, held him in my arms for the last time until we meet again, either in another year, or in our next life. He showed no fears, no worries, and only spoke to encourage me and lessen my fears. He has grown up so much, become a man in such a short time. I held my tears while saying goodbye, knowing that he was more worried about my feelings than his own, but inside, I felt those many months of separation looming and allowed each hug to settle deep in my memory.

I just sent my son off to war, to the danger of losing his life from an enemy who hates him and wants him dead, my blessed affectionate caring son.

Blessed Be Your Name, Lord

I trust you to walk alongside my soldier son, Elisha, as he heads to a battle, not of his own making.

Bless Elisha’s courage and stalwartness, as he continues to be more concerned about other’s feelings and fears than his own.

I ask you to protect Elisha’s heart, his mind, and his relationship with you. I ask you to be present with him on a daily basis.

Please allow Elisha to see you in the faces of all he meets, even those he fights against, and let him feel you beside him during times of danger and fear.

I entrust my son’s heart to you. I ask you to be the guardian of his emotional, spiritual, and physical state, and his eternal life with You.

For I believe you are his Savior, his Protector, his Tower of Strength and Refuge in times of trouble.

Lord, bring peace to the troubled region and peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, and bring this soldier safely home.


Father, remind me to pray the spiritual health of my loved ones at least as often as I bring their physical hardships before you.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.” (Isaiah 41:10)